英语人>词典>汉英 : 脑力劳动者 的英文翻译,例句
脑力劳动者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brainworker  ·  headworker  ·  intellectuals

white-collar · mental labourer
更多网络例句与脑力劳动者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The happiness of making several logs into a nice bench all by oneself is no less than that received by a writer from writing a book.


In economic knowledge times, the brainworker is social main body, the mental work of creativity is the main power that the society expands, intellective resource is the most important social production resource.


Knowledge industry and other industry are disparate, basically be engaged in intellectual production, yielding product is intellectual product, its are main resource is intellective resource, generator is a brainworker.


Above quota the fountainhead of surplus value is by translate into reality the value of the itself of science and technology of productivity is changed come, this is the exceeds value of oneself labour force one share surplus value that creates by the brainworker such as administrator of technology personnel, production.


Results There was prominent performance in ultrasound examination of fatty liver,and it had high incidence in patients who were overweight,normolipidaemic,hyperglycemia,dipsomania and mental workers.


Results:These was prominent performance in ultrasound examination of fatty liver,and it had high incidence in patients who was overweight,normolipidaemic,hyperglycemia,dipsomania and mental workers.


Objective:to determine the value of ultrasound in diagnosing fatty liver and analyze its cause.methods:using ultrasound as diagnostic tool,we analyzed the pathogenesis of fatty liver in 2 350 patients,and at the same time,we recorded their heights,weights,blood lipids levels,blood-sugar levels,drinking time and occupation,et al.results:these was prominent performance in ultrasound examination of fatty liver,and it had high incidence in patients who was overweight,normolipidaemic,hyperglycemia,dipsomania and mental workers.

目的:探讨超声对脂肪肝的诊断及对分析其起病原因的价值。方法:用超声作诊断工具,分析我门诊部2 350例体检病人的脂肪肝发病情况,同时记录病人身高、体重、血脂、血糖、饮酒、职业等。结果:脂肪肝的超声检查有较突出的图像表现,超重、高血脂、高血糖、长期饮酒、脑力劳动者有较高的发病率。

Finally, for painting to become that "art of balance, purity and serenity, with no troubling or disquieting subjects, so that for any mental worker, for example the businessman just as much as the artistic man of letters, it can be a soothing influence on the brain, rather the way a good armchair gives him relaxation from physical tiredness"(as he observed in 1908), Matisse pursued his original intuition through the great currents of art history over half a century: divisionism, fauvism and abstraction - without ever getting lost.


Now the structure has several fundamental characteristics as follows, the disparity of income within basic stratum appears remarkably widen, not only takes among different trades, but also between leaders and the be-managed; the disparity of income between white-collar and blue-collar tends to reasonable in balance; although the disparity of labors' income in different proprietorship takes on some widening, evidence in the mass is not obvious, except labors' income in collective enterprise is relatively low; owing to "non-position income" of partial labors having an increasing proportional to "position income", the disparity of real income grows more serious; peasants having moved into city locate in the lowest class of urban income structure; polarization between the have and the have-not just comes, and so on.


And then the author tested the Micro- VOL Evaluation model with empiristic study to work out all ages'VOL range with the analysis of statistics data, that is, a juvenile's VOL is about200,000 to 300,000 yuan, an manual labor's VOL is on an average of about 700,000 yuan, and an intellectual employee's VOL is about 1040,000 yuan on average.


更多网络解释与脑力劳动者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


脑力创作物brainchild | 脑力过劳brainfag | 脑力劳动者brainworker


brainwave 脑波 | brainwork 智力工作 | brainworker 脑力劳动者


brainwork 智力工作 | brainwork 劳心工作 | brainworker 脑力劳动者


脑力过劳brainfag | 脑力劳动者brainworker | 脑磷脂cephalinkephalin


brainwork /智力工作/劳心工作/ | brainworker /脑力劳动者/劳心的人/ | brainy /脑筋好的/聪明的/


另外,我们的写作更应避免行话(jargon)和隐语(cant). 行话指的是通行于某一行业之中的特殊用语. 猎人、船工、农夫等体力劳动者都有各自的行话;音乐家、工程师、教员等脑力劳动者也各自有自己的行话. 隐语又称 "黑话"(argot),


headwork 脑力劳动 | headworker 脑力劳动者 | heady 鲁莽的


writer: 作家 | PHYSICAL LABOURER体力劳动者 | MENTAL WORKER 脑力劳动者

white-collar worker:脑力劳动者

white-burning 煅烧后呈白色的 | white-collar worker 脑力劳动者 | white-colored hairs 白色茸毛

A white -collar worker:白领工人(脑力劳动者)

to white wash someone /something 为. . . 涂脂抹粉 | a white-collar worker 白领工人(脑力劳动者) | a white lie 无恶意的谎言,委婉的拒绝