英语人>词典>汉英 : 脚印 的英文翻译,例句
脚印 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
footprint  ·  footprints  ·  pug  ·  pelmatogram  ·  pugs  ·  pedogram

更多网络例句与脚印相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Excitedly,they followed the rhinoceros footprints.Then they were led onto the ice covering Beeb lake, which connected to where the school got its drinking water,there the foot-prints ended in a huge hole.


Leave footmark to begin to be able to feel interesting everywhere, time grows, you can discover, some of footmark stays is not the result that you want, the page that you are not willing to there is affection lubricious suspicion in a piece keeps track, lest be misunderstood,bearing has a problem, make much time, the footprint that this kind of convenient author and successor track, the interest that does not accord with him person that watch, be happy to expose oneself trace completely, have the taste of bit of exhibitionism.


This product shall create a clear.libing and stereo footmark for your pet and could be reserved forever.


It was a footprint—the footprint of a man!


However, we in the previous "wild man" study, the most common and most difficult to explain is that a large number of strange footprints, footprints the size of a huge, absolutely can not be the person left, I suspect that with the relevant Gigantopithecus.


However, as my first crop was but small, I had no greatdifficulty to cut it down; in short, I reaped it in my way, for Icut nothing off but the ears, and carried it away in a great basketwhich I had made, and so rubbed it out with my hands; and at theend of all my harvesting, I found that out of my half-peck of seedI had near two bushels of rice, and about two bushels and a half ofbarley; that is to say, by my guess, for I had no measure at thattime.


Here is my monograph upon the tracing of footsteps, with some remarks upon the uses of plaster of Paris as a preserver of impresses.


Heartning my self therefore with the Belief that this was nothing but the Print of one of my own Feet, and so I might be truly said to start at my own Shadow, I began to go abroad again, and went to my Country House, to milk my Flock; but to see with what Fear I went forward, how often I look'd behind me, how I was ready every now and then to lay down my Basket, and run for my Life, it would have made any one have thought I was haunted with an evil Conscience, or that I had been lately most terribly frighted, and so indeed I had.


Pencroft only saw tracesof quadrupeds, fresh footprints of animals, of which he could not recognizethe species.


Dated to 3.5 million years ago, they were evidence of three four-foot-tall, upright-walking prehumans.


更多网络解释与脚印相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

----Marion C. Blakey:如果你天天穿拖鞋,你留不下永恒的脚印

57.要充分勇敢地迎击敌人,还要勇气十足地面对朋友. ----J.K.Rowling | 58.如果你天天穿拖鞋,你留不下永恒的脚印. ----Marion C. Blakey | 59.大哭是从缝隙中透出来的狂怒. ----AL FRANKEN

Famous for Footprints:脚印"名人)

Digging at a Site (发掘遗址) | Famous for Footprints ("脚印"名人) | Uncovering Secrets (揭秘)


footlingpresentation 足位产 足先露 脚踏莲花生 | footmark 脚印 | footmasher 脚踏式搅碎机

They saw a footmark in the sand:他们发现沙地上有脚印

45. I saw him in.我看见他在家. | 46. They saw a footmark in the sand.他们发现沙地上有脚印. | 47. They named the boy Charlie.他们给这个男孩起名为查理.


Linux内核放在Flash地址空间的0 0010 0000处,"脚印"(注:所谓"脚印"(footprint)是指映像占用的存储空间的大小)不大于0 0010 0000(1MB);Redboot的启动代码放在Flash地址空间的低256KB内,


天下父母心,一股强烈的骨肉亲情涌上了心头,也联想起了一个"脚印"(Footprints)的小故事:在过去的日子里,海边沙滩上总是有与恩主同行散步的两对脚印. 但是,每当处于逆境或遇到风暴的时候,却只有一对脚印. 主啊!为何撇下而不顾呢?


Even better.|这样更好 | Footprints.|脚印更容易查 | So, you're the Grissom|你是葛瑞森?

G footprints:是否可以留下脚印

F buildable 是否可建筑 | G footprints 是否可以留下脚印 | H walkable 是否可以在上面行走

Three footprints:三个脚印

Three fish 三只鱼 | Three footprints 三个脚印 | Three pinecones 三个松果

The Omnipresence of Footprints:(无所不在的脚印)

CHAPTER XV - FOOTPRINTS AND FINGERPRINTS . (脚印和指纹) . | 1. The Omnipresence of Footprints(无所不在的脚印) . | 2. Other Miraculous Discoveries(其他奇迹的发现) .