英语人>词典>汉英 : 背鳍 的英文翻译,例句
背鳍 的英文翻译、例句


dorsal fin
更多网络例句与背鳍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anal fin origin opposite that of second dorsal fin.


Jieyou strong dorsal and anal fin hard spine.


"It has one dorsal and one anal fin, both long and both connected to the rounded tail."


The measurements used are fork length, head length, upper jaw length, snout length, length of dorsal fin base and anal fin base and the distances from the tip of snout to insertion of dorsal fin, to pectoral fin, to ventral fin and to hard margin of preopercle.


The Vietnamese material is dearly distinguished from the examined holotype (AMNH 8365)and paratypes (AMNH 10316, 10307) of Schistura fasciolata by the pelvic-fin origin situated below unbranched or first branched dorsal-fin ray (vs. pelvic-fin origin dearly in front of dorsal-fin origin in S.fasciolata).

越南采集的标本和横纹南鳅的模式标本(AMNH 8365)和副模式标本(AMNH 10316, 10307)有明显的差别,腹鳍起点位于不分支鳍条或第一分背鳍枝鳍的下方(vs S.fasciolata的腹鳍起点明显在背鳍起点的前方)。

A simplified kinematic model on locomotion of the undulatory long dorsal fin propulsion is based on the the observation and experimental data.


The hy-dromechanical performances of the undulatory long dorsal fin propeller of Gymnarchus niloticus are estimated applying the large-amplitude elongated-body theory...


This is a species with parallel-striated scales, a heavily ossified, unserrated, last unbranched dorsal-fin ray, five unbranched dorsal rays in total, and 30–33 lateral line scales.


Colors below the posterior dorsal rags fin are identical and no black spots on them. The distance from anterior to posterior dorsal fin base (the distance between the two dorsal fins) was relatively short. The base of the two ventral fins united and concaved narrowly.


I hauled up two fish which I kept: a plump yellow fish spotted in green with a thin dorsal fin and an overbite and a puny blue torpedo-shaped guy with a Chinese junk sail of a top fin.


更多网络解释与背鳍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adipose fin:脂鳍

高等的棘鳍鱼类(Acanthopterygii)有2个背鳍,第一背鳍由棘组成,第二背鳍主要由软鳍条组成;低等的软鳍鱼类(Malacopterygii)只有一个由软鳍条组成的背鳍,有些种类(鲑、大麻哈鱼、黄颡鱼等)在单个背鳍之后还有一个脂肪性的脂鳍(adipose fin),鳕鱼类有3个背鳍

bigeye tuna:金枪鱼

大眼金枪鱼(Bigeye Tuna)又称肥壮金枪鱼和副金枪鱼,体长约1.5-2.0米,体重大的在100公斤以上,一般为16-35公斤. 体背蓝青色,侧面及腹面银白色. 肉粉红色,略柔软. 胸鳍长,其末端甚突,达第二背鳍下方,第二背鳍也较窄,与第一背鳍高度相近.

dorsal fin:背鳍

有1背鳍(dorsal fin)和尾鳍(caudal fin)及身体腹面的臀鳍(preanal fin),口须中有类似软骨的支持物(骨骼的前体). 排泄系统:没有集中的肾脏,位于咽壁背方两侧的数十对按体节排列的肾管是文昌鱼的排泄器官. 每一肾管(nephridium)是一个短而弯曲的小管,

dorsal fin:背鳍;脊鳍

door chain 网板铁链 | dorsal fin 背鳍;脊鳍 | double acting compressor 复动式压缩机

Dorsal fin ray:背鳍条

贞丰高原鳅 T. zhenfeng2 | 背鳍条Dorsal fin ray 3 , 7 3 , 7 - 8 3 , 8 - 9 3 , 7 - 8 3 , 8 3 , 8 3 , 7 | 臀鳍条Anal fin ray 3 , 5 3 , 5 3 , 7 2 , 6 1 , 7 3 , 5 3 , 5

terminal spot lines of the dorsal fin:背鳍尾斑

9、侧带:lateral band | 10、背鳍尾斑:terminal spot lines of the dorsal fin | 11、尾柄斑:caudal spot

fin whale, finner, finback:背鳍鲸,长须鲸

须鲸油 fin whale oil | 背鳍鲸,长须鲸 fin whale, finner, finback | 最后控制组件,末控制组件 final control element


高等的棘鳍鱼类(Acanthopterygii)有2个背鳍,第一背鳍由棘组成,第二背鳍主要由软鳍条组成;低等的软鳍鱼类(Malacopterygii)只有一个由软鳍条组成的背鳍,有些种类(鲑、大麻哈鱼、黄颡鱼等)在单个背鳍之后还有一个脂肪性的脂鳍(adipose fin),

Sargocentron diadema:黑背鳍棘鳞鱼

背鳍棘鳞鱼 Sargocentron diadema | 银带棘鳞鱼 Sargocentron ittodai | 尖吻棘鳞鱼 Sargocentron spiniferum

inclinator dorsalis muscle:背鳍倾肌

07.0633 臀鳍降肌 depressor analis muscle | 07.0634 背鳍倾肌 inclinator dorsalis muscle | 07.0635 臀鳍倾肌 inclinator analis muscle