英语人>词典>汉英 : 胶着地 的英文翻译,例句
胶着地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Their music has ankylose with our elderships' heart soulfully. Please treasure up it again.


Their music has ankylose with our elderships ' heart soulfully .


I looked up to see a cute, baby-faced boy, his pale blond hair carefully gelled into orderly spikes, smiling at me in a friendly way.


So a picture of a goat adorns the Kid Glove Shave Gel, and an astronaut is featured on a hair gel aptly named Mission: Control Guck in a Puck.

这样,一幅山羊的图片出现在 Kid Glove 剃须着哩上,而一个宇航员标志的发胶恰当地命名为 Mission: Control Guck in a Puck 。

When you are spritzing your head with hair spray, some of it inevitably winds up on the mirror.


It provided the reference to improve the anti-cracking capability of high strength and high performance concrete from the point of view of constructional technology and curing requirement.The result shows that the more the binder material or sand rate, the more serious the shrinkage cracking. In the concrete with a low water-to-binder ratio, a bit of difference in the dosage of water will result in big difference on the strength and the anti-cracking capability. The occurrence of cracking is mainly at early age (before 1 day). If the surface is plastered again after 2 hours of casting, the anti-cracking capability will nicely improved.


But the bird was almost out of sight now and nothing showed on the surface of the water but some patches of yellow, sun-bleached Sargasso weed and the purple, formalized, iridescent, gelatinous bladder of a Portuguese man of war floating close beside the boat.


In close games, I will take Kobe over Hedo , and the reffing always seems to go L.A.


The expression of PCNA mirrors the general rule of cell multiplication and differentiation of glioma.

PCNA的表达反应了脑胶质瘤细胞增殖与分化的一般规律, PTEN表达的降低在脑胶质瘤的发生、发展过程中可能起着非常重要的作用,PCNA和PTEN的联合检测有利于更准确地判断胶质瘤生物行为和评估患者预后。

The expression of PCNA mirrors the general rule of cell multiplication and differentiation of glioma. The decrease of the expression of PTEN may have very important effect on development and growth of glioma.

PCNA的表达反应了脑胶质瘤细胞增殖与分化的一般规律, PTEN表达的降低在脑胶质瘤的发生、发展过程中可能起着非常重要的作用,PCNA和PTEN的联合检测有利于更准确地判断胶质瘤生物行为和评估患者预后。

更多网络解释与胶着地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adhesively:黏附地, 胶着地

hydrokinesis 水动性 | adhesively 黏附地, 胶着地 | detailed appropriation 细数经费


adhesively 粘着性地 | adhesively 胶着地 | adhesiveness 粘着性


adhesiveclingingsticking 有粘性的 | adhesively 粘着性地 | adhesively 胶着地


aderwas 地腊;含硫地腊 | adglutinate 胶结;凝集;烧结 | adhere 依附;粘附;粘着;遵守


adhesively 黏附地, 胶着地 | detailed appropriation 细数经费 | phacella 胃丝