英语人>词典>汉英 : 肌肉萎缩症 的英文翻译,例句
肌肉萎缩症 的英文翻译、例句


muscular dystrophy
更多网络例句与肌肉萎缩症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Water Channel pins as Aquapodns to Activate Choroid Plexus for Osmoreguiation to protect micro-organisms from freezing and osmotic shock→ Modulats intend fluid environment and maintain blood and cellular fluid compositions within extreme presence of Leukemia, Carcinomatosis, congestive heart failