英语人>词典>汉英 : 致使 的英文翻译,例句
致使 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lead  ·  render  ·  result  ·  results  ·  renders  ·  resulted

更多网络例句与致使相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The water left a mark on the silk dress; Her blood left a stain on the napkin.


Causative is an important language category and it indicates that the causer impose s force on the causee, and therefore engenders certain result at the same time.


Causative is an important language category and it represents that the causer imposes force on the causee, and therefore engenders certain result at the same time.


Causative is in semantic relation category and it represents that the causer imposess a force on the cause, and therefore engenders certa in result at the same time.


On the basis of the supposition that the causative structures are composed of two propositions, one of which is causer, the other is the result, we adopted Dowty's bisentential analysis to describe and interpret Chinese causative structures in the framework of Minimalist Program.


The analytical type also includes thecausative structures such as "-ke hata","-sikhita" etc.

文中将朝鲜语致使结构分为分析型、形态型、词汇型三类,分析型还包括"-ke hata"致使结构、"-sikhita"致使结构等。

This study clearly showed that mosaic variation was caused by chlorophyll deficiency mutation of shoot tip histogen layer-Ⅱ;tissue and organs originated from the layer-Ⅱ couldn't synthetize chlorophyll,thus induced albino; the albino variation appeared yellow green mosaic because layer-Ⅱ was displaced by layer-Ⅲ partly.

研究表明,其变异原因是由于茎尖分生组织的L -Ⅱ组织原层发生失绿突变,致使其衍生的组织和器官不能合成叶绿素,从而形成白化现象;又由于L -Ⅱ与L -Ⅲ组织原层层间发生部分代换,致使白化突变呈黄绿镶嵌的花斑。

By applying Talmy's semantic theory of causation, this paper divides the Ba-construction into five categories in terms of its semantic structure, namely, the causing-event Ba-construction, the agent Ba-construction, the author Ba-construction, the instrument Ba-construction, and the undergoer Ba-construction, the major type of which is subdivided into some smaller groups according by their syntactic structures.


Under the guidance of Three-Dimensional Grammar, this dissertation gives a full and systemic analysis of the causatives in modern Chinese, concentrating on its syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features.


The main body of the thesis focuses five parts:the first part gives a brief explain to the bound,aim,meaning and acutuality of the research;the second part compares the transforming process and the syntactic features of the components of Chinese causatives and English causatives;the third part compares the semantic features and the Sentence Model of Chinese causatives and English causatives;the fourth part compares the pragmatic features of Chinese causatives and English causatives in terms of the action of the mark,and try to explain the results with cognitive theory; the last part sums up the whloe thesis.


更多网络解释与致使相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

back of:在...后边 支持; 帮助 致使(发生); 起因于

back into 倒车撞上(某物) | back of 在...后边 支持; 帮助 致使(发生); 起因于 | back off (车辆等)向后退 放弃原来立场; 让步; 食言


此外,WordNet包含从致使(causative)动词和及物动词,到相应的非致使动词和不及物动词的CAUSE语义关系指针. 这主要出现在变化动词中. 例如blacken, develop, break, shrink等.

causative construction:致使结构

致病药物:causative agents | 致使结构:causative construction | 应用:usage.

knock sb/sth into a cocked hat"=defeat completely; cause to fail:击溃;致使失败

She kept an ear cocked for the sound of Joe's key in the front d... | 6."knock sb/sth into a cocked hat"=defeat completely; cause to fail 击溃;致使失败 | He'll knock all the other competitors into a co...

nail in the coffin:棺材钉子(致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素)

my old man 我的老头(我父亲) | nail in the coffin 棺材钉子(致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素) | neck and neck 马脖子靠着马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾)

nail in the coffin:致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素

my old man 我父亲 | nail in the coffin 致使的一击,决定成败的最重要因素 | neck and neck 齐头并进,不分轩轾

nail in the coffin:棺材钉子(致使的一击,决定成败的最很重要因素)

my old man 我的老头(我父亲) | nail in the coffin 棺材钉子(致使的一击,决定成败的最很重要因素) | neck and neck 马脖子靠着马脖子(齐头并进,不分轩轾)

has bled market share in recent years due to intense competition:近年竞争激烈,致使市场占有率下降

近年专注内地业务has focused his business on the mainland in recent years | 近年竞争激烈,致使市场占有率下降has bled market share in recent years due to intense competition | 信用卡公司card companies

nonlethal weapon:非致使武器

non-first use 不首先使用(核武器) | nonlethal weapon 非致使武器 | Chernobyl nuclear accident 切尔诺贝利核事故

shell tooth:薄壳牙:牙本质发育异常而釉质基本正常致使髓室及根管极度增大,牙如空壳状

screw-driver teeth 旋凿状牙:同Hutchinson餾 teeth | shell tooth 薄壳牙:牙本质发育异常而釉质基本正常致使髓室及根管极度增大,牙如空壳状 | snaggle tooth 凸牙,歪牙:在牙列中排列不整的牙