英语人>词典>汉英 : 脂肪突出 的英文翻译,例句
脂肪突出 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adipocele  ·  lipocele

hernia adiposa
更多网络例句与脂肪突出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cellulite is defined as being a lumpy substance that resembles cottage cheese and which although it can develop in men as well, is highly predominant in women.


So what is the salient point of me and my long diatribe about trans-fats and partially-hydrogenated oils?


Results There was prominent performance in ultrasound examination of fatty liver,and it had high incidence in patients who were overweight,normolipidaemic,hyperglycemia,dipsomania and mental workers.


Results:These was prominent performance in ultrasound examination of fatty liver,and it had high incidence in patients who was overweight,normolipidaemic,hyperglycemia,dipsomania and mental workers.


Objective:to determine the value of ultrasound in diagnosing fatty liver and analyze its cause.methods:using ultrasound as diagnostic tool,we analyzed the pathogenesis of fatty liver in 2 350 patients,and at the same time,we recorded their heights,weights,blood lipids levels,blood-sugar levels,drinking time and occupation,et al.results:these was prominent performance in ultrasound examination of fatty liver,and it had high incidence in patients who was overweight,normolipidaemic,hyperglycemia,dipsomania and mental workers.

目的:探讨超声对脂肪肝的诊断及对分析其起病原因的价值。方法:用超声作诊断工具,分析我门诊部2 350例体检病人的脂肪肝发病情况,同时记录病人身高、体重、血脂、血糖、饮酒、职业等。结果:脂肪肝的超声检查有较突出的图像表现,超重、高血脂、高血糖、长期饮酒、脑力劳动者有较高的发病率。

For studying exophthalmos in YAO, the changes of ocular muscles and fatty tissue volume should be taken into consideration. CT findings are valuable for the diagnosis.


Objective: Retrospective evaluation of 10 proptosis reduction procedures using fat removal orbital decompression.


Fibrofatty infiltration may resemble the comb sign only in part, in that the vessels will stand out on CT scans and will be separated from the serosal surface of the bowel and from each other.


Fibrofatty infiltration may resemble the comb sign only in part, in that the essels will stand out on CT scans and will be separated from the serosal surface of the bowel and from each other.


Reduces Wrinkles in 61%, reduces cellulite in 38%, face looks visibly younger within a few weeks, improves skin elasticity, tightness, thickness in 68%, smoothness in 71%, rehydration of skin increases turgor, reverses sun damage and liver/aging spots, veins become less prominent,"a knifeless facelift" by regenerating the protein matrix and musculature under the skin, reduces puffiness under eyes,"turns the prune of old age back to a plum"


更多网络解释与脂肪突出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第二节 眼球突出 (exophthalmos) 眼球突出是眼眶疾病的主要症状之一,其原因颇多. 眼球在眶内的正常位置是由眶内诸组织相互之间作用而维持的. 如球后组织中的血管及脂肪,


adiplomaticorothermission 使命 | adipocele 脂肪突出 | adipocele 脂肪疝


adipinketone /环戊酮/ | adipocele /脂肪突出/脂肪疝/ | adipocere /脂蜡体/尸脂/尸蜡/


相反眶炎症后的结缔组织牵引,眶脂肪的耗损,交感神经支配的平滑肌松驰或眶骨骨折等则可引起眼球内陷(enophthalmos). 1111眼球突出或眼球内陷是指眼球在眶内的位置异常,应与某些眼球过大或过小所致者相区别. 1111眼球突出可用眼球突出计测量.

lipocele:脂肪突出 脂肪疝

lipocatabolic 脂肪分解代谢的 | lipocele 脂肪突出 脂肪疝 | lipochondria 脂粒体

orbital meningocele:[眼]眶脑膜膨出

orbital cellulitis [眼]眶蜂窝织炎 | orbital meningocele [眼]眶脑膜膨出 | protrusion of intraorbital fat 眶脂肪突出

orbital meningocele:眶脑膜膨出

orbital cellulitis 眶蜂窝织炎 | orbital meningocele 眶脑膜膨出 | protrusion of intraorbital fat 眶脂肪突出

retrobulbar tumor:球后肿瘤

protrusion of intraorbital fat 眶脂肪突出 | retrobulbar tumor 球后肿瘤 | orbital hemangioma [眼]眶血管瘤


冰淇淋风味主要分为美式冰淇淋(Ice cream)、意式冰淇淋(Gelato)以及冰霜(Sorbet). 其中美式冰淇淋脂肪含量不低于20%的,甜度较高,奶味浓郁;意式冰淇淋脂肪含量为4%,糖度低,口感细腻润滑;冰霜突出的是水果的原味与芳香.


1、美式冰淇淋(Icecream)主要特征:甜度较高,奶味浓郁,脂肪含量不低于10%.2、意式冰淇淋(Gelato) 主要特征:糖度低,口感细腻润滑,脂肪含量为4%.3、果汁冰糕 (Sorbet) 主要特征:糖度低,突出的是水果的原味与芳香,口感清爽,无脂肪.