英语人>词典>汉英 : 胸骨心包的 的英文翻译,例句
胸骨心包的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Methods Select and pitch xiphisternum bottom or cardiac apex department, paracentesis pericardii according to seldinger method and extended Central venous catheter drainage, drain Pericardial effusion, after drainage, Take the Central venous catheter for germs culture, analyse and evaluate possibility and safety of the treatment from etiology angle.


We successfully separated the connected liver parenchyma,sternums and the most inferior two pairs of the ribs, conjoined pleura,conjoined pericardium.

结果 术中见腹腔中有各自的消化道,共肝断面积 5cm ×6cm,胸腔中2个心包紧贴,2个胸膜紧贴,胸骨下段及 4~8 肋相连,均予完全分开。

Results They had normal separated gastrointestinal.The connected liver area were 5cm× 6cm.We successfully separated the connected liver parenchyma,sternums and the most inferior two pairs of the ribs, conjoined pleura,conjoined pericardium.

结果 术中见腹腔中有各自的消化道,共肝断面积 5cm ×6cm,胸腔中2个心包紧贴,2个胸膜紧贴,胸骨下段及 4~8 肋相连,均予完全分开。

更多网络解释与胸骨心包的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pericardial knock:心包叩击音

见于AS3) 心包叩击音(pericardial knock) 见于缩窄型心包炎,在S2后约0.01s出现的中频、较响而短促的额外心音. 4) 肿瘤扑落音(tumor plop) 见于心房黏液瘤患者,在心尖或其内侧胸骨左缘第3、4肋间,在S2后约0.08-0.12s,出现时间较开瓣音晚,

tumor plop:肿瘤扑落音

见于AS3) 心包叩击音(pericardial knock) 见于缩窄型心包炎,在S2后约0.01s出现的中频、较响而短促的额外心音. 4) 肿瘤扑落音(tumor plop) 见于心房黏液瘤患者,在心尖或其内侧胸骨左缘第3、4肋间,在S2后约0.08-0.12s,出现时间较开瓣音晚,音调低,随体位改变.