英语人>词典>汉英 : 致 的英文翻译,例句
致 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)

manner or style that engages attention or arouses interest
更多网络例句与致相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This thesis introduces the research history of sonoluminescence, the properties and equipments of single-bubble sonoluminescence and the factors affecting the amount of light emission. Based on the experimental realization of SBSL, the experiment in this thesis is to confirm the coherence between the emitting frequency and the driving cycle of SL. Under this feature ,we established the programme of the experiment that measure the angular correlations in SBSL , built the experimental devices and conducted initial measurements .Then we got the conclusion that there is a presence of non-spherical symmetry in the process of SBSL .


Results The extract of Huanglian Xiangru Decoction with different proportions of herbs could inhibit pathological changes in lung of mice caused by FM1 strain of Influenzavirus A and lower lung index, indicating anti-influenza activities in vivo with antifebrile effects on febrile rats caused by yeast, resistance to acute inflammation of auricular swelling of mice caused by paraxylene, decreasing writhing times of mice caused by glacial acetic acid, and increasing pain threshold of mice caused by hot plate.

结果 不同比例的黄连香薷饮提取物可明显抑制甲Ⅰ型流感病毒FM1株引起的小鼠肺部病变、降低肺指数,有体内抗流感病毒作用,对酵母所发热大鼠有退热作用,对二甲苯所小鼠耳廓肿胀有抗急性炎症的作用,有减少冰乙酸小鼠疼痛扭体次数和提高热板痛小鼠痛阈值的作用。

To observe pharmacological effects of Zangqingguo Houpian on antibacterial effect in vitro,2,4-dinitrophenol induced fever in rats,the croton oil induced swelling in mouse's ear and carrageen induced WBC movement in rat chest,rat granuloma induced by tampon,acetic-acid-induced twisting test in mouse and prednisolone acetate caused immunosuppressive mice.


It could also suppress paw edema induced by carrageenin in rat and writhing induced by acetic acid in mice, but has no effect on the ear swelling caused by dimethylbenzene and cotton granulation hyperplasia and latent period of pain reaction in tail immersion test in mice.


Methods Antipyretic action of CSC was observed on rabbit fever models induced by lipopolysaccharide and rat fever models induced by baker's yeast. Rat models with pedal swelling induced by carrageenin, mouse models with auricle swelling induced by dimethylbenzene and mouse models with celiac capillary hyperpermeability induced by acetic acid were used to observe the anti- inflammatory action of CSC. Its acute toxicity in mice was also evaluated.


Five novel torsion-mirror optical actuators including double-beam thickness differential structure with single torsional axis, double flexible folded-beam structure with single torsional axis, double-beam vertical torsion comb structure with single torsion axis, four-beam differential compound-micromirror structure with double torsional axis and the combined structure of the four basis forms above, are brought forward. All of these devices could be fabricated by the same silicon micromachining process we have developed. The deformation compensation design with local enhancement for the thin torsional beam which is the key structure of these devices is also put forward to improve the reliability. The three-dimension solid model and two-dimension reduced order model of the torsion-mirror optical actuator are established and then the numerical simulations for evaluating the device characteristics of the statics, dynamics, electrostatic field, mechanical and electrostatic coupling, fluid and solid coupling are carried out to optimize the structure design. Furthermore, three optical fibre clamping structures which could be integrated monolithicly are designed and analyzed to improve the optical coupling capability. 4. Three flexible process flows combined with bulk silicon micromachining and surface silicon micromachining are brought forward to fabricate these novel single-crystal silicon or polysilicon torsion-mirror optical actuators by using the same lithography masks for both SOI wafer and regular silicon wafer. A series of important process experiments are carried out to optimize the process parameters and the process flows. Some novel and typical process phenomena which occurred during the microfabrication are analyzed and then the corresponding solutions are put forward. 5. A MEMS dynamic testing system which exploit blur image synthetic technique, stroboscopic image matching technique, stroboscopic mirau microscopic interferometry technique and microscopic laser dopper vibrometer technique is set up to measure three-dimension and six-freedom micro motions of any MEMS devices with nanometer resolution.

在对硅微机械扭转镜光动器的光机电特性系统地理论研究的基础上提出了硅微机械扭转镜光动器的结构设计准则。3、提出了单轴双梁厚度差分结构、单轴双柔性折叠梁结构、单轴双梁垂直扭转梳齿结构、双轴四梁差动复合微镜结构以及以上四种基本结构组合后的衍生结构等五种工艺加工技术兼容的新型的硅微机械扭转镜光动器,对器件关键结构薄厚度、高耐疲劳扭转梁进行了局部加强的变形补偿设计,建立了器件的三维实体模型以及两维降阶模型,对提出的新结构硅微机械扭转镜光动器进行了系统的静力学、动力学、静电场、力电耦合和流体固体耦合的建模仿真与优化设计,同时设计并分析了三种可实现单芯片集成的弹性光纤定位夹紧结构。4、提出了组合体硅微加工技术与表面硅微加工技术、兼容同一套光刻版图、可分别基于SOI 晶片和普通Si 晶片、适应于制造提出的各种新结构单晶硅和多晶硅硅微机械扭转镜光动器的三套柔性加工工艺流程,开展了一系列重要工艺步骤的单项工艺试验,对工艺流程与工艺参数进行了优化,针对加工过程中出现的具有普遍意义的典型工艺问题进行了讨论和分析,并提出了解决方法。5、创新性地将模糊图像合成技术、频闪图像匹配技术、频闪Mirau 显微干涉技术与显微激光多普勒测振技术有机结合,建立起了一套周期运动测量与瞬态运动测量相结合、单点运动测量与全视场运动测量相结合、满足不同MEMS 器件各种动态测试要求的集成的MEMS 三维六自由度微运动精密测量系统。

