英语人>词典>汉英 : 腻味 的英文翻译,例句
腻味 的英文翻译、例句


get fed up
更多网络例句与腻味相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Having freed their mind and body, people cannot help recollecting abnegation and tranquility after reflecting over the impatience caused by the surge of desire.


New, and straight from the Barber Custom Shop, The Barb EQ adds cool Blackface-sounding controls to the 5E3 Tweed Deluxe and to amps using single or no tone knob designs. The Barb EQ has three controls, volume, treble and bass. Your Tweed Deluxe will sound much larger and very much like the sweetest Blackface Deluxe you ever heard, with greatly enhanced volume control and input headroom. Just add this in front of your small to medium amp, and enjoy the ability to footswitch bubbly BF style tone into any amp. The Barb E.Q. also can attenuate better and with much improved frequency response than any guitar's volume knob, as well as being able to boost your signal if needed. The true bypass has an effect insert to allow simplied switching of other pedals. The Barber E.Q. uses a voltage booster to run internally at 25 volts, and externally uses 9 volts (either battery or optional adapter) to keep life simple.

这类产品一直是哥喜欢的,不过国内买不到特别能用的,哥自己也只有一块儿ELECTRO-HARMONIX的TUBE EQ,虽然声儿好但是噪音有点儿操蛋个头儿又大跟个便当盒子似的,而且哥自己也极其腻味电子管儿的维护与更换, CARL MARTIN的吧李大胡子又说不好使,声儿太干,想托人带个SADOWSKY PREAMP DI 吧又太TM贵了,哥也后悔前段儿时间邱培容出呀内块儿SADOWSKY 的时候儿哥没出手,不过哥还是希望有个BARTOLINI 的TCT PEDAL,内才是MARCUS MILLER用的,最近看到 ATELIER Z也出了不少类似产品,价格也不高,不过日本子内边儿购买有点儿不方便啊,我操这下可好了, BARBER 出这个正是哥喜欢的哥说实话极其腻味给FENDER用MID-RANGE CONTROL过者DRIVE类BOOST

I'm tired of you guys' chin music.


Moments later the cloying smell of ether filled the room, and then Emmanuel Makanza picked up his instruments and made the first cut for a Caesarean section .

不一会儿满屋都是令人腻味的乙醚气味,然后Emmanuel Makanza拿起手术刀开始下破腹产的第一刀。

Woodhouse came into the room; her vanity had then a change of object, and emma heard her saying in the same half-whisper to jane


Try to view an icky animal in a new way.


ZOE:(Murmuring singsong with the music, her odalisk lips lusciously smeared with salve of swinefat and rosewater) Schorach ani wenowach, benoith Hierushaloim.


Her talk began to pall on us all.


The second person says: I've had enough of it.


It's sugary, even for me… and I usually am down with sentimentality.


更多网络解释与腻味相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be bored by:对....感到腻味

1. 断断续续 off and on | 2. 对....感到腻味 be bored by.... | 3. 觉得...枯燥难懂 find... dull and difficult



but not as bland as curate,either:也不像牧师那么干巴巴的

[02:47.00]Not as hearty as bishop, 不像主教那么腻味 | [02:49.35]but not as bland as curate,either. 也不像牧师那么干巴巴的 | [02:51.68]And good for business ,too 这才是做生意嘛

fawn on:阿谀奉承,讨好

9. farm out(土地等)出租;招人承包;分发,散发 | 10. fawn on阿谀奉承,讨好 | 11. feed up给以充分的食物;使腻味

Fly Away Home:返家十万里

>(Fly Away Home)这部片子已经下载了很久了,当时通过时光网搜索了一下剧情和影评,对其第一感觉并不是很好,感觉是一部挺普通的片子. 昨晚,当我想找一部片子看看的时候,发现自己对那种火爆大片有点腻味,

however, nevertheless:[可以综] adv., conj. 然而

[壳伯逮,壳伯得] interj. 可不是么 of course | [可以综] adv., conj. 然而 however, nevertheless | [腻味人] adj. 让人讨厌的,不招人喜欢的 disagreeable

Paul Smith:保尔.史密斯

Paul Smith Women 保罗史密斯同名女士香水 30ml所属类别 香水 所属品牌 保尔.史密斯(Paul Smith)香水 商品介绍 如何购买 相关商品 配送说明 Paul Smith以甜而不腻的花果香诠释女性优雅丰姿.带着佛手柚、微呛的胡椒子及黑莓、梨子的甜腻是前味;

tire of:讨厌,对...感到厌倦或腻味

speak of 谈及,说到,提到, | tire of 讨厌,对...感到厌倦或腻味, | treat of 探讨,论述

Feel uncomfortable:膈应:讨厌,腻味

格涩:与众不同. Exceptional | 膈应:讨厌,腻味. Feel uncomfortable | 够戗:十分厉害的程度. 也指难度大,没把握. Severely or difficult and risky

Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set:比如就这一点和哪一点使我腻味

Or that in you disgusts me;here you miss,对这种人说清你的意愿... | Herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set 比如就这一点和哪一点使我腻味 | Her wits to yours ,forsooth ,and made excuse 这儿有点不周或哪儿...