英语人>词典>汉英 : 脱散 的英文翻译,例句
脱散 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与脱散相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the first week, whenever I looked out on the pond it impressed me like a tarn high up on the side of a mountain, its bottom far above the surface of other lakes, and, as the sun arose, I saw it throwing off its nightly clothing of mist, and here and there, by degrees, its soft ripples or its smooth reflecting surface was revealed, while the mists, like ghosts, were stealthily withdrawing in every direction into the woods, as at the breaking up of some nocturnal conventicle.


Die degloving paper pasted on intracavernous mrtomated hardness is small, too soft, could not make the paper smooth out of die-cutting knife or indentation Telegraph from powder.


The raveling was especially apparent as testing locations were prepared for SSG measurements.


A possible reason for the relatively poor correlations at site 2 is that the site was characterized by surface raveling after the first day, presumably due to inadequate curing and greater abrasion from traffic than that experienced by the other two sites.


This seam construction encases the seam allowance so there is no raveling during wearing or washing.


To prevent Elastane runback and needle damage on Elastane blend fabrics, we recommend you use ballpoint needles.


Ring, including high pressure air, FRP acid pH blower, auto-powder Drug-bubble machine, sludge dewatering machine, coaxial vortex pumps, chemical liquid filters, coaxial self-suction pump Naisuan Jian, Shen water pollutants pumps, horizontal direct-pumped, submerged stainless steel Pumps, dust collection machines and dust collection equipment, gas-casual, casual trachea, and many other environmental chemical equipment and sewage treatment works, such as the planning design and construction.


Ring, including high pressure air, FRP acid pH blower, electromagnetic pump, auto-powder-bubble machine, sludge dewatering machine, coaxial vortex pumps, chemical liquid filters, coaxial self-suction pump acid pH, vertical centrifugal pipeline Pumps, water-dirt pumps, horizontal direct-pumped, Shen stainless steel water pump, Gear pumps, two high-speed pumps, automatic booster pumps, automatic pressure booster pump, building water supply submersible pumps , Multi-Purpose centrifugal pumps, computer frequency constant pressure pump, electronic constant pressure booster pumps, reciprocating washing machines, pressure-pumping interactive tied, tied for interactive frequency constant pressure pump, stainless steel deep-well pump, dust collection machines and dust collection Equipment, gas-casual, casual trachea, and many other environmental chemical equipment and sewage treatment works, such as the planning design and construction.


Ring, including high pressure air, FRP acid pH blower, electromagnetic pump, auto-powder-bubble machine, sludge dewatering machine, coaxial vortex pumps, chemical liquid filters, coaxial self-suction pump acid pH, vertical centrifugal pipeline Pumps, water-dirt pumps, horizontal direct-pumped, Shen stainless steel water pump, Gear pumps, two high-speed pumps, automatic booster pumps, automatic pressure booster pump, building water supply submersible pumps , Multi-Purpose centrifugal pump, computer frequency constant pressure pump, electronic constant pressure booster pumps, reciprocating washing machines, pressure-pumping interactive tied, tied for interactive frequency constant pressure pump, stainless steel deep-well pump, dust collection machines and dust collection Equipment, gas-casual, casual trachea, and many other environmental chemical equipment and sewage treatment works, such as the planning design and construction.


Including Ring high pressure air, FRP acid pH blower, electromagnetic pump, auto-powder-bubble machine, sludge dewatering machine, coaxial vortex pumps, chemical liquid filters, coaxial acid pH self-suction pump, centrifugal vertical pipe Pumps, water-dirt pumps, horizontal direct-pumped, Shen stainless steel water pump, Gear pumps, two high-speed pumps, automatic booster pumps, automatic pressure booster pump, building water supply submersible pumps , Multi-Purpose centrifugal pumps, computer frequency constant pressure pump, electronic constant pressure booster pumps, reciprocating washing machines, pressure-pumping interactive tied, tied for interactive frequency constant pressure pump, stainless steel deep-well pump, dust collection machines and dust collection Equipment, gas-casual, casual trachea, and many other environmental chemical equipment and sewage treatment works, such as the planning design and construction.


更多网络解释与脱散相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


量子寄存器的性能参数,除相位一定的波的振动次数外,还有qubit寿命的"脱散(Decoherence)时间(T2)",T2越长性能就越高. 顺便提一下,此前发表的最长的T2为使用超导元件在50mK的超低温下测定的500纳秒. 山本等人使用单结晶硅在300K(27℃)的室温下连续振动了3000万次,


decoherer 散屑器 | decolor 使脱色 | decolorization 脱色


decodingmatrix 译码矩阵 | decohere 散屑 | decoherence 脱散,去相干


ladder lifting machine 验布架 | laddering 纵向脱散 | laevulosan 左旋聚糖


"不可逆性","nonreversibility" | "防走圈;不脱散(针织)","nonrun" | "防脱散加工","nonrun finish"

nonrun finish:防脱散加工

"防走圈;不脱散(针织)","nonrun" | "防脱散加工","nonrun finish" | "不缩性","nonshrinkage"


Delaminating 脱层 | splattering 散点 | Gouge 锉孔

ravelling property:脱散性

raveling course ==> 分离横列 | ravelling property ==> 脱散性 | ravelly ground ==> 松散岩层


decoiler 拆卷机 | decoking 脱焦 | decollat 折散


decoiler /开卷机/拆卷机/ | decoking /脱焦/除焦/ | decollat /分表/分开/折散/