英语人>词典>汉英 : 致冷 的英文翻译,例句
致冷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Due to the advantages of light weight, cryogen needlessness and low cost, the uncooled infrared focal plane arrays is rapidly developing for wide commercial and military applications.


Magnetic refrigerant material is the core of magneto-cooling technique.


In order to control the temperature of the laser-diode ,a semiconductor cooler ——— PELTIER is applied and the technique of fuzzy and PI control method are adopted either.

利用半导体致冷器对大功率激光二极管进行致冷和精密温控,采用模糊控制与PI 控制相结合的方法,构造了激光二极管的全固态致冷系统。

In this system, the mathematic model of infrared thermometry calculation is established, and appropriate formulas for error analysis and calculation are obtained.


As a new technological refrigerant instrument with high functional reliability and pollution-free, semi-conductor refrigerant instrument can be extensively used in small-power temperature-control system, such as automobile cold-hot bin ,cold-hot drinking trough and refrigeration of chips in microcomputer, etc.


Application: CFC-11 is a refrigerant(0℃ to 10℃grade )applied in the air conditioners with centrifugal, cyclo compressors, It is also used as foaming agent for polyurethane foam.

主要用途: CFC-11是一种高温致冷剂,能使环境温度控制在0~10℃之间。主要用于离心式、回旋式压缩机空调制冷装置中的致冷剂,还大量用作聚氨脂泡沫塑料的发泡剂。

Authorities, is a pollution-free, noise-free new refrigeration technology, has reached The international advanced level products, has developed more than 40 kinds of products, 80 percent of exports abroad, mainly used for drinking fountains, car refrigerator, cosmetics frozen refrigerator, infrared detector, thermostat bath, CCD camera, computer chips cool, Dewpoint meter, portable and well-being of me, automotive refrigerators, medical and biological equipment, Dehumidifier, electronic air conditioning, and so on.


A refrigerant is circulated in a closed cycle through the first heat exchanger to heat the PLNG, through a pump (36) to pressurize the refrigerant, through a second heat exchanger to vaporize the refrigerant, and through a work-producing device (37) to generate energy.


The paper showed a set of temperature detecting and control system based on singlechip digital temperature sensor and solid relay.


Firstly the article briefly introduces the basic principle, the key technology of magnetic refrigeration and the development of magnetic refrigerants.


更多网络解释与致冷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adiabatic expansion cooling:绝热膨胀致冷

"绝热膨胀","adiabatic expansion" | "绝热膨胀致冷","adiabatic expansion cooling" | "绝热指数","adiabatic exponent"

CFC chlorofluorocarbons:含氯氟烃(氟属致冷剂)

56 CAT carburetor air temperature 化油器空气温度 | 57 CFC chlorofluorocarbons 含氯氟烃(氟属致冷剂) | 58 CFRC carbon fiber friction material 碳纤维摩擦材料

chiller plant:致冷设备;制冷设备

chiller 冷冻机 | chiller plant 致冷设备;制冷设备 | chimney 烟囱;烟沟

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji:发明激光致冷,奠定分子激光技术

Paul Samuelson(鲍尔.萨缪尔森):分析经济学,宏观经济学宗师,首位诺贝尔经济学奖得 | Claude Cohen-Tannoudji:发明激光致冷,奠定分子激光技术 | Stanley Cohen:实验胚胎学大师,生长因子发现者

cryogen cooling sytem:致冷系统

cryogen 冷陈剂 | cryogen cooling sytem 致冷系统 | cryogenic coller 位温致冷

refrigerant circuit:致冷剂回路

refrigerant 致冷剂(雪种) | refrigerant circuit 致冷剂回路 | refrigeration compressor 致冷压缩器

refrigerant fluid:致冷液

refrigerant compressor 冷冻剂压缩机 | refrigerant fluid 致冷液 | refrigerant gas for cooling motor 冷却电动机用冷煤气

refrigeration compressor:致冷压缩器

refrigerant circuit 致冷剂回路 | refrigeration compressor 致冷压缩器 | refrigeration plant 冷藏设备;冷凝装置

refrigeration cycle:致冷循环

refrigeration 致冷 | refrigeration cycle 致冷循环 | regelation 复冰


reflection 反射 | refrigerants 致冷劑(冷媒) | refrigerators 冷凍機,冰箱