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膝反射的 的英文翻译、例句


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Is a knee jerk not voluntary?


Under the presupposition of no evident of muscle atrophy through maximal electrical twitch, quantitative electromyographical test of patellar reflex could discover the quadriceps AMI in patients with knee OA,which was known to be the inhibition of anterior horn motoneuron.


It was achieved by intradural microanastomosis of the L6 ventral root to S2 ventral root. After axonal regeneration, the "patellar ligament-spinal cord center-bladder" reflex pathway was reestablished. The function of the reflex arc was observed by nerve electrophysiological experiment, detrusor electromyography experiment, urodynamic testing and HRP retrograde tracing before and in 8 months after the spinal cord was destroyed horizontally between S1 and S4 level. There was one case of conical SCI patient who had L1 fracture and paraplegia was received intradural microanastomosis of the L6 ventral root to S2 ventral root after Li fracture and paraplegia.


Salivation is insufficient, the patellar reflex intermittent.


So they are doing all these different examinations on these people that are very specific to the function of organs, but they were not checking refluxes ═ they would not tape them on the knees to see the leg has a proper reflux reaction; they would not do the gynecological examinations for women, all these basic things you have in a normal physical, they are not given.


There are a multitude of reflex circuits in the central nervous system; a familiar one is the knee tendon reflex (straightening of the leg after tapping the knee with a hammer).


Results No statistical differences of amplitudes and latencies of the maximal electrical twitch of femoral nerve were found between involved and uninvolved limbs,but the amplitudes of quantitative patella tendon reflex of involved limbs were statistically lower than those of uninvolved limbs.


Result: The amplitudes of quantitative patellar tendon reflex and maximal volitional contraction of involved limbs were statistically lower than those of uninvolved ones. The decreasing extent of amplitude of quantitative patellar tendon reflex was statistically lower than that of maximal volitional contraction of quadriceps.


Quantitative patella tendon reflex was tested electromyo-graphi cally and maximal volitional contraction of quadriceps were done on 22 unilateral knee of patients with osteoarthritis. The decreased extent of amplitude of maximal volitional contraction and patella tendon reflex were compared.


If these abnormities were laid according as frequency among 2-6 months,reflex abnormities are knee tendon reflex, palmar grasp reflex,...

其中 2— 6个月组,4个方面的异常项目按出现多少分别排列为:①反射异常:膝反射、手持握反射、巴氏征、非对称性颈肢反射、踝阵挛、坐位平衡反应、踏步反射、交叉伸展反射、紧张性迷路反射、躯干侧弯反射、拥抱反射;②姿势异常:仰卧翻成侧卧头后仰≥ 15°、立位悬垂、平卧颈后空隙≥1cm、俯卧悬垂、侧位悬垂、拉起、紧张性头偏斜、自发姿势异常;③肌张力异常:足背屈角、上肢围颈、手握拳、扶立足跟抬起≥ 3 0°、拇指交叉达掌心、窝角、内收角、跟耳角;④其他异常:头围≤ x -2s、斜视、主动运动减少/异常、听觉异常、视觉异常、眼颤、癫痫。

更多网络解释与膝反射的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

knee jerk:膝反射

这就要求中国外交为了崇高理想而"促动"(proactive),尽量避免为了鸡毛蒜皮而"反动"(reactive)的膝反射 (knee jerk). 中国外交官要处处维护中国的国格与尊严,"推己及人",也应该处处维护别国(特别是东道国)的国格和尊严. 这两者不相矛盾,

Is a knee jerk not voluntary:膝反射是不自主的嗎

反射Reflexes | 膝反射是不自主的嗎?Is a knee jerk not voluntary? | 反射調控Modulation of reflexes


kneehigh 高及膝的 | kneehole 桌下可容双膝的地方 | kneejerk 膝反射


kneehole 桌下可容双膝的地方 | kneejerk 膝反射 | kneel 下跪

tectum mesencephali:中脑盖

存在于中脑盖(tectum mesencephali)的副视觉系的中继核. 在哺乳类,其主要经路从视束经外侧膝状体通向大脑皮质的视觉区,而另一方面,还有作为副视觉系的瞳孔反射的向心路,还从视束分出通向中脑盖的视盖前区(pretectorial area),在该处形成中继核.

tendon reflex:腱反射

1)腱反射:腱反射(tendon reflex)是指快速牵拉肌腱时发生的牵张反射. 例如,当叩击髌骨下方的股四头肌肌腱时,可引起股四头肌发生一次收缩,这称 为膝反射. 属于腱反射的还有跟腱反射和肘反射等. 腱反射的传人纤维直径较粗,为 12-20txm,

tendon reflex:腱反射,腱反射

1)腱反射:腱反射(tendon reflex)是指快速牵拉肌腱时发生的牵张反射. 例如,当叩击髌骨下方的股四头肌肌腱时,可引起股四头肌发生一次收缩,这称为膝反射. 属于腱反射的还有跟腱反射和肘反射等. 腱反射的传人纤维直径较粗,为12-20txm,

Muscle tonus:肌紧张

腱反射(tendon reflex)是指快速牵拉肌腱时引起的牵张反射,也叫位相性牵张反射如膝反射 肌紧张(muscle tonus) 是指缓慢持续牵拉肌腱时引起的牵张反射,表现为受牵拉的肌肉发生轻度,持续,交替和不易疲劳的紧张性收缩,致使 肌肉经常处于收缩状态,

patellar reflex:膝跳反射

patagium 翅膜 | patellar reflex 膝跳反射 | paternal 父本的


kee-jerk 膝反射的 | keef 吸毒状态 | keek 偷看