英语人>词典>汉英 : 腰缠万贯 的英文翻译,例句
腰缠万贯 的英文翻译、例句


very rich
更多网络例句与腰缠万贯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their diet from the publication of journals, to compile adult magazines; from abject poverty to the wealthy; from timid to hook buckle gang; their way, whether it flat?


And for the long-suffering Chinese public, the compulsion of rich businessmen and jumped-up party officials to prove their wealth and power by the number and gorgeousness of their mistresses is a major factor in the growth of corruption.


The megalomaniac has a conviction that he is Napoleon or caesar , that he has enormous wealth, or even, sometimes, that he is God


E.g. You have such a beautiful house, You must be rolling in it.


There's too many self-Indulgent wieners in this city with too much bloody money!


There's too many self-Indulgent wienersin this city with too much bloody money!


Later, in a throwaway line, Blatter mentioned he had 'a few minor sponsors', the seriously rich Mohamed Bin Hammam from the fabulously wealthy oil and gas statelet of Qatar, for one.


When at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example.


"By renovating old houses in the right places, he went from rags to riches."


Susan said she wouldn't marry a man unless he wallows in money.


更多网络解释与腰缠万贯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

4.She grew up in the lap of luxury. 5.He's loaded:4.她在富裕的家境里长大 5.他腰缠万贯

[19:59.74]3.He was born with a silver spoon i... | [20:03.40]4.She grew up in the lap of luxury. 5.He's loaded. ;4.她在富裕的家境里长大 5.他腰缠万贯. | [20:08.23]6.I heard he made a fast buck at the r...

Monica Chan:陈法蓉

表面上天下太平,物盛民丰,但其实贪官为患,民不聊生,只有腰缠万贯或豪霸一方 ..连续剧名: 武当2地区: 内地上映年份: 2006所属分类: 武侠剧/ 古装剧/ 主要演员: 吴京(jason wu) 陈法蓉(monica chan) 焦恩俊(vinc

We are unwitting victims:我们只是无辜的受害者

5. They got a landslide victory. 他们大获全胜. | 6. We are unwitting victims! 我们只是无辜的受害者! | 7. He must be rolling in it. 他一定腰缠万贯.


wallop 猛冲 | walloping 殴打 | wallow in money 腰缠万贯

wallow in:沉溺于

wallow in money 腰缠万贯 | wallow in 沉溺于 | wallow 打滚

Anthony Caro:雕塑家:安东尼.卡洛

英国雕塑家安东尼 卡洛 (Anthony Caro)表示,经济危机之下,即使腰缠万贯的人也开始勒紧腰带,艺术品"愚蠢"的天价可能会出现回落.

wallow in money:腰缠万贯

walloping 殴打 | wallow in money 腰缠万贯 | wallow in 沉溺于