英语人>词典>汉英 : 肝区疼痛 的英文翻译,例句
肝区疼痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与肝区疼痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The detective rates of symptoms as dizziness, sight descend, faintness for seeing, bleed to brush teeth and pain in liver area in the ease group were significantly higher than that in the control groups; The detective rates of lens turbidness, liver augment, Hb descend and abnormity of liver function were also significantly higher than that in the control group.

结果 接触组自觉症状中头昏、视力下降、视物模糊、刷牙出血、肝区疼痛5项的检出率明显高于对照组;体检项目中眼晶体混浊、肝大、血红蛋白降低、肝功能异常4项的检出率明显高于对照组。

Results Compared to the control group,Xiaozhi fugan tang was more effective to symptoms like tire,hepatic ache astriction and lose weight;it was also more effective to the decline of hemolipid and ameliorate observed by ultrasonic B.

结果 消脂复肝汤对于乏力、肝区疼痛、便秘的改善、体重的下降优于对照组,对于血脂的下降、B超的改善优于对照组。

Chill,high fever,hepatalgia and the increase of leukocyte were th


Oxycontin is safe and effective for moderate and severe hepatalgia of primary liver cancer post-transcatheter arterial chemoembolization.


Objective To evaluate the efficacy and side effects of oxycontin (oxycodone hydrochloride controlled-release tablets) in the treatment of moderate to severe hepatalgia of primary liver cancer post-transcatheter arterial chemoembolization.

目的 观察奥施康定治疗原发性肝癌肝动脉化疗栓塞术后引起中重度肝区疼痛的近期疗效和不良反应。

Oxycontin is safe and effective for moderate and severe hepatalgia of primary liver cancer posttranscatheter arterial chemoembolization.


Results: The tumor sizes in PLE group were reduced about 70% in average, and the that of sodium morrhuate treating group were reduced about 72%.

结果: 1用PLE栓塞组,患者术后一般发热3~7d,最高达381℃,术中有肝区憋胀,轻度疼痛,术后肝区疼痛较轻,均未使用止痛针剂。

Liver pain, or even death in cirrhotic ascites; Paragonimiasis infected cysts, child or adult worms in human tissues and organs within the transitional, If staying in the lung, patients would cough, chest pain and other discomfort, live in the brain occur in epilepsy, hemiplegia, live mainly in the liver to the liver, liver pain, will live in the subcutaneous form transitional mass or nodule; Fasciolopsiasis worm infection can suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea, malnutrition, etc.; Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae in human migration, lesions in the brain, can cause severe headache, nausea, vomiting, fever and neck hard, there will be serious paralysis, lethargy, coma or even death.


更多网络解释与肝区疼痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如肝区不适、疼痛、腹胀、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、发热、乏力、全身关节痛、鼻衄、牙龈出血、皮下瘀斑和越来越明显的消瘦等. 健康体检时常规检测"乙肝表面抗原"(澳抗)、"丙型肝炎病毒"(HCV)和"甲胎蛋白"(AFP),对早期发现肝炎病史和无症状的肝癌,有重要意义.


heparinization /全身性肝素化/ | hepatalgia /肝区疼痛/肝痛/ | hepatargy /肝自体中毒/


heparinization 全身性肝素化 | hepatalgia 肝区疼痛 | hepatalgia 肝痛


肝区疼痛hepatalgia | 肝软化hepatomalacia | 肝素disebrinhamocura