英语人>词典>汉英 : 肾上腺皮质类固醇 的英文翻译,例句
肾上腺皮质类固醇 的英文翻译、例句


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Steroid-induced ocular hypertension was first reported in 1950 when McLean [12] reported an increase in IOP associated with the systemic administration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone.

类固醇诱导性高眼压最早在1950年由McLean [12] 报道,他当时报道了一例由于全身应用促肾上腺皮质激素而导致了眼内压的升高。

A large quantity of evidence has showed that higher EO might be one of the pathogenic factors of hypertension. EO also referred to endogenous sodium pump inhibitor, endogenous digitalis-like substance or endogenous digoxin-like factor before, is a recently identified sterone hormone that might be secreted from adrenal cortex.

内源性哇巴因(endogenous ouabain, EO)是新近发现主要由肾上腺皮质所分泌的一种类固醇激素,大量证据表明,体内EO含量升高可能是高血压的发病因素之一。

Objective:To investigate the effect of inhaled corticosteroids on adrenocortical function in patients with asthma.


In the 86 studied infants, cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone leels did not differ between those exposed to single and repeated courses of antenatal steroids (P =.53 and P =.15, respectiely).


Four rats of either group were sacrificed at the day of 2,4,6,8,10, separately; the level of blood glucose and the contents of adrenocorticotropic hormone,orticosterone and adrenaline were measured as the stress markers,as well as the relative weight of the thymus and spleen.


Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones secreted by adrenal cortex zona fasciculate cells.

糖皮质激素(glucocorticoids, GCs)是由肾上腺皮质束状带细胞分泌的一种类固醇激素。

Treatment of manifestations: Corticosteroid replacement therapy is essential for those with adrenal insufficiency.


O date, the latter has been identified in several organs and tissues such as pancreatic β-cell, the liver, adrenal cortex and skeletal muscle where they regulate β-cell survival, hepatic glyconeogenesis, steroid synthesis, and mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in the skeletal muscle.


O date, the latter has been identified in several organs and tissues such as pancreatic p-cell, the liver, adrenal cortex and skeletal muscle where they regulate p-cell survival, hepatic glyconeogenesis, steroid synthesis, and mitochondrial biogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in the skeletal muscle.


更多网络解释与肾上腺皮质类固醇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adrenal cortex:肾上腺皮质

主要分泌类固醇激素的腺体有肾上腺皮质(adrenal cortex)及性腺(gonads,包括卵巢及睪丸),每个腺体又都分泌不只一种的类固醇激素,其构造及名称对行外人来说也都近似,因此造成困扰.


坐立在主要的位置(立在山之颠)可被用来制成其它许多类固醇激素如脱氢表雄酮(DHEA),孕烯醇酮, 雌激素(有三种:雌激素酮estron,雌二醇(estradiol), 雌激素三醇(estriol),肾上腺酮(corticosterone), 皮质(甾)醇(cortisol )以及醛甾酮(aldosterone)上图类固醇流程图表明,


肾上腺皮质是体内类固醇荷尔蒙首要合成器官,分泌有皮质醇(cortisol)、醛酮素(aldosterone)、雄性素(androgen)等三型类固醇荷尔蒙,我们实验室利用人类肾上腺皮质H295R细胞株和毒性当量(toxic equivalency factor)最高之PCB126,




坐立在主要的位置(立在山之颠)可被用来制成其它许多类固醇激素如脱氢表雄酮(DHEA),孕烯醇酮, 雌激素(有三种:雌激素酮estron,雌二醇(estradiol), 雌激素三醇(estriol),肾上腺酮(corticosterone), 皮质(甾)醇(cortisol )以及醛甾酮(aldosterone)上图类固醇流程图表明,


肾上腺制造类固醇(steroids)及皮质酮(cortisone)时也需要泛酸. 它也是辅酶A(coenzyme A)的必要元素. 体内所有的细胞均需要它,它主要集中在各器官内. 维持消化道正常功能及治疗忧郁与焦急,均需要此维他命. 吡哆醇,俗称维他命B6,


他们认为"类固醇"(steroids)的范围太广,它包含了胆固醇、性激素和皮质类固醇等具有共同多环结构的化合物. "皮质类固醇(corticosteroids )"和"类皮质激素(corticoids)"都不够准确,因为它不能明确是指肾上腺皮质合成的两类类固醇激素中的哪一种;

adrenal gland; suprarenal gland:肾上线

"肾上腺皮质类固醇","adrenal corticosteroid" | "肾上线","adrenal gland; suprarenal gland" | "肾上腺摘除术","adrenalectomy"

adrenal corticosteroid:肾上腺皮质类固醇

"(贤上腺)皮质素","adrenal corticoid; corticoid" | "肾上腺皮质类固醇","adrenal corticosteroid" | "肾上线","adrenal gland; suprarenal gland"