英语人>词典>汉英 : 肛门部 的英文翻译,例句
肛门部 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

pars analis
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Levator ani also known as the levator ani movement, is an anal one of the ways the Department of Qigong.


Methods According to mechanics principle of anus and rectum,adopted close neoplasty operation through rectum cope with 23 cases patient of rectocele,and injected the tela submucosa in ahead rectum with 1:1 Xiao Zhi Ling injection(Xiao Zhi Ling: Sterile Water for Injection)and cut a part of puborectalis.


Non - genital infections, including gonorrhea oropharynx, the anus and rectum.


Unfortunately, the uterine bleeding was noted despite the administration of an oxytocin infusion. Thus, 400μg of misoprostol was given rectally, and the uterine bleeding gradually ceased over the ensuing 60 min.

但患者在恢复室时仍有阴道出血,经使用oxytocin注射无效,然后在肛门塞入misoprostol 400μg,一小时内出血渐渐停止,但清除阴道血块时却发现整个胎儿和小部份胎盘,2小时后患者一切正常才出院,估计出血约350ml。

Maintain clean sanitation, around the anus means to control infection, inducing or aggravated, should be regularly hemorrhoids anus, often in the hot compress, especially when the attack tumors underwear, every day at least two hot sitz bath, anus can promote the blood circulation, anus bowel inflammation and timely treatment for local inflammation.


Nose and nails--black.nnTwo-colored Dachshunds include black, chocolate, wild boar, gray and fawn, each with tan markings over the eyes, on the sides of the jaw and underlip, on the inner edge of the ear, front, breast, inside and behind the front legs, on the paws and around the anus, and from there to about one-third to one-half of the length of the tail on the underside.

鼻镜和趾甲为黑色。nn双色,包括黑色、巧克力色、野猪色、灰色、驼色,各自带有褐色斑纹,在眼睛上方,颌部两侧,下唇,耳朵内边缘,前面,胸部、前腿内侧和后面,脚掌和肛门周围,并在尾巴下侧,向尾巴延伸 1/3到1/2。

Two-colored Dachshunds include black, chocolate, wild boar, gray and fawn, each with tan markings over the eyes, on the sides of the jaw and underlip, on the inner edge of the ear, front, breast, inside and behind the front legs, on the paws and around the anus, and from there to about one-third to one-half of the length of the tail on the underside.

双色,包括黑色、巧克力色、野猪色、灰色、驼色,各自带有褐色斑纹,在眼睛上方,颌部两侧,下唇,耳朵内边缘,前面,胸部、前腿内侧和后面,脚掌和肛门周围,并在尾巴下侧,向尾巴延伸 1/3到1/2。

Two-coloredDachshunds include black, chocolate, wild boar, gray and fawn, each with tan markings over the eyes, on the sides of thejaw and underlip, on the inner edge of the ear, front, breast, insideand behind the front legs, on the paws and around the anus, and fromthere to about one-third to one-half of the length of the tail on theunderside.


"The rectum shortens, pushing the feces into the anal canal, where internal and external sphincters allow them to be passed or retained."


"The rectum shortens, pushing the feces into the anal c anal , where internal and external sphincters allow them to be passed or retained."


更多网络解释与肛门部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anorectal | 肛门直肠的 | anorectic | 食欲缺乏的,厌食的 | anorectum | 肛门直肠(部)


当囊胚继续发育时,会向内凹陷形成原肠胚(Gastula),向内凹陷的孔洞则称为胚孔(Blastopore). 软体动物即以此种方式发育,胚孔的地方形成嘴部,此称为原口(mouth-first)动物. 另一种动物在发育时胚孔成为肛门,而在另一端发育成嘴,


雄性除了体型较长大外,头冠(casque)也较雌性明显,雄性吻尖有一个较明显"像铲一般" (shovel-like)的角状突起物延伸至眼部两侧. 半成体和成体比较容易分性别,雄性肛门连接尾巴部份较肿胀. 幼体(少于3~4个月大的)因阴茎(hemipenis)还未完全发育,


(1)一期梅毒:主要症状为硬下疳(chancre),发生于不洁的性交后2~4周. 出现于梅毒螺旋体侵入处,大多发生于生殖器部位,少数发生于唇、咽、宫颈等处. 男性多发生在阴茎的包皮、冠状沟、系带和龟头上,同性恋男性常见于肛门部或直肠;


"1103","'4 '","'Mycoses'","'DERMATOPHYTOSIS OF GROIN'","鼠蹊及肛门... | "1104","'4 '","'Mycoses'","'DERMATOPHYTOSIS OF FOOT'","足部之皮癣菌病" | "1105&q

primary dysmenorrhea:原发性痛经

原发性痛经(primary dysmenorrhea)是指在生殖器官无器质性病变存在的前提下在月经期发生的下腹部痉挛性疼痛、坠胀感,可放射至腰骶部、外阴、肛门及大腿内侧,部分患者伴有恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、水肿甚至虚脱.

chronic Eczema:慢性湿疹

(三)慢性湿疹 (chronic eczema)由急性湿疹及亚急性湿疹迁延而成,或自一开始炎症不重,暗红斑上有丘疹、抓痕及鳞屑. 患部皮肤肥厚,表面粗糙,呈苔藓样变,有色素沉着或色素减退. 病情时轻时重,延续数月或更久. 好发部位:手、足、小腿、肘窝、股部、乳房、外阴、肛门等处,


第二部称预系,位反口面中央,由围肛部(periproct)和5个生殖板,5个眼板(ocular plate)组成. 生殖板上各有一生殖孔,有一块生殖板多孔,形状特异,兼作筛板的作用. 眼板上各有一眼孔,辐水管末端自孔伸出,为感觉器. 围肛部上有肛门.

plantar reflex:跖反射

④跖反射(plantar reflex)患者仰卧,下肢伸直,检查者手持患者踝部,用钝头竹签划足底外侧,由足跟向前至近小趾关节处转向拇趾侧,正常反应为足跖屈曲. ⑤ 肛门反射(anal reflex) 用大头针轻划肛门周围皮肤,可引起肛门外括约肌收缩.


proctagra 肛门痛 | proctalgia 肛部痛 | proctatresia 肛门闭锁