- 更多网络例句与肾盂积水相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The main clinical manifestations are persistent polyuria, thirst and polydipsia due to the consequence of dehydration, which can results in some severe complications such as shock, mental retardation, growth retardation and pyelectasis.
Among them,107 cases have hydronephrosis,66 cases of ureteral stricture,79 cases of polypus and 71 cases fail of ESWL.
其中107例伴有患侧轻~中度肾盂积水, 66例同时合并结石远端输尿管狭窄,79例合并有息肉或肉芽组织包裹,71例为体外冲击波碎石治疗失败后。
There was a large renal calculus that obstructed the calyces of the lower pole of this kidney, leading to a focal hydronephrosis (dilation of the collecting system).
The management of children with hydronephrosis is still evolving.
Treatment depends on the severity and cause of the hydronephrosis.
Objective To decide the best time totake films for patients with different degrees of hydronephrosis.
摘要] 目的:探索不同程度肾盂积水病例的最佳摄影时间。
Here is a kidney with much more advanced hydronephrosis in which there is only a thin rim of remaining renal cortex.
Methods Hydronephrosis with negative evidence of ureteral calculi were shown on intravenous urogram in 73 patients. Unenhanced spiral CT scan (2 mm) and urinary ultrasonography were required.
73例排泄性尿路造影(intravenous urogram, IVU)显示肾盂积水但未见结石的患者,均进行B超和螺旋CT平扫(2mm),采用输尿管镜/钬激光碎石治疗。
The possible problem here is that the ureters take an abnormal course across the "bridge" of renal tissue and this can lead to partial obstruction with hydronephrosis .
Superfluous lipid tissue around the bladder and ureter was removed, synchronously the lower ureters were loosened.
- 更多网络解释与肾盂积水相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
retrograde pyelography:逆行肾盂造影
逆行肾盂造影(retrograde pyelography)是膀胱镜检查时,以导管插入输尿管,注入造影剂而使肾盂显影. 一般每侧用12.5%碘化钠或10%~25%泛影葡胺5~10ml,对肾盂积水患者酌情增加,用于排泄性尿路造影显影不良或不适于作排泄性尿路造影患者.
renal rickets:肾性佝偻病
y)或称肾性佝偻病(renal rickets)病因为先天性肾发育不全多囊肾尿路阻塞所致的肾盂积水慢性肾炎或肾盂肾炎等所致的慢性肾功能障碍皆可导致125-(OH)2D3生成减少致使佝偻病发生并引起骨畸变血清钙常减低而血清磷显著高水平本病影响机体正常发育易导致侏儒状态血钙虽代但很少出现手足搐搦症这是由于代谢性酸中毒及低蛋白血症血
capsular pressure:囊内压
囊内压( 囊内压(capsular pressure) ) 正常情况下囊内压是比较稳定的.肾盂或输尿管结石,肿瘤压迫或其他原因引起输尿 管阻塞, 导致肾盂积水, 都可使囊内压升高, 致使有效滤过压降低, 因而肾小球滤过率减少.
肾盂积水(hydronephrosis)是由于尿路阻塞而引起的肾盂肾盏扩大伴有肾组织萎缩. 尿路阻塞可发生于泌尿道的任何部位,可为单侧或双侧. 阻塞的程度可为完全性或不完全性,持续一定时间后都可引起肾盂积水.
\\"肾切除术\\",\\"nephrectomy\\" | \\"肾水肿,肾盂积水\\",\\"nephredema,hydronephrosis\\" | \\"肾充血\\",\\"nephremia\\"
hydronephrosis ; nephredema:肾水肿;肾盂积水
比重测定法 hydrometry | 肾水肿;肾盂积水 hydronephrosis ; nephredema | 心包积水;水心包 hydropericardium
Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization:同种免疫引起胎儿水肿
肾盂积水,伴有输尿管肾盂连接处阻塞 Hydronephrosis with ureteropel... | 同种免疫引起胎儿水肿 Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization | 其他和未特指溶血性疾病引起的胎儿水肿 Hydrops fetalis due to other and...
nephrography 肾 x 线造影术 | nephrohydrosis 肾盂积水 | nephroid 肾形的
renal osteodystrophy:肾性骨营养障碍
1肾性骨营养障碍(renal osteodystrophy)或称肾性佝偻病(renal rickets)病因为先天性肾发育不全多囊肾尿路阻塞所致的肾盂积水慢性肾炎或肾盂肾炎等所致的慢性肾功能障碍皆可导致125-(OH)2D3生成减少致使佝偻病发生并引起骨畸变血清钙常减低而血清磷显著高水平本病影响机体正常发育易导致侏儒状态血钙虽代但很少出现手足搐搦症