英语人>词典>汉英 : 胆囊痛 的英文翻译,例句
胆囊痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与胆囊痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The stone in the neck of gallbladder is one of the important factors contributing to cholecystalgia, which plays a significant role in the emergency cases of cholic diseases.


He had an uneventful postoperative recovery. Elderly patients who have emphysematous cholecystitis may present with only right upper abdominal pain. Other signs may be absent. Preoperative diagnosis can be difficult. When the gallbladder is poorly visualized and gas is suspected on ultrasonography, it should be defined by plain film and computed tomography and emergent cholecystectomy is needed to minimize the risk of mortality.


The product The range of treatment: omarthritis, stroke, stomach trouble, bronchitis, low back pain, insomnia, rhinitis, disc hyperplasia, prostatitis, sciatica, gynecological disease, arthritis, cervical spondylosis, bladder, gallbladder, arteriosclerosis, heart , Spleen, Yanbi.


I'm going to prescribe a pill for your gall bladder and another one for the pain in your foot.


The gall bladder is an organ that stores bile produced in the liver.this bile is released into the intestine to help the body digest and take in food.but tiny stones can form in the gall bladder.the stones can block the tube leading to the intestine,which can cause severe pain.in the traditional gall bladder operation doctors make a large cut across the person's abdomen to remove the gall bladder.patients must spend up to 10 days in the hospital and they often suffer pain for as long as six weeks while they recover from the operation.


更多网络解释与胆囊痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


胆绞痛[医]Biliary colic | 胆囊[医]cholecysto-;cholecyst | 胆囊胆汁浓缩[医]Gallbladder bile concentration



acute cholecystitis:急性胆囊炎

急性胆囊炎(acute cholecystitis)是由于胆囊管阻塞和细菌侵袭而引起的胆囊炎症;其典型临床特征为右上腹阵发性绞痛伴有明显的触痛和腹肌强直. 约95%的病人合并有胆囊结石称为结石性胆囊炎;5%的病人未合并胆囊结石称为非结石性胆囊炎.

biliary colic:胆绞痛[医]

胆红素[医]bilirubin;cholerythrin; conjugated bilirubin | 胆绞痛[医]Biliary colic | 胆囊[医]cholecysto-;cholecyst

rebound tenderness:反跳痛

腹部压痛(tenderness)、腹肌紧张(ri-gidity)和反跳痛(rebound tenderness)是腹膜炎的标志性体征,尤以原发病灶所在部位最为明显. 腹肌紧张的程度随病因和病人的全身状况不同而不同. 腹胀加重是病情恶化的一项重要标志. 胃肠或胆囊穿孔可引起强烈的腹肌紧张,

cholecystalgia:胆囊痛, 胆绞痛

cholecyst n.胆囊 | cholecystalgia 胆囊痛, 胆绞痛 | cholecystectomy n.[医]胆囊切除术


cholecystagogue 排胆剂 | cholecystalgia 胆囊痛 | cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术