英语人>词典>汉英 : 能量单位 的英文翻译,例句
能量单位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

energy unit
更多网络例句与能量单位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A unit of energy equal to the work done when a force of1 newton acts through a distance of1 meter .


Other countries use the joule, the unit of energy in the International System of Units.


One joule is equivalent to the energy transferred when a force of one newton is applied over a distance of one metre.


With its new abilities to Snipe and find units with energy, it has become a very scary unit on the battle field.


In this whole creation we are just a small spec.


Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of subunit assembly of the ASIC channel Homo-and heteromeric ASIC complexes have been verified by classical methods such as co-immunoprecipitation,or functional assays applying electrophysiology.However,the exact subunit assembly and stoichiometry of heteromeric ASIC channels in living cells are largely unknown.


Once the energy is known in Joules, it can be compared to the explosive energy of TNT.


The fuel energy costs of chicken and lamb are seven megajoules and six megajoules respectively.

而常见的色拉蔬菜却需要耗费多达 45 兆焦耳的燃料能源才能提供一个能量单位的食物摄入。

The bending load by method of hand lay-up was better than one by method of SCRIMP, the fatigue strength by method of hand lay-up was better, the impact behavior by method of hand lay-up was also better, but ductility by method of SCRIMP was better. The test data may useful for structure design of marine engineer.


Coal is dirtier than oil and gas and produces more CO 2 for each unit of energy, as well as releasing large amounts of particulates.


更多网络解释与能量单位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abeyance,n.中止;暂停 | abfarad,n.C.G.S,公制电磁能量单位 | abhenry,n.绝对亨利

Atomic Physics:原子物理

能量单位在不同的领域中,各有其常用的单位,分述如下:1.在原子物理(atomic physics),粒子物理(particle physics)和高能物理(high energy physics)方面,4.在爆炸中,讨论能量被释出时,相当於若干TNT的单位就常被使用,1吨(ton)的TNT相当於4.2x109 焦耳,


能量是以卡(calorie)和热能单位来评估的;欧洲,通常以焦耳(joule)作能量的单位,1千卡等于4.184焦耳,而在美国以卡做为动物营养上的能量单位. 动物所需微量元素的量很少,日粮中含量通常为百万分之几(ppm)或十亿分之几.

law of conservation of energy:能量守恒定律(在任一封闭系统中总能量保持不变)

joule 焦耳(能量和功的单位) | law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律(在任一封闭系统中总能量保持不变) | metal calorimeter 金属量热计

EIN einstein:量子摩尔(能量单位)

Edge tone 边棱音 | EIN einstein 量子摩尔(能量单位) | EIN equivalent input noise 等效输入噪声


Hess' law 赫斯定律(一个化学反应的热销应决定于其始终态,与中间过程无关) | joule 焦耳(能量和功的单位) | law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律(在任一封闭系统中总能量保持不变)


microculture 小文化区 | microcurie 微居里能量单位 | microcycle 微周期

energy per unit mass:每单位质量能量

energy of resonance absorption 共振吸收能量 | energy per unit mass 每单位质量能量 | energy quantum 量子

energy per unit mass:单位质量能量

共振吸收能量 energy of resonance absorption | 单位质量能量 energy per unit mass | 能量产生迹花 energy production stars


km公里长度单位 | kWh千瓦小时能量单位 | LAN局域网网络类型