英语人>词典>汉英 : 脾淋巴结的 的英文翻译,例句
脾淋巴结的 的英文翻译、例句


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Moderate exercise can increase lymphocyte number in spleen and mesenteric lymph node significantly, up-regulate the IFN-γ level so as to regulate the disbalance of Th1/Th2, and maintain immunity homeostasis.

中等负荷运动可明显增加慢性心理应激状态下脾和肠系膜淋巴结淋巴细胞数量,通过上调干扰素γ水平调节Th1/ Th2的失衡,维持机体的免疫稳态。

The results showed that a large amount of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae with gram negative infections could be seen in the secretion of bronchus; There were congestion in liver, necrosis, hemorrhage, fibrosis with neutrophils and macrophage infiltrating in lung tissue, necrotic splenitis in spleen, and hemorrhagic lymphadenitis in lymph node.


Here we describe a series of follicular lymphoma cases diagnosed in the spleen, consisting of 32 patients who presented clinically with splenomegaly, and slight or no peripheral lymphadenopathy.


Results The common manifestations of Kala-azar misdiagonosed were irregular fever, poor appetite, acratia, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia et al. Kala-azar were easily misdiagnosed to be malnutritional anemia, lymphoid tuberculosis in pedo hilus pulmonis, hepatitis and nephritis et al.

结果 被误诊的黑热病常表现为不规则发热、食欲不振、乏力、肝肿大、脾肿大、贫血貌,易被误诊为营养不良性贫血、小儿肺门淋巴结结核、肝炎和肾炎等疾病。

Result more Xi Luowei orders cure troop is calorific drop and pharynx clip is phlogistic improve, the time that liver narrows after lienal lymph node enlargement all relatively interferon contrasts the group is apparent shorten (P · 05), GCV group shows efficiency interferon of apparent prep above group (P · 05 or 0 · 01), short-term use more dosage control is in Xi Luowei 8~10mg/, did not see apparently harmful response happens.


Patients with Non- Hodgkin's Lymphomatous leukemia, proven by pathology and cellular morphology, were reported in this paper. It presents typical symptoms of anemia, fever, bleeding and broadened mediastinum, hepatosplenomegaly, and multiple surface lymphadenectasis.


The incidence of hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenectasis, anemia, renal involvement, nervous system involvement and digestive apparatus involvement were higher in children with SLE.


There was statistical significance in leucocytes and platelets of these 2 groups (P.05). Conclusion AIH can complicate with lymphadenectasis, which appeare cirrhosis and hyperspienia more easily and it may be with unfavorable prognosis.


Suis was found in all identifiable crypt areas; SS2 also appeard in marginal zone and periarterial lymphoid sheath of spleen, hepatic sinusoid of liver, interstitium of lung; presence of SS2 was at the cortex where histopathological lesions and expression of inflammatory mediators were observed.


ResultsCharacteristic features at the presentation of AITL included generalized lymphadenopathy, fever, splenomegaly, and skin rashes with polyclonal hyper-gammaglobulinemia and other hematological abnormalities (such as Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia), which often involved the bone marrow and had well-described histologic features.The positive rate for CXCL13 was 93.3%.


更多网络解释与脾淋巴结的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其临床特点为急性起病、发热、皮疹、淋巴结肿大、肝脾肿大和被恙螨幼虫叮咬处出现焦痂(eschar)等. 1927年日本学者取患者的血液注射入家兔的睾丸内,数日后见睾丸红肿,组织涂片经染色后镜检发现在细胞内有多形性小体. 这种多形性小体可传代感染,

Immune System:免疫系统

(马志章) 免疫系统 免疫系统(immune system)是机体保护自身的防御性结构,主要由淋巴器官(胸腺、淋巴结、脾、扁桃体)、其它器官内的淋巴组织和全身各处的淋巴细胞、抗原呈递细胞等组成;广义上也包括血液中其它白细胞及结缔组织中的浆细胞和肥大细胞.


於理学检查方面主要以肝脾肿大为主;很少部分的患者才会有淋巴结肿大(lymphadenopathy)或者是myeloid tumor (granulocytic sarcoma),若出现这种情形预后会比较不好.

Lymphatic system:巴系统

淋巴系统(Lymphatic System)由淋巴管道和淋巴器官相联接而成,在淋巴管道内流动的无色透明液体,称为淋巴(液). 淋巴器官主要由淋巴结、脾、胸腺和扁桃体等构成. 淋巴系统不仅参与体液循环和具有造血功能,


淋巴结中的B 细胞可识别和结合游离的或被滤泡树突状细胞(FDC)脾(spleen)是胚胎时期的造血器官,自骨髓开始造血后,脾演变成人体最大的1. 白髓 白髓(white pulp)为密集的淋巴组织,由围绕中央动脉而分布的动和脾血窦(splenic sinus)组成.


淋巴结(lymph node)为圆形淋巴器官,直径在1cm左右(见图),脾脏(spleen)是体内最大的淋巴器官,富含血管. 它也分为皮质(白髓)和髓质(红髓)两部分. 入脾的动脉分支贯穿白髓部分的小梁中成为中央小动脉,在小动脉周围的淋巴鞘是T细胞的居留地.

interdigitating cell:交错突细胞

②交错突细胞(interdigitating cell)分布在脾、淋巴结和淋巴组织中的T细胞区,细胞周围有许多辅助性T细胞,此种细胞有许多分支状突起,突起相互交错,核呈分叶形;它能呈递抗原给邻近的T细胞,引起细胞免疫应答.




内脏型利什曼原虫症病原体是杜氏利什曼原虫(Leishmania donovani),白蛉(sandfly)叮咬是主要传播途径,临床特徵为脾、肝及淋巴结肿大,长期不规则发热伴有寒战及血球减少,潜伏期长,最长的达9年之久.