英语人>词典>汉英 : 臭鼬 的英文翻译,例句
臭鼬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与臭鼬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the weather is warm, the choir loft window was open, when the smell of rotten weasel reached the church, the pastor of an unprecedented platform to shorten the time of his sermons.


There are two primary forms of rabies: urban rabies, spread by nonimmunized domestic dogs and cats and rural rabies spread by the skunk, fox, raccoon, bat, and occasionally livestock.


If eggs survive coons, skunks, and moles, hatchlings must still run a gantlet of crows, bullfrogs, and snakes.


Linxia basin of Late Miocene fauna Hipparion to Rhizomys, porcupine, the original skunk, saber-toothed tiger, after the cat, hyena, elephant teeth Schnabelia, Hipparion, big lips rhinoceros, hornless rhinoceros, board rhinoceros tooth, the amount of nasal angle rhinoceros, weak hunt pigs, pig jaw arch, Nanji, ancestral deer, giraffes, antelope and other麝niu and the most abundant fossils in its quantity and quality, not only over the powder and Fugu, over the Europe's most famous, is located in Greece, samospi ke mi and location.


If Fido has an unpleasant encounter with an ornery skunk, here are some ways to help him get rid of the smell


The results showed that Mephitinae was divided from Mustelidae firstly,and then the remain were divided into two branches.Martes species and Wolverine were contained in one branch which was formed a sister group with Eurasian badger of Melinae;Lutrinae species and Polecat of Mustelidae formed a sister group,and Marbled polecat was sister to the clade of Lutrinae species and Polecat.They formed another branch.Eurasian badger has the closest relationship with the Sable of Martes,and Lutrinae has the closest relationship with Mustelidae.


A stunk made a bad smell in our yard last night.


All Mustelidae family members can spray musk, but skunks are famously the most potent.


"We have a skunk in the basement," shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher.

臭鼬 &我们的地下室里有一只臭鼬,&打电话的人对警察调度员尖叫道。

This group includes skunks, otters, minks, polecats, badgers and, of course, wolverines.


更多网络解释与臭鼬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


臭鼬亚科 Mephitinae | 臭鼬属 Mephitis | 臭鼬 M.mephitis

Mephitis mephitis:条纹臭鼬

在美国,条纹臭鼬(Mephitis mephitis)是平原地区和加利福尼亚地区的主要宿主;浣熊(Procyon lotor)则是从大西洋沿岸到阿巴拉契亚山脉的主要宿主. 此外,还涉及灰狐(Urocyon19世纪后半叶,为了控制鼠害,人们将印度小猫鼬(Herpestes auropunctatus)从南亚引入到加勒比海的大多数岛屿.


zori 草鞋 | zoril 臭鼬 | zorille 臭鼬动物

Suncus murinus:臭 鼬

北小麝鼬 Crocidurasrd aueolerts | 臭 鼬 Suncus murinus | 鼹 科 Talpidae

Spilogale putorius:斑点臭鼬

斑点臭鼬(属) Spilogale | 斑点臭鼬 Spilogale putorius | 痣 spiloma; spilus; nevus


臭鼬 M.macroura | 斑臭鼬属 Spilogale | 斑臭鼬 S.putorius


钉刺鱼类 spikefishes | 斑点臭鼬(属) Spilogale | 斑点臭鼬 Spilogale putorius


skunkoil 臭鼬油 | skunks 臭鼬臭石油 | sky 天 天空

Hog-nosed skunk:臭鼬科

Herpestes urva 棕簑貓(食蟹獴) | Mephitidae 臭鼬科 Hog-nosed skunk | Conepatus humboldtii 阿根廷臭鼬


zoril 臭鼬 | zorille 臭鼬动物 | Zoroastrianism 索罗亚斯德教