英语人>词典>汉英 : 致命性 的英文翻译,例句
致命性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brittleness  ·  fatalness  ·  truculency

更多网络例句与致命性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Political and military reflexes to match the worldwide impact of the sophistication and deadliness of this assault .


And beyond fish, there are scores of other foods whose deadliness equals their deliciousness, including commonly served fruits and vegetables that come with a sickening kick.


Notable serious adverse events included culture-negative septic arthritis in a subject receiving leflunomide and fatal disseminated histoplasmosis considered unrelated to rAAV2-TNFR:Fc in a subject receiving adalimumab.

其他的严重不良反应包括1例服用来氟米特患者出现培养阴性的化脓性关节炎、1例用阿达木单抗治疗患者出现致命性播散性组织胞浆菌病(与 rAAV2-TNFR:Fc 无关)。

We report two cases of nasal T/NK cell lymphoma with the unique feature of a crusted necrotic ulcer surrounded by erythematous infiltrative rim at midfacial region, clinically presented as so-called lethal midline granuloma.

我们提出两侧鼻部 T/NK细胞淋巴瘤,临床表现为所谓的致命性中线肉芽肿,病人在脸部的中央有一坏死结痂的溃疡,周围有红的浸润性病灶。

Incidence of nonfatal and fatal stroke and new-onset diabetes were also lower in the losartan group.


Early invasive strategy can significantly reduce the incidence of nonfatal myocardial infarction and total cardiovascular events in patients with ACS.


The primary outcome was the first occurrence of nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes.


During follow-up, 436 incident CHD cases (298 nonfatal CHD and 138 fatal CHD events) were ascertained.


All cases of MAS were included except cases of cyanotic congenital heart disease or congenital fetal anomaly.


Analysis shows that the proposed modeling method has the following advantages,(1) the aircraft or component geometry is approximated by finite element patches, which may well reflect the reality,(2) the liquid model is considered,(3) critical and noncritical component are modeled separately, so as to reduce the human errors, and (4) it has good interface with the commonly used finite element modeling software, which may reduce the repetitive work.


更多网络解释与致命性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Bloody Vomit吐血:增加致命性和傳染性. | Bloodletter:增加致命性和傳染性. | Decomposer腐爛:增加致命性和傳染性.

lethal catatonia:致命性紧张症

lethal 致命的 | lethal catatonia 致命性紧张症 | lethal factor 致死因素


Stealthy秘密的:降低疾病明顯性. | Harmless無害的:降低疾病致命性. | Immune免疫的:疾病能免疫各種疫苗.

life-threatening asthma:致命性哮喘

life-sustaining therapy 生命维持治疗 | life-threatening asthma 致命性哮喘 | limited resection 局限性切除

Nonfatal Injury:非致命性的伤害

Non-Cutoff type NC/O 无遮蔽型 | Nonfatal Injury 非致命性的伤害 | Nonhomogeneous flow 不同流向的车流;非均质车流

Head Popper:增加致命性和傳染性

Immune免疫的:疾病能免疫各種疫苗. | Head Popper:增加致命性和傳染性. | CANADA =>加拿大

Bloody Vomit:吐血:增加致命性和傳染性

Durable持久的:環境適應力好的. | Bloody Vomit吐血:增加致命性和傳染性. | Bloodletter:增加致命性和傳染性.


fatallymortallyperniciouslypestilently 致命地 | fatalness 致命性 | fated 受命运支配的

fatalness:危险性; 致命性 (名)

fatally 致命地; 不幸地; 宿命地 (副) | fatalness 危险性; 致命性 (名) | fatback 背部肥肉 (名)

Cruel Intentions:致命性游戏

<<致命性游戏>>(Cruel Intentions)思路/1080p[Blu-ray]<<致命性游戏>>是小说<<危险关系>>第四次被搬上银幕. 1959年,法国导演罗杰.瓦迪姆拍摄了现代版的<<危险关系>>,由杰拉.菲利普和让娜.莫罗主演. 1985年,