RESULT: In vitro, TISE at the concentrations of 760 and 380 mgL-1 had significant antagonistic effect on the normal bronchus slice contraction caused by histamine as well as on the sensitized bronchus slice contraction caused by egg albumin, but had no effect on the contraction caused by acetylcholine. in vivo, TISE at doses of 25 and 18 mgkg-1 could significantly prolong the latent period of expiratory dyspnea, tic and falling down caused by egg albumin in sensitized guinea pigs.

结果:离体实验,TISE 760,380 mgL-1对组胺正常豚鼠气管片的收缩具有对抗作用,对卵白蛋白所敏豚鼠支气管平滑肌收缩有极显著的抑制作用(P<0.01),而对乙酰胆碱所气管片收缩无明显影响;整体实验,TISE 25,18 mgkg-1可显著延长卵白蛋白所敏豚鼠呼吸困难、抽搐和跌倒的潜伏期(P<0.01)。

Habit of drinking spirits, and wine every易致wet heat, hot wind, which in the early use of high blood pressure medicine Qinggan Xifeng type of drink such as rattan gastrodin drink, venetum films Naoliqing, Qingkailing have better efficacy; because cold north, the performance of the more prominent寒凝Blood, so in winter, the appropriate use of blood can help blood pressure medicine.


The aerostatic bearing levitates the actuating rod with four radial air inlets on each side. The frictionless aerostatic guide can improve the actuating rod is electromagnetically driven by a fixed solenoid and a actuating solenoid. Through adjusting the axial position of the actuating solenoid, the actuating stroke can be fine regulated.


The results showed that there existed significant difference in RAPD between different biotypes as well as among individual BPHs, and genetic purifying could lessen this difference in the level of individuals but not in the level of biotypes.


更多网络解释与致相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

compact support:紧[致]台

紧[]空间 compact space | 紧[]台 compact support | 紧[]化;紧包 compactification


紧[]空间 compact space | 紧[]台 compact support | 紧[]化;紧包 compactification

Pyrogenic exotoxin:致热外毒素

溶解红细胞慢于SLO 对O2稳定的 所 溶解红细胞慢于 exotoxin) (2)热外毒素(pyrogenic exotoxin) 热外毒素( 是人类猩红热的主要毒性物质 所疾病 A群链球菌为主,占90% 群链球菌为主, 群链球菌为主 1,化脓性 , 局部痈,脓肿 局部痈,

ionizing power:致电离能力,致电离本领

ionized layer 电离层 | ionizing power 电离能力,电离本领 | ionizing radiation 电离辐射

photodisintegration:光致分裂 光致蜕变

photodiodesensor 光电二极管传感器 | photodisintegration 光分裂 光蜕变 | photodissociation 光离解 光解离 光解作用 光离解 光离解作用


发光包括光吸收、能量传递、光发射等过程,这些过程与材料结构、成分及环境原子排列有关,光发光技术[简介]光发光(photoluminescence) 光发光(photoluminescence) 材料通过吸收光子产生激发态的辐射跃迁.

endogenous pyrogen:内源性(致)热原

剧烈运动、劳动或进餐后体温也略升高,妇女在月经前及妊娠期稍高于正常,但一般波动范围不超过1℃. 在热原的作用下,机体的产热大于散热时就会表现为发热. 热原可分为外源性热原(exogenous pyrogen)和内源性热原(endogenous pyrogen).

endogenous pyrogen:内生致热原

许多外热原是通过激活产热原细胞,产生和释放内生热原(endogenous pyrogen)的物质称为发热激活物,包括外热原(exogenous pyrogen)和某些体内产物.

exogenous pyrogen:外源性致热源

发热的发生机制1.多数患者的发热是由于热源所,热源包括外 源性和内源性两大类.1)外源性热源(exogenous pyrogen)如微生物病原体及其产物、炎症渗出物、无菌性坏 死组织、抗原抗体复合物等,不能直接作用于体 温调节中枢,

single renvoi:单一反致

完全反或双重反是相对部分反(partial renvoi)或单一反(single renvoi)而言的. 完全反是英国冲突法中的一种独特做法,故又叫做"英国反学说"(English doctrine of renvoi). 完全反是指英国法院的法官在处理某一案件时,