英语人>词典>汉英 : 肺的诊音 的英文翻译,例句
肺的诊音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与肺的诊音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Measurements and Main Results: The model comprises 16 variables of which 10 (older age, male sex, prolonged immobilization, history of deep vein thrombosis, sudden-onset dyspnea, chest pain, syncope, hemoptysis, unilateral leg swelling, electrocardiographic signs of acute cor pulmonale) are positively associated, and 6 (prior cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, orthopnea, high fever, wheezes, or crackles on chest auscultation) are negatively associated with pulmonary embolism.


Right now the nurse answers with gentle language, patient manner sucks phlegmy necessity and importance to patient and family member specification, and the serious consequence that rejects to suck phlegmy likelihood to bring about, and signal patient and gentleness of movement of family member operation, at the same time directive and sober patient cooperates to may decrease those who suck phlegmy place to bring is unwell, cooperate in order to obtain what the patient reachs a household. Whether do the 5 distances that check tracheal spile to be apart from fore-tooth have fluctuant reach auscultation sound of double lung breath is symmetrical. Sound of breath of 6 auscultation double lung, in order to judge the place of phlegmy fluid. The 7 patients as a result of tracheal spile, what aeriform exchange does not pass nose pharynx ministry is wet change, make inside tracheal spile drier, reason should time do pulverization inspiratory 2 / D~4 second / D, arrive in order to rise the wet path that spend energy of life, avoid the end with phlegmy scabby fluid.


The diagnosis of ILD is established by crackles of the lung bases at auscultation, and high resolution computed tomography of the chest demonstrating diffuse opacities predominating in the bases (ground glass opacities, reticular opacities, honeycombing, and traction bronchiectases).


The method was validated in 100 sound files from seven subjects with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and seven healthy subjects by comparison of auscultation findings, examination of audio files, and computer detection of wheezes.


On examination, coarse crepitations may be areas of consolidation with dullness to percussion, increased vocal resonance and bronchial breathing.


更多网络解释与肺的诊音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asthmatic bronchitis:哮喘性支气管炎

哮喘性支气管炎(asthmatic bronchitis)是指婴幼儿时期有哮喘表现的支气管炎. 其特点是:1、多见于3岁以下,有湿疹或其他过敏史者;2、有类似哮喘的症状,如呼气性呼吸困难,肺部叩诊呈鼓音,听诊两肺满布哮鸣音及少量粗湿啰音;3、有反复发作倾向,


4.浊音(dullness) 是一种音调较高、音响较弱、振动持续时间较短的非乐性叩诊音. 当叩击被少量含气组织覆盖的实质脏器时产生. 除音响外,板指所感到的振动亦弱. 如叩击心或肝被肺的边缘所覆盖的部分,或在病理状态下如肺炎(肺组织含气量减少)所表现的叩诊音.


(二) 脓气胸(pyopneumothorax) 是肺脏边缘的脓肿破裂,脓液与气体进入胸腔所致. 表现为在肺炎病程中突然病情加重,剧烈咳嗽、呼吸困难、烦躁、发绀. 呼吸音明显减低或消失,胸腔积液的上方叩诊呈鼓音. (三) 肺大泡(pneumatocele) 由于细支气管管腔因炎性肿胀狭窄,


若空洞巨大,位置表 浅且腔壁光滑或张力性气胸的患者,叩诊时局部虽呈鼓音,但因具有金属性回响,故又称 为空瓮音(amphorophony). 当肺泡壁松弛,肺泡含气量减少的情况下,如肺不张,肺炎充血期或消散期和肺水肿 等,


1.支气管语音(bronchophony) 为语音共振的强度和清晰度均增加,常同时伴有语 音震颤增强,叩诊浊音和听及病理性支气管呼吸音,见于肺实变的患者. 2.胸语音(pe(:toriloquy)是一种更强、更响亮和较近耳的支气管语音,言词清晰可 辨,容易听及.


如心区部听诊出现拍水音和摩擦音可确诊为心包炎(cardiopericarditis);心室部听诊出现心内杂音可确诊是心脏瓣膜病(valvular disease of the heart);肺区听诊出现支气管音或罗音时是肺炎(lung fever)的表现;腹部听诊时听不到肠音是肠麻痹(enteroparalysis).


若语音共振更响亮、字音更清晰、声音更近耳,称为胸语音(pectoriloquy),见于更大范围的肺实变. ⑵耳语音(whispered) 嘱评估对象用耳语声反复发"yi"音,在胸壁上听诊时,正常人在能听到肺泡呼吸音的部位,仅能听到极微弱的音响. 当肺实变时,


4.耳语音(whispered) 嘱被检查者用耳语声调发"yi、yi、yi"音,在胸壁上听诊 时,正常人在能听到肺泡呼吸音的部位,仅能听及极微弱的音响,但当肺实变时,则可清 楚地听到增强的音调较高的耳语音.