英语人>词典>汉英 : 自我中心主义者 的英文翻译,例句
自我中心主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
egotist  ·  egotists  ·  gotist

更多网络例句与自我中心主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Everything rotates around his little me, the others don't exist: not due to egoism, but due to a relationship with the world that marks infancy and that is commonly and synthetically defined as "childhood egocentrism". That is why, when faced with strong resistance by a child when we try to invite him to share his things, it is often useless to insist, even self-defeating to reproach him or punish him: learning to be with others requires "training".


He's an out-and-out egotist.


Adventurer, poet, mapmaker, and egotist are just a few of the labels that ap-ply to Smith, who earned a reputation as one of England's most famous explorers by helping to lead the first successful English colony in America.


He sees the child as an egocentric being, who socializes by decentring, verbally,morally, and even more so cognitively.


更多网络解释与自我中心主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can do wonders for your English:对你的英语大有好处

3. A hole in one. 一击命中. | 4. It can do wonders for your English. 对你的英语大有好处. | 5. He's an out-and-out egotist. 他是个不折不扣的自我中心主义者.


关于经济人"自私自利"(selfishess )、 "利己主义"(egoism)、"自我为中心"(self-centred)的解释,都把经济人归结为人性使然,是伦理学上的利己主义者. 即使斯密是基于人性论和伦理学提出经济人概念,人们在经济领域表现为经济人,

egoistic:自我中心的; 自私自利的 (形)

egoist 自我主义者 (名) | egoistic 自我中心的; 自私自利的 (形) | egoistical 自我中心的; 利已主义的; 自私自利的 (形)

egomaniac:极端利己主义者, 自大狂, 骄傲的人 (名)

egomania 极端利己, 自大狂 (名) | egomaniac 极端利己主义者, 自大狂, 骄傲的人 (名) | egotism 自负; 自私; 自我中心 (名)

She is a self-centered egomaniac:他是一个以自我为中心的极端利己主义者

6 I feel that she can see into my soul. 我感觉她能看穿我的心思. | 7 She is a self-centered egomaniac. 他是一个以自我为中心的极端利己主义者. | 8 That is self-defense. 那是正当防卫.




egotism 自我中心癖 | egotist 自我中心主义者 | egotisticegotisticalself-centeredself-interested 自我本位的

He's an out-and-out egotist:他是个不折不扣的自我中心主义者

4. It can do wonders for your English. 对你的英语大有好处. | 5. He's an out-and-out egotist. 他是个不折不扣的自我中心主义者. | 6. She's a real old battleaxe. 她是个泼妇.


egotist /自我中心主义者/ | egotistic /自我本位的/任性的/ | egotistical /自我本位的/任性的/

asocial a.1:缺乏社交性的,孤僻的,不合群的 2.反社会的 3.自我中心的, 自私的

compatible a.1.兼容的 2.能和睦相处的,合得来的 | *asocial a.1.缺乏社交性的,孤僻的,不合群的 2.反社会的 3.自我中心的, 自私的 | *anarchist n.无政府主义者