英语人>词典>汉英 : 脱氮的 的英文翻译,例句
脱氮的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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One-step autotrophic nitrogen removal process, which means theexperiment is carried out in one re.


In the successful achievement of autotrophic nitrogen removal for nitrite,the effect of nitrite concentration on nitrogen removal in anoxic bio-film filter was investigated.


In this paper, the fundamental mechanism of biological denitrification and phosphor removal and their present situation and progress are presented.


The results revealed that the denitrification optimal pH and temperature was at pH 7.5 and 30℃.

在实验结果中,最佳脱氮的酸碱度为 pH 7.5、而脱氮菌最适生长温度为30℃,在持续反应96 小时每12 小时检测一次,硝酸氮从 3500 ppm 降至240 ppm ,其脱氮率为90﹪以上。

Based on the latest results of the study of dephosphorization and denitrification in China and outside China, the mechanism of and process for dephosphorization and denitrification by aerobic granular sludge were approached and studied.


In the study XRD, FT-IR, PCR amplificator, 373A DNA sequencer, GC, electrophoretogram and TEM apparatuses and so forth are used to give a way for accurately scientific research. It chooses two kinds of petrochemical industry wastewater as object of study. One is the mixture of seawater and freshwater and the other is freshwater. In the course of the research, the two kinds of petrochemical wastewater are studied in the laboratory and refinery by using CBDS, and it has got a good result.


In addition, under the above-selected nitrosification condition, the immobilized cells N4 and B08 were used for the combined short-cut biodenitriflcation with the ratio of immobilized cells 1:1 and the seed volume 15%, 27h the denitrogenation efficiency reached 97.53%; the immobilized cells N4 and B08 were used to do denitrogenation application test on eutrophic lake water of our school, 12h the NH4+-N removal rate was 84.06%.


The nitrogen in fossil fuels is more refractory than sulfur, and microbial approaches for petroleum denitrogenation could be beneficial as the classical hydroprocessing methods are costly and unefficient.


The nitrogen removal experiment implies that the nitrogen removal efficiency is very high. The ratio of NH_4~--N/TN is approximately equal to the ratio of TN removal. TN removal efficiency is mainly affected by the influent NH_4~--N concentration, and the optimal TN removal efficiency can be prejudged by the ratio of influent NH_4~--N/TN.


Basis of factual situation advance the practical project. These contents can be referenced in improvement and exploiters of technology later.


更多网络解释与脱氮的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在主反应区内依照"曝气 (Aeration) 闲置(Idle), , 沉淀(Settle), 排水(Decant)"程序周期运行,使污水在"好氧-缺氧"的反复中完成去碳,脱氮,和在"好氧厌氧"的反复中完成除磷.各过程的历时和相应设备的运行均按事先编制,并可调整的程序,


●增加硷度(Alkalinity)与稳定pH值. ●活沙过滤系统比较其他过滤系统之最大优点,是藉由活沙中的脱氮作用(dinitrification)除去水中的硝酸盐. ●配合蛋白质过滤器(protein skimmer)的使用,溶解於水中的有机物质也相对的减少.

bacteriological sterility:细菌学的无菌性

aircraft sprayer 飞机喷雾器 | bacteriological sterility 细菌学的无菌性 | denitrifier 脱氮剂


dendrograph 树径记录器 | dene 砂丘,砂层 | denitrification 脱氮(作用)[将硝态或亚硝态氮脱去的生物学过程]


会经由微生物将有机氮转化成无机氨(NH3),这个过程被称为氨化作用 (ammonification),另外,土壤中厌氧的异营性脱氮菌(denitrification bacteria)藉由脱氮作用(denitrification),将硝酸离子(NO3-)还原为氮分子(N2)或是一氧化氮(NO)气体回到大气中,


bacteriological sterility 细菌学的无菌性 | denitrifier 脱氮剂 | quantity of selection 选择量




细胞只要累积几个关键的基因 ...后来,研究人员发现(7)在动物体内除发生偶氮还原开裂形成(9)与(10)外,还发生: 环羟基化(ring-hydroxylation)形成(11)与(12)﹔ N-脱甲基化(demethylation)形成(14)与(17)﹔ N-乙化(acethylation)和N-羟基

demethylation inhibitor:脱甲基抑制剂

delivery of pump 泵的供水量 | demethylation inhibitor 脱甲基抑制剂 | denitrification 反硝化作用,脱氮作用10,118

vacuum degassing:真空脱气

有的把溶解于钢中的氧也看作钢中气体,但氧在钢凝固时大多成为非金属夹杂物析出,所以对钢中氧的问题往往和非金属夹杂问题一并考虑,而不归入钢中气体范畴...钢液真空脱气 (vacuum degassing) 钢液在真空条件下脱去其中的氢和氮的过程.