英语人>词典>汉英 : 至于... 的英文翻译,例句
至于... 的英文翻译、例句


as for... · as to...
更多网络例句与至于...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As for me, it is with a clear conscience that I go to meet my Maker.


This article will give you a few pointers as to why it''s not working for you.


As to the reason of affix one's seal, gu Min countryside says, because " 3 · 15 " the website is disappear of free conduct propaganda appoint, regard news as media, conduct propaganda should pay fee, but disappear appoint did not pay fee, here the circumstance falls, to support them, published a file to give support, Occurrence what violates compasses illegal thing in this process as to him, we want to investigate.


As to the formation and evolution of the motives in classical fictions, our viewpoints are: the FuXi custom had engendered an extremely rich repertory of motives, such as JianDi pregnancy legend in the Shang Dynasty, which was the earliest form of the "Swan Maiden" type stories in the world. This type of the story later in the Jin Dynasty evolved into the Maiden-bird type story, which again involved into many other stories in which maidens took the shape of an egret, a swallow, a snail, a tigress, a fairy maiden or a girl in lotus leaves. The custom of HanShi or QingMing may be embodied in the stories about encountering with a girl reviving from a tomb. The dragon in classical fictions may be disguised into an ox or trees, whose fight on fifth of May was a counterevidence of DuanWu.


At the end of March, our class organization must go to outdoors camp cooking each person to pay 100 Yuan, so-called is the return excess, we specially have also hired accountant ha, we must go the place is Beijing Huairou zone Tang Yunong the courtyard, we decided beforehand Friday embarks Saturday in the afternoon comes back, as soon as the preparation needs to live in the agricultural courtyard sleeps, the rent is in any case inexpensive,(lives in a late each talented person 10 Yuan), is inexpensive, because we rest is the ridge which puts,(did not know that you understand), the major activity is fishing, bakes, bakes inside this compared to fishing is interested, today weThe thing which "the collection" we need to outside, the thing which the fishing pole, the fish food and so on a series of fishing need, moreover we also bought several night light fishing to float, we prepared in the evening also to fish, stimulation ha…As for the thing which bakes we had decided that good will be this week buys next week buys, this week bought the meat words to fear that next week will roast has not been delicious, next week will buy does not fear the time, because our week 5 were on vacation from school embarks fundamentally has not had the time, therefore we very difficult to decide…This must be decided in our class "the board of directors" the decision, after having gone to result words that to let everybody and so on meet, because our in March 28 talents embark, must know that result that wanted the April's first week to issue diary again


Pulling as for when the girl lonesomely soon, as for the tobacco it became her faithful audience, that her heart, you understand it disappears without either the last marks!


Third movements in these concertos are very special because the music, they were inspired by polish folk music...so for example the F-minor concerto we have Mazurka and in E-minor concerto we can hear the rhythm which is very typical of polish dance Krakowiak ...

至于这两个挺特殊的最后乐章,两个都是具有相当的波兰元素。在F小调的钢协我们可以听到马祖尔卡而至于E��调的,我们可以找到Krakowiak (勇士舞,具体是什么东西我不知道)的节奏。

As to this bilingual blog, it's borrowed from a friend of mine, who's using English and Japanese to publish his blogs, and claims that it'll be trilingual within 5 years, using English, Japanese and Chinese. I really love his bilingual design, and also want to beat him for his 5-year plan. so I decided from now on, if it's not a long entry, I'll do it bilingually. another purpose is also to let my friends who doesn't know English to read my blog. as to the long entries, or something that I can't find a proper interpretation of either language, then I'll use the one that I feel most comfortable. how about the one about anime and/or manga?


At the end of March, our class organization must go to outdoors camp cooking each person to pay 100 Yuan, so-called is the return excess, we specially have also hired accountant ha, we must go the place is Beijing Huairou zone Tang Yunong the courtyard, we decided beforehand Friday embarks Saturday in the afternoon comes back, as soon as the preparation needs to live in the agricultural courtyard sleeps, the rent is in any case inexpensive,(lives in a late each talented person 10 Yuan), is inexpensive, because we rest is the ridge which puts,(did not know that you understand), the major activity is fishing, bakes, bakes inside this compared to fishing is interested, today weThe thing which "the collection" we need to outside, the thing which the fishing pole, the fish food and so on a series of fishing need, moreover we also bought several night light fishing to float, we prepared in the evening also to fish, stimulation ha…As for the thing which bakes we had decided that good will be this week buys next week buys, this week bought the meat words to fear that next week will roast has not been delicious, next week will buy does not fear the time, because our week 5 were on vacation from school embarks fundamentally has not had the time, therefore we very difficult to decide…This must be decided in our class "the board of directors" the decision, after having gone to result words that to let everybody and so on meet, because our in March 28 talents embark, must know that result that wanted the April's first week to issue diary again


For whole categories that we suggest you avoid, we will continue to conduct broad tastings and we'll let you know when it's safe to go back into those waters.


更多网络解释与至于...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apropos of:关于, 至于

apple of one's eye 眼珠,比喻 珍爱之物,掌上明珠" | apropos of 关于,至于 | Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?

as far as ...be concerned:关于在,至于,就...而言

as for 至于,��...方面说 | as far as...be concerned 关于在,至于,��...而言 | as if 好像,仿佛

so far as ... be concerned:关于; 至于; 就...而言

as far as... be concerned 关于; 至于; ���...而言 | so far as... be concerned 关于; 至于; ���...而言 | be concerned about 关心

as regards:关于,至于

refer to sb. as 把...称作 . | as regards 关于,至于 . | with regard to 关于,至于 .

as regards: about, concerning:至于,就......而论

as regards:about,concerning至于,��......而论 | as regard to关于,至于 | but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有.....(帮助或障碍等);要不是

for the rest:至于其余,至于其它

with respect to 关于,至于 . | for the rest 至于其余,至于其它 . | rest on 依赖,依据;信赖 .

without question:关于,至于

with regard to 关于,至于 | without question 关于,至于, | with the exception of 除...之外

With regard to:关于,至于

as regards 关于,至于 . | with regard to 关于,至于 . | without regard to 不考虑,不顾到 .

with regard to About:至于

with respect to 假如...将咋了样 | with regard to About,至于 | lacking question About,至于,

with respect to:关于,至于

pay respect to 考虑,关心,重视 . | with respect to 关于,至于 . | for the rest 至于其余,至于其它 .