英语人>词典>汉英 : 肯定... 的英文翻译,例句
肯定... 的英文翻译、例句


be sure of
更多网络例句与肯定...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There definitely is a lot of content on Joost, but it's definitely not a complete one-stop shop for everything.

肯定是一个很大的含量对joost ,但它肯定不是一个完整的一个一站式的每件事物。

Every morning when i get upjet fuel in my coffee cuplord knows i ain't giving upi'm gonna take on the world today sometimes it's green green grassother times it kicks my asshalf full half empty glassdon't matter either way i'm gonna live the lifethat i'm gonna liveain't what i thought it wasit is what it isbabythis ain't no rodeono dog and pony show ain't no rollercoaster ride, yeahain't no highwaysure ain't no river babyit's just my so-calledjust my so-called lifemy so-called lifesome days i own this townother days it shoots me downas long as i'm still hangin' roundi'm holding on to hope andfaith is a powerful thingchasing after that big brass ringmight fill your pocket with some jingaling but there's one thing that i knowyou just gotta keep keeping onand doin like you doyou'll look around when it's said and doneand realize it's true baby this ain't no rodeono dog and pony show ain't no rollercoaster ride, yeahain't no highwaysure ain't no river babyit's just my so-calledjust my so-called lifethis ain't no rodeono dog and pony show ain't no rollercoaster ride, yeahain't no highwaysure ain't no river babyit's just my so-calledjust my so-called lifemy so-called lifejust my so-called life

当我每天早上起床喷气燃料在我的咖啡杯上帝知道我是不会放弃我要去采取当今世界上有时它的绿色绿草其他时候,踢我屁股半满一半空杯子没有任何问题的方式我要去住的生活,我要去现场不是我认为这是它就是这样婴儿这不是没有罗德奥没有狗和小马查看不是没有乘坐过山车,是啊不是没有高速公路肯定不是没有河流婴儿这只是我的所谓刚才我所谓的生活我所谓的生活一些天,我自己的这个镇其他天芽我失望只要我仍然hangin '轮我持有的希望和信念是一种强大的东西追逐大黄铜环可以填写您的口袋里的一些jingaling 但有一件事,我知道你刚才得随时保持对和你一样做的乐队你会环顾四周时,说和做并实现它的真正的婴儿这不是没有罗德奥没有狗和小马查看不是没有乘坐过山车,是啊不是没有高速公路肯定不是没有河流婴儿这只是我的所谓刚才我所谓的生活这不是没有罗德奥没有狗和小马查看不是没有乘坐过山车,是啊不是没有高速公路肯定不是没有河流婴儿这只是我的所谓刚才我所谓的生活我所谓的生活刚才我所谓的生活

Certe, quidem do not have the brevity and the harmony of the Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese si and the French si , when the latter substitutes for oui in the most expressive sentences; si in singing, a musical note, an arpeggio of the flute, a bird's trill, noble and good for melody, for rhythm, for dreaming, for love: more for the protest and impetus, for the paroxysm, for wrath, for anathema, for dry fulminating hate, like the scratching of a ray of light, the no is far better, the rude, bitter O vast, like a roar, round and ardent like a chaos producer of life through the conflagration of all the forces of the abyss.

拉丁语中的肯定回答"Certe quidem"不如西班牙语、义大利语、葡萄牙语和法语中的肯定回答"si"那麼简洁和谐。法语中的"si"在最富有情感的情况下取代了"oui",表示"是的"。"si"在音乐中是音符"7",是长笛的琶音,乌的颤音,极适用於美妙的音乐、韵律、梦幻和爱情的表达。而要表达抗议、冲动、情感的突然发作、愤怒、诅咒、憎恨这一类像划火柴点火那样瞬间爆发的情感,否定回答"No"要比肯定回答适用得多。"No"中的"o"粗鲁、嘹亮、热烈,像怒吼,像给世界造成大乱的深藏在地底下的雷霆万钧之力突然爆发。

Be such, to new website that still ranks data without Alexa, alexa is collected also have a process, like be just like search to all alone engine is collected, this needs period of time, specific how long is the thing of the specific algorithm inside Alexa, we are bad also and informal speak carelessly, but have a bit, if the visit amount of your station is large, meet what collect quickly for certain, still what Alexa ranks raise a question, the effective affirmation that brush a station can raise a rank, but Alexa rank also is an index that measures a website, collect an amount with Pr value and search engine, key word ranks the algorithm that there is his like waiting a moment, not be effect of 9 days of affirmative certain visibility, it is commonly of course should such, but what thing has exception, so, urgent also be urgent do not come, general left and right sides of a week, affirmative meeting vicissitudinous, if you are,undertaking brushing the word of the station effectively.

是这样的,对于新网站(还没有alexa排名数据的网站),alexa收录也有一个过程,就好比搜索引擎收录一样,这个需要一段时间,具体多长时间就是 alexa里面的具体算法的事情,我们也不好随便乱说的,但是有一点,如果你站的访问量大,肯定会加速收录的,还有alexa排名的提高问题,有效的刷站肯定会提高排名,但是alexa排名也是衡量网站的一个指数,就和pr值和搜索引擎收录数量,关键字排名等等一样有自己的算法,不是一两天肯定就一定能见效果的,当然一般是应该这样,但是什么事情都有例外,所以,急也是急不来的,一般一个星期左右,肯定会有变化的,如果你是在进行有效刷站的话。

So our compulsory affirmation is the regulation that upholds a country, we can think more kind go promoting for certain, the country hopes to put on record we also hope to put on record for certain, if if say to be able to be carried,just suggesting, we meet those who if say to be able to have the law more,think do put on record sexual job, is not to lean a simple way that studies e.g. periodic person, we say to put on record to will be checked tomorrow today, not be the way that studies through such people, the rate that accepts possibly to stationmaster will be higher, betterer.


The act of affirming or the state of being affirmed; assertion.


And similarly it straightway cancels again the assertion which here annuls the first, and which is also just such an assertion of a sensuous This.


Most men are too ashamed to admit how much they need approval. They may go to great lengths to prove they don't care. But why do they Immediately become cold, distant, and defensive when they lose a woman's approval? Because not getting what they need hurts.


Yet the actress continued to talk, ''The big deal is that it will quietly affirm to young, brown-skinned children that they are special in this world, and I think that it is a bigger deal to those of us who grew up without it and are now adults and have been waiting for it.


I cite a case, price of this word contest is as high as tumor 16 yuan are clicked every time, one day clicks the word of 1000 is then 16 thousand yuan everyday, lead the 1% words that will calculate by changeover (conservative estimation is inside this limits), so a day of 1000IP the word has 10 people is duped, 16 thousand yuan of affirmation of a day want these 10 people to come namely burden, so be equivalent to you treat disease most most the injustice money that the most conservative affirmation should give is the least 1600 yuan (affirmative of course and more than this, the person that just says to see a doctor here also should do a good turn cost of price giving contest, sweat).


更多网络解释与肯定...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acknowledge ACK:确认,肯定回执,肯定证实

缺相 Default Phase | 确认,肯定回执,肯定证实 Acknowledge ACK | 确认操作 Confirm Operation AITS

acknowledge character:肯定字符

acknowledge 肯定 | acknowledge character 肯定字符 | acknowledgement 肯定

Positive Acknowledgment:肯定证实,肯定确认,肯定应答

客户规定的记录通知 Customized Recorded Announcement CRA | 肯定证实,肯定确认,肯定应答 Positive Acknowledgment | 空槽位 Vacant slot

Positive Acknowledgment:肯定证明肯定确认肯定应答

客户规定的记录通知 Customized Recorded Announcement CRA | 肯定证肯定确肯定应答 Positive Acknowledgment | 空槽位 Vacant slot

affirmative proposition:肯定命题

affirmative judgment 肯定判断 | affirmative proposition 肯定命题 | affirming the antecedent 肯定前

I'll by no means be a professor:我肯定不会成为一名教授的

I've no doubt.^我肯定. QA,*:qx | I'll by no means be a professor.^我肯定不会成为一名教授的. 6kR -rA | Bet I will get it.^我肯定会得到它. j@CKO cn2

for sure:肯定

如今這社會媽不肯定是女的,爸不肯定是男的(同性婚姻),還剩多少事情是肯定(for sure)的?!

in the affirmative:中文意思:以肯定的方式,意见一致地,表示同意

Affirmative adj.肯定的 | (1).in the affirmative 中文意思:以肯定的方式,意见一致地,表示同意 | example:The answer was in the affirmative. 回答是肯定的.


间接肯定法概念 间接肯定法(Litotes)是指用反对语的否定表达肯定的正面的意义的一种修辞手段. 间接肯定法也称曲意法. 间接肯定法与夸张法恰恰相反. 夸张是讲得过分,间接肯定法则是有意轻描淡写,把话说小,常用否定的否定来表达肯定.


Positive Wissenschaften 实证科学 | Positives 肯定的东西(肯定物) | Positives und Negatives 肯定的东西与否定的东西(肯定物一否定物)