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脂肪油 的英文翻译、例句


fat oil · fatty oil · erapressed oil
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Bitter almond contains amygdalin and almond oil, amygdalin can be decomposed to benzaldehyde under acidic condition, benzaldehyde is one of the most widely used flavor in fragrance industry. Almond oil contains high contents of unsaturated fatty acids and VE, it is an advanced edible oil, also can be used in cosmetics materials.


This article through the comprehensive research of extraction method and technique of Almond oil and bitter almond oil, provide theoretical basis and technological information for the processing and utilization of bitter almond. On the other hand, the best habitat of bitter almond is selected with the oil contents and fatty acid constituents and VE of almond oil, also with oil and the benzaldehyde content of bitter almond oil.


ObjectiveTo extract the fatty oil from Ligustrum lucidum ait. and to assay its stability.


ObjectiveTo extract the fatty oil from Ligustrum lucidum ait.


In this article it has been analyzed that the composition of seed oil.mineral trace elements.vitamin C and amino acids in black current and saxifraga.The portion of seed oil in natural black current is 17.9%,In saxifraga it is 22.3%.The linolenic acid composition in natural seed oil is 19.024%.

通过对新疆野生黑加仑和野生马林的脂肪油,8种微量元素,1 7种氨基酸以及维生素 C的含量进行测定得出:黑加仑脂肪油含量为 1 7.9%,马林的脂肪油含量为 2 2 。3 %,其中,黑加仑脂肪油中,r-亚麻酸的含量为1 9.0 2 %,而马林中,其含量为 9.40 %。

The fatty acid in tussore oil was saponificated and modified to methyl esters by different means .


To consider the yield of almond oil, content of unsaturated fatty acid and VE of almond oil, the yield and constitutes of bitter almond oil, extract almond oil with supercritical CO_2, and extract bitter almond oil with wet distillation is the best technology line of utilization of bitter almond.


In this article,it has been analyzed that the composition of seed oil,mineral trace elements,metal Vitamin C and amino acids in planting black current ,as compared with natural black current .

本文通过对新疆种植黑加仑和天然黑加仑的脂肪油、八种微量元素、十七种氨基酸以及维生素C的含量进行测定比较,得出:天然黑加仑脂肪油含量为 17 9%,种植黑加仑脂肪油含量为 12 9%,其中,天然黑加仑脂肪油中,r 亚麻酸的含量为 19 0 2 %,而种植黑加仑中,其含量为 10 2 0 %。

Then yellow, were mushy, the appearance of油润, including more milk and fat droplets valve, float in water, stool volume and frequency of defecation than more fat may be indigestion.


Result and Conclusion: The yolk oils processed by daking and dry distillation are almost similar in the contents of fatty oils, type of fatty acids, acid value, iodine value, saponification value, relative density and refractive index, while obvious differences were found in the products processed by chloroform extraction.

结果 :烘法和干馏法炮制的蛋黄油中脂肪油含量,所含脂肪酸的种类、含量以及酸值、碘值、皂化值、相对密度、折光率相近,氯仿提取法制备品则差异较大。结论:烘法和干馏法制备的蛋黄油中脂肪油部分没有明显区别,二者与直接用氯仿提取的蛋黄脂肪油相比则有较大差异。

更多网络解释与脂肪油相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

avocado oil:牛油果油 (脂肪/油)

Ash 灰(補充營養) | Avocado Oil 牛油果油 (脂肪/油) | Beta Carotene Beta-胡蘿蔔素(補充營養)

fatty cutting oil:脂肪切削油

fatty alcohol 脂肪醇 | fatty cutting oil 脂肪切削油 | fatty oil 脂肪油

fatty oil:脂肪油

fatigue strength 疲劳强度 | fatty oil 脂肪油 | fatty resin脂肪树脂

fat oil:脂肪油,饱和的油,饱和油

fat nigrosine GD ==> 脂溶性尼格GD | fat oil ==> 脂肪油,饱和的油,饱和油 | fat pad ==> 脂垫,脂肪垫

Hemp Oil:大麻油(脂肪/油)

Guar Gum 瓜耳豆膠 (Binders) | Hemp Oil 大麻油(脂肪/油) | Herring Meal 鯡魚粉(蛋白質)

herring oil:鯡魚油(脂肪/油)

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Sterols in fatty oils:脂肪油中的甾醇

2.4.22 Composition of fatty acids by gas chromatography 气相色谱法测脂肪油的成... | 2.4.23 Sterols in fatty oils 脂肪油中的甾醇 | 2.4.24 Identification and control of residual solvents 残留溶剂的鉴别和控...

drying fatty oil:干燥脂肪油

drying 干燥 | drying fatty oil 干燥脂肪油 | drying inhibitor 阻干剂

ed fatty oil:硫酸化脂肪油

ed and unloaded ==> 货物吞吐,货物吞吐量,货物装卸量 | ed fatty oil ==> 硫酸化脂肪油 | ed grinding machine ==> 电火花磨床

sulfated fatty oil:硫酸化脂肪油

sulfate-reduction bacterium ==> 硫酸还原细菌 | sulfated fatty oil ==> 硫酸化脂肪油 | sulfathiazole sodium ==> 磺胺噻唑钠