英语人>词典>汉英 : 自动作用 的英文翻译,例句
自动作用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

automatie action
更多网络例句与自动作用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the moral will in the will of the people the automatism result.


What might the nature of such automatism be?


The formal characteristic of the associational automatism to be considered is that events occur in chains.


Characteristic: 1st, when water flowing not the pressure damages; 2nd, non-contact induction signal sample; 3rd, guards against the dripping of a water clock, the size current capacity does not have the error; 4th, the installment does not divide the direction; 5th, table when assembly the disposable tack-dry, prevented cheats; 6th, can generate electricity the outer loop work to use electricity voluntarily, lengthens the battery period of revolution; 7th, the battery can replace voluntarily, the magcard box and the battery box are equipped with the self-locking security function; 8th, has the magnetization to guard against the boiler scale function; 9th, this table lifelong does not use the dial gauge; When 10th, this table uses in the natural gas and the liquid gas, whether there is can in the automatic detection room the air noxious gas, if has can start the exhaust fan automatically (exhaust fan switch with this table connection), and the automatic shut-off table valve, plays the safe role; When 11th, this table uses in the warm air, according to the temperature, the time, the area cost, the temperature could not achieve the stipulation cost, the user cannot act according to own current economic condition to open at will stops, and is equipped with the frostproof function, to does not need the warm air the heating equipment not to be able for a long time to ruin by freezing.


The working principle of a pump rod joint is to place the joint hoop bar stock into the stock bin. When the magic hand moves to the material receiving, with the help of gravity action, the bar stock automatically fall to the magic hand. When the pneumatic cylinder drives the magic hand to move to the designated location of the turning fixture, with the live center of the pneumatic tailstock automatically sent, the bar stock will be fixed between the apex of the lathe and the live center of the pneumatic tailstock. Then the magic hand automatically returns to the charging position with a single charging action completed, and prepares for the next charging.


The utility model is characterized in that a commonly used escalator which is formed by a plurality of active rundles and handrails is assembled on a vehicle, and the drive force of the escalator is suppplied by the vehicle through the mechanical transmission system; a mechanical transmission system is added in the vehicle and the mechanical transmission system mainly transmit the dynamic energy to the escalator carried on the vehicle, the rundles and the handrails can move in positive or opposite direction synchronously; a hydraulic power transmission system is added in the vehicle, and then the hydraulic power transmission system mainly transmit the dynamic energy to the escalator carried on the vehicle as well as related hydraulic power transmission devices or facilities; the whole vehicle-carrying escalator is supported by the supporting facilities, or the whole vehicle-carrying escalator moves upwards and downwards taking the axle direction which movably connects the lower end and the tail end of the vehicle as center.


On the base of the search model"s analyze, this article analyze and discuss the principle and implement of the fashion Search Engine"s several technology, for example Innernet"s Building, Chinese Syncopate, Auto-Briers Building, the Search Result"s Rank and Several Level Intellective Search Agent.Now, full-text search is a mature technology. Its searchs the all and the one is success. But its accuracy is lack. In fact, the two technologies(Chinese Syncopate and Auto-Briers Building) should be broke through. To Chinese Syncopate, this paper brings forward a new technology that the partial adjust will be brought into effect after the Chinese is syncopated and the notional document brief is put forward to Auto-Briefs Building.


By the automatic categorization, web pages is distinguishingly created into corresponding data bases according to category info, which improve recall and precision ration of Chinese search engine. In the meantime, automatic categorization info resource is established to provide category message catalog for users. In addition, the quality of automatic categorization in some measure has positive effect upon sequent relativity sort process.


In the experiment section, there"re three experiments investigating implicit attitude and dual-attitude model. In the first experiment, the author studies the effects of attitude strengthen on attitude"s automatic activation effect. In the second experiment , the author studies the effect of delay condition on the attitude"s automatic activation effect. Delay condition make experiment approach to mere exposure of attitude object, and two experiment demonstrate attitude"s automatic activation effect is the result of noncognitive processing.


The objections of this article were as follows: to study the actions of Resuscitable nasal drops against sleep deprivation; to explore the effecting mechanism of the new drug ;to evaluate the application of automatic sleep deprivation recorder in rats, in order to make it applied widely.


更多网络解释与自动作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


autoconduction 自体导电法 | autocorrelation 自相关作用,自动校正 | autocorrelogram 自相关图


"自体感染","autoinfection" | "自毒(作用);自体中毒(作用)","autointoxication" | "自动装料机;自动装载机","auto-loader"

automatic reset action:自动重调动作, 积分调节作用

automatic rescue beacon | 自动求救信标 | automatic reset action | 自动重调动作, 积分调节作用 | automatic restart | 自动再启动

self-adjustment of river bed:河床自动调整作用

河床展宽 widening of river bed | 河床自动调整作用 self-adjustment of river bed | 河床纵向稳定系数 longitudinal stability coefficient

self-healing capacitor:自动恢复电容器,自愈电容器

self-healing action 自复作用,自回作用 | self-healing capacitor 自动恢复电容器,自愈电容器 | self-healing insulation 自己回復絶縁

self-righting effect:自动回正作用

self-righting 自整流(的) | self-righting effect 自动回正作用 | self-righting lifeboat 自动扶正的救生艇


"自体抗原","autoantigen" | "自动抗毒素","autoantitoxin" | "自(体)催化(作用);自(体)触媒(作用)","autocatalysis"


autocytolysis 细胞自溶<作用> | autodecomposition 自动分解<作用> | autodigestion 自体消化


autoput | (南斯拉夫的)高速公路 | autoracemization | 自动外消旋(作用) | autoradiograph | 放射能照像

auto-oxidation:自动氧化 自动氧化作用

autooscillation自振 | auto-oxidation自动氧化 自动氧化作用 | autooxidation自氧化作用