英语人>词典>汉英 : 自由意志 的英文翻译,例句
自由意志 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

free will · Freie Wille
更多网络例句与自由意志相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Quantum theory generalizes classical mechanics to provide accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained phenomena such as black body radiation and stable electron orbits .


Of Free Will they teach that man's will has some liberty to choose civil righteousness, and to work things subject to reason.


It could be compared to what a "hard determinist" might say about free will, namely we cannot help but feel we have it, but the feeling is mistaken.


It could be compared to what a "hard determinist" might say about free will, namely we cannot help but feel we have it, but the feeling is mistaken.14 There are two problems with this argument.


This paper analyzes Philo' s argument on free will and sin, elaborates why Divine Being could become the source of axiomatic self-deception, and indicates contributions from Hebrew and Hellenism on this topic.


When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect under standing has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.


Libertarianism, like hard-determinism, is based on the assumption that free will cannot exist in a deterministic universe


Free will: compatibilism, libertarianism, or no free will?


The thought of international politics of Niebuhr is Christian Realism, he strictly distinguished the morals of groups and the morals of individ ual.


However, there are distinctive differences between their theories. Firstly, thing-in-itself is not only the source but also the boundary of the knowledge in Kant's philosophy, whereas Mou Tsung-san annuls its epistemological meaning and regards it as a value concept. Secondly, the free will in Kant's theory can be speculated but cannot be proved, and therefore it's just a postulate. However, Mou Tsung-san considers the free will as the free and infinite mind, that is, a kind of real presentation. Thirdly, Kant holds that intellectual intuition is the patent for God instead of human beings, while Mou Tsung-san holds that it is a potential of human beings.


更多网络解释与自由意志相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

free verse:行动自由, 自由意志

n. 自由贸易 free agency | 行动自由, 自由意志 free verse | n.(不受格律约束的)自由诗体 free zone

free will:自由意志

其中较为熟知的乃为"豫定论" (predestination)与 "自由意志" (free will)--神救恩的拣选是预定了的, 还是人自由意志的选择. 以及耶稣的人性及神性--耶稣是完全的人子或是完全的神的儿子. 这两个议题的答案都是肯定的.

free will:自由意志;自愿

Free University Berlin;柏林自由大学;; | free will;自由意志;自愿;; | Free World Institute;自由世界学社;;


第二种观点称为"非决定论"或"自由意志论"(indeterminism),它认为,人与动物最大的不同就在于他有自由选择的能力. 我们必须先选择我们将要成为什么样的人,我们才会成为什么样的人,纯粹的个人存在只是"空无",我们的自由意志给它填充进"意义".



Free will: compatibilism, libertarianism, or no free will:[自由意志:相容论,自由论,或没有自由意志

6. External world: idealism, skepticism, or non-skeptical reali... | 7. Free will: compatibilism, libertarianism, or no free will? [自由意志:相容论,自由论,或没有自由意志?] | 8. God: theism or atheism? ...


volumometer 容量计 | voluntarily 以自由意志 | voluntariness 自由意志


voluntarily 以自由意志 | voluntariness 自由意志 | voluntarism 任意主义


voluntarily /自动地/以自由意志/ | voluntariness /任意/自由意志/随便/ | voluntarism /任意主义/唯意志论/

Free will and the Protestant Reformers:自由意志與新教改革者

Thomist and Molinist Theories thomist和molinist理論 | Free will and the Protestant Reformers自由意志與新教改革者 | Free Will in Modern Philosophy自由意志,在現代哲學