英语人>词典>汉英 : 胸膜下的 的英文翻译,例句
胸膜下的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The superficial blood vessels could cross two or more pulmonary lobules, and the pleural superficial blood vessels and the interlobular blood vessels were mutual transitional. The outlines of lobules composed of vascular networks were various in size and form, and the lobular septa were also different in depth. The subpleural arterioles could be divided into arteriole, terminal arteriole, precapillary arteriole and capillary in turn according to the branching sequence of themselves. The plate-like, sieve-like and web-like vascular networks occurred in the subpleural microvascular networks.


The superficial microvascular networks were sparser, while the subpleural microvascular networks were denser. The superficial blood vessels and the interlobular blood vessels were mutual transitional, and the anastomosing between the superficial blood vessels with the subpleural vessels. According to the branching sequence of the subpleural arteriole, it could be divided into the arteriole, terminal arteriole, precapillary arteriole and capillary in turn. The subpleural capillary networks were mainly web-like, while small holes were also found on the cast. The honeycomb vascular networks were various in size and form at a low magnification. The outline of alveolus, alveolar sac, alveolar duct and respiratory bronchiole and terminal bronchiole, made of microvascular networks, could be found in the cut surface.


The anastomosing occurred between the pleural superficial and the subpleural vascular networks on the capillary level or the precapillary level. The honeycomb vascular networks were also various in size and form at a low magnification. The venule connected with the pulmonary capillary networks directly at a high magnification. The single capillary networks were found in the alveolar septa. The longitudinal crests and dense round imprints of endothelial nuclei and the clear circular constrictions were found on the surface of the larger vessel in the lung parenchyma. The round imprints of endothelial nuclei also occurred on the subpleural venule and capillary.


The vessels from the lung parenchyma branched into the pleural superficial vessels, the interlobular vessels and the subpleural microvessels. The subpleural arterioles also could be divided into arteriole, terminal arteriole, precapillary arteriole and capillary in turn. Most subpleural capillary meshes were web-like, and also the small holes and sieve-like meshes occurred in the subpleural microvascular networks. The interlobular blood vessels and the superficial blood vessels were mutual transitional.


Patchy, peripheral, subpleural consolidation is typical of chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, as is an allergic history.


Always look carefully for these nodules in the subpleural region and along the fissures, because this finding is very specific for sarcoidosis.


The distribution of pulmonary consolidation is specific. It extends along the bronchovascular bundle or located in the subpleural area.


Pleural fluid may collect in the subpleural location and a subpulmonic effusion may be overlooked because it mimics elevation of the hemidiaphragm.


The subpleural arteriole and its branches were short. The subpleural capillary meshes were sparse and web-like, and small holes made of microvessels were found occasionally.


The pleural superficial, subpleural and parenchymal vacular networks were denser, and the range of the microvessels in diameter were larger, and the proceeding distance of the subpleural arteriole and its branches were longer in the adult yak lung than those in the adult cattle lung. However, the anastomosing between the pleural superficial and the subpleural vascular networks were more often found in the adult cattle lung than that in the adult yak.


更多网络解释与胸膜下的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


肺放线菌病(actinomycosis)可发生化脓性空洞,常同时有广泛的肺实变,下叶受累者较结核为多见,并多累及胸膜,胸壁窦道也不少见. 诊断取决于在痰或窦道引流物中分离出致病菌.


3、 肺大泡(BULLA) 为边界锐利的气肿区,直径1CM或更大并常有少于1MM的薄壁. 胸膜下肺大泡常是远侧腺泡(间隔旁)气肿的结果.

pleural effusion:胸腔积液

胸腔积液(pleural effusion) 是指在病理情状况下因各种全身性疾病或胸肺疾病本身造成的胸膜腔内贮存过多的液体. 对胸腔积液要作出一个准确和全面的病因诊断,必需懂得病人的胆囊炎由什么引起的、症状和体征,并进行必要的实验室和特殊检查,


(4)肺叶、肺段、肺小叶:肺叶(lobe)由叶间胸膜分隔而成,右肺分为上、中、下三个肺叶,左肺上、下两个肺叶. 肺叶与肺野的概念不同,肺叶前后重叠. 肺叶由2~5个肺段组成,每个肺段有单独的段支气管. 肺段常呈圆锥形,尖端指向肺门,


(6)常用的疫苗 常用的疫苗有猪瘟 ( HC )、假性狂犬病 ( PR )、日本脑炎 ( JE )、丹毒 ( Ery )、萎缩性鼻炎 ( AR )、传染性胃肠炎 ( TGE )、大肠杆菌 ( E.coli )、下痢、放线杆菌胸膜肺炎 ( AP )、猪小病毒 ( Parvo ) 感染症、霉浆菌肺炎

spontaneous pneumothorax:自发性气胸

自发性气胸(spontaneous pneumothorax)是指在无外伤及人为因素情况下脏层胸膜破裂,肺或支气管内的空气进入胸膜腔引起的胸膜腔积气. 是较常见的胸膜脏疾病,也是内科常见的急诊之一. 本病男性较多,男女之比约为5:1,多见于20~30岁的青壮年,

subcostal nerve:肋下神经

2肋间动脉来自锁骨下动脉的分支肋颈干外,其余9对肋间后动脉和1对肋下动脉均发自胸主动脉.肋间神经(intercostal nerves)共11对,位于相应的肋间隙内.肋下神经(subcostal nerve) 1对,位于第12肋下方.1.胸膜 打开胸前壁,

intrapleural pressure:胸膜腔内压

在肺泡表面张力和肺弹性组织回缩力的作用下,生理状态下的肺总是倾向于回缩.然而胸廓是一硬性结构,不会跟随肺回缩,因此造成了胸膜腔内压(intrapleural pressure)低于大气压(负压)的情况.可见胸膜腔内负压的大小与肺回缩力成正比.吸气时肺被扩张,

bullae of lung:肺大泡

(2)肺大泡:肺大泡(bullae of lung)病变特点是局灶性肺泡破坏,小叶间隔也遭破坏,往往形成直径超过2cm的大囊泡,常为单个孤立位于脏层胸膜下. 而其余肺结构可正常. 间质性肺气肿(interstitial emphysema)是由于肺泡壁或细支气壁破裂,

pleural friction fremitus:胸膜摩擦感

胸膜摩擦感(pleural friction fremitus)正常时胸膜脏层和壁层之间滑润,呼吸运动时不产生摩擦感. 当各种原因引起胸膜炎症时,胸膜表面粗糙,呼吸时两层胸膜互相摩擦,可触到摩擦感. 似皮革相互摩擦的感觉. 该征象于动度较大的前胸下前侧部或腋中线第5、6肋间最易触及.