英语人>词典>汉英 : 腼腆的人 的英文翻译,例句
腼腆的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gawk  ·  gawked  ·  gawking  ·  gawks

更多网络例句与腼腆的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But such a man even experienced a reluctant draft, patient persuasions and the acceptance of the draft.


I perceived him to be a rather shy sort of man.


I perceive him to be a rather shy sort of man.


It is helpful for me to be a seeming gawk.


If so, all I can say is "Gee! It's great to be crazy."


Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high a price for it.


He wanted to give money to the poor.


I am a bashful and undemonstrative person after all, besides the bosom that dare look a woman up and down with Yu Guang and leg ministry, never dare face up to their cheek, because the eye is long,go up in the face.


In front of the person you love you tend to get shy,but in front of person you like you can show you ownself.


Everyone's got an opinion on Monday and Tuesday, and even the shiest among your friends and coworkers is in the mood to share. That could mean that arguments flare up, but you should be able to help people synthesize their ideas pretty quickly.


更多网络解释与腼腆的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alicia Keys:艾利西亞凱斯

且不说这首艾利西亚-凯斯(alicia keys)的歌曲被多少人轮番翻唱过,泰勒过于保守的表现在如此竞争残酷的赛制面前无疑是主动缴械. 看得出来,这个腼腆羞涩的男生在舞台上有多么紧张,无论摔掉麦克风是他故意为之,还是无心之失,

call a spade a spade:直言不讳

我这个人从小就不喜欢看书,学习,可又不敢直言不讳(call a spade a spade)的向父母说,才开学就盼望(long for something)假期的来临. 结束语:办公室的小张人很优秀,但也腼腆,三十了还没有找到女友,最近看到建设银行里新来了一位不错的年青姑娘,


2月5日 羊齿(Fern) 花语﹕迷人 花占卜﹕您有迷人的风采,个性真诚而善解人意,广受朋友欢迎,人缘蛮不错呢!有些人装腔作势扮纯情,但您与生俱来的腼腆形态,非常可爱,异性朋友更因为您独有的气质而深深迷恋您. 花箴言﹕迷人的风采,


brawny (人)强壮的 | philogyny 爱女人,女性崇拜 | coy 腼腆的,忸怩的

philosophy of life:人生哲學

说到底,成熟的人有一套统一的人生哲学(philosophy of life). 如果联想到高尔顿.奥尔波特本人身患残疾--只有八个脚趾、童年颇受友伴嘲笑、青年时代腼腆羞涩,当知道这个"成熟的人"有多么不易. 坦率地说,高尔顿.奥尔波特研究谣言,

a shrinking violet"=a shy, self-effacing person:一个腼腆不愿受人注意的人

violet 紫罗兰: | "a shrinking violet"=a shy, self-effacing person 一个腼腆不愿受人注意的人 | She sat at a corner alone, like a shrinking violet. 她独自坐在一个角落里,腼腼腆腆,不 愿受人注意.

She sat at a corner alone, like a shrinking violet:她独自坐在一个角落里,腼腼腆腆,不 愿受人注意

"a shrinking violet"=a shy, self-effacing person 一个腼腆不愿受人注意的人 | She sat at a corner alone, like a shrinking violet. 她独自坐在一个角落里,腼腼腆腆,不 愿受人注意. | wallflower 香罗兰,墙花:

Cleveland Indians:克里夫蘭印地安人

效力于美国职棒大联盟克里夫兰印地安人(CLEVELAND INDIANS)的韩国选手秋信守7日在主场与Wonder Girls跳起"Nobody"舞,他表情显得十分"腼腆". 秋信守每当站位时,把Wonder Girls的"Nobody"当做自己的主题曲.