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To explore the significance of adenosine deaminase in patients with tuberculous pleurisy.
目的 探讨腺苷脱氨酶在结核性胸膜炎中的临床意义。
Objective The study was designed to evaluate the diagnostic value of neopterin and adenosine deaminase of pleural fluid in tuberculous pleurisy.
目的 研究腺苷脱氨酶和新蝶呤的联合检测对结核性胸膜炎的诊断价值。
Objective To study the diagnostic value of pleural effusion and serum adenosine deaminase and antibody to mycobacterium tuberculosis in pleural tuberculosis.
目的 探讨胸水和血清腺苷脱氨酶、结核抗体检测对结核性胸膜炎的诊断价值。
The major symptoms of SLE are the following: butterfly shaped Malar rash particularly on cheeks, discoidal rash, Photosensitivity, regular oral ulcers, nonerosive Arthritis, Pleuritis or Pericarditis, renal disorder, neurologic disorder, hematologic disorder, immunologic disorder, Anti-nuclear Antibody Test positive. Patients who are present any four of above symptoms can be clinically classifi-ed as SLE patients.
SLE的主要临床徵候包含:脸上呈蝴蝶状分布的红斑、身体出现圆盘状红斑、对阳光过敏、经常口腔溃疡、多发性关节炎、胸膜炎或心包膜炎、肾功能障碍、神经系统异常、血球计数异常、免疫系统异常、抗核抗体(Anti-nuclear Ab,ANA)阳性;只要在以上11项中出现四项以上即符合SLE的诊断。
The rate of pleural effusion to diagnose is 88.9% under thoracoscopy:tuberculous pleurisy displays mainly pleura hairy nubble and diffuse white millet nubs and pleural thickeningthe trabe-form conglutination can been found; and metastatic tumor of pleura shows gray tuberculum impar and inequality of size nodosities with diffused pleural congestive and edema in the CPA and disphragmatic muscle.
The rate of pleural effusion to diagnose is 88.9% under thoracoscopy:tuberculous pleurisy displays mainly pleura hairy nubble and diffuse white millet nubs and pleural thickening,the trabe-form conglutination can been found; and metastatic tumor of pleura shows gray tuberculum impar and inequality of size nodosities with diffused pleural congestive and edema in the CPA and disphragmatic muscle.
Methods:Totally 176 patients with tuberculous pleurisy who were first treated were enrolled and randomly divided into three groups .
Pleurisy, also known as pleuritis, is a serious condition that occurs when the two thin membranes lining the lungs are infected, usually as a result of a severe chest infection, pneumonia, or some other underlying lung disease.
Two examinations were evaluated and compared for the diagnosis of tubeculous pleuritis.
Results Among the 149 patients of tuberculous pleuritis and pleural fluid, 16 patients in the thoracoscope group (n=19) were found to have granulation tissue, chronic inflammation and so on in their pleural tissue, which confirmed the histological changes of tuberculous pleuritis and the detection rate was 84.21%.
结果 胸腔镜组16例发现胸膜组织中存在肉芽组织和慢性炎症等,符合结核性胸膜炎的组织学改变,检出率为84.21%;经皮针吸胸膜活检组67例符合结核性胸膜炎的组织学改变,检出率为51.54%,两组检出率比较差异有统计学意义(P.05)。
- 更多网络解释与胸膜炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
"骑士队的队医起初只是认爲詹姆斯拉伤了胸部肌肉,但经过检查之后,他们才发现詹姆斯的肺部组织和胸腔感染了胸膜炎. 生性乐观的詹姆斯乾脆拿"胸膜炎"的拼写开起了玩笑,他说:"我知道'复数'(plural)是什麽,可我以前从来没听过什麽叫'胸膜炎'(pleurisy)".
pleurisy:胸膜炎 肋膜炎
pleuristichous 数列生的 | pleurisy 胸膜炎 肋膜炎 | pleurisywitheffusion 渗出性胸膜炎
interlobar pleurisy:叶间性胸膜炎
interkinesis 分裂间期 | interlobar pleurisy 叶间性胸膜炎 | interlobar pleuritis 叶间性胸膜炎
exudative pleurisy:渗出性胸膜炎
结核性渗出性胸膜炎...结核性渗出性胸膜炎(Exudative pleurisy)是由于结核杆菌侵犯胸膜,当机体对结核菌或...其代谢产物处于高敏状态时,出现的渗出性胸膜炎症和胸腔积液.
exudative pleuritis:渗出性胸膜炎
exudative pleurisy 渗出性胸膜炎 | exudative pleuritis 渗出性胸膜炎 | exudative type 渗出型
interlobar pleuritis:叶间性胸膜炎
interlobar pleurisy 叶间性胸膜炎 | interlobar pleuritis 叶间性胸膜炎 | intermaxillary bone 切骨
pleurites 侧片 | pleuritic 胸膜炎的 | pleuritis 胸膜炎
tuberculous pleuritis:结核性胸膜炎
结核性胸膜炎(tuberculous pleuritis)多发生于青少年. 按病理解剖可分为结核性干性胸膜炎和结合性渗出性胸膜.发病较急,多有发热、全身不适、胸痛、干咳等症状. 大量胸腔积液时有呼吸困难. 胸腔积液少时可无阳性体征;积液较多时患侧胸部饱满,
\\"胸膜炎\\",\\"pleurisy,pleuritis\\" | \\"浆液纤维蛋白性胸膜炎\\",\\"pleurisy,serofibrinous\\" | \\"胸膜炎\\",\\"pleuritis,pleurisy\\"
\\"乾性胸膜炎\\",\\"pleurisy,dry\\" | \\"包绕性胸膜炎\\",\\"pleurisy,encysted\\" | \\"纤维蛋白性胸膜炎\\",\\"pleurisy,fibrinous\\"