英语人>词典>汉英 : 致免疫力 的英文翻译,例句
致免疫力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与致免疫力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the NP concentration exceeds 0.025 mg/L, the stability of DNA strands in shellfish will be affected and there will be a risk of carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and teratogenesis. Human health will also be affected due to seafood consumption. On the other hand, the DNA damage level and migration length show some difference among shellfish, oyster and clam exposed to the same nonylphenol concentration. This is because different shellfish species have different immunity to NP.


Transfer factor is a dialysable extract of sensitised leukocytes.


Adoptive immunotherapy is to sensitized lymphocytes, or the product of sensitized lymphocytes (such as transfer factor and immune RNA, etc.) lost to cellular immune function, to obtain anti-tumor immunity ...


更多网络解释与致免疫力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


immunogenicity 免疫原性 | immunogenicity 致免疫力 | immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白

immunogenicity:致免疫力 免疫发生 免疫原性

immunogenic 致免疫的 | immunogenicity 致免疫力 免疫发生 免疫原性 | immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白 丙种球蛋白

secondary pulmonary tuberculosis:继发性肺结核

下叶上部近胸膜处-通气好,细菌直接到达该处 ② 1~1.5cm灰白炎性病灶 ③ 病灶中心干酪样坏死 ④ 机体缺乏免疫力,病灶内有游离和被巨噬细胞吞噬的结核杆菌,很快进入淋巴管-到所属肺门淋巴结(二)继发性肺结核(secondary pulmonary tuberculosis) 再次感染结核菌所致,


第三及第四咽囊 ( pharyngeal pouch )之发育异常所致 . 病患因为缺乏 T淋巴球 , 故细胞媒介免疫力极差 , 亦受病毒和霉菌感染 . 除此之外 ,通常会因副甲状腺发育不全而导致低血钙症 ( hypocalemia ) 及强直痉挛 ( tetany).


在细胞内可形成多个虫体的集合体,称假包囊(pseudocyst)囊内的个体即滋体或速殖子,为急性期病例的常见形态. 宿主细胞破裂后滋养体散出再侵犯其他组织细胞,如此反复增殖,可致宿主死亡但更多见的情况是宿主产生免疫力,使原虫繁殖减慢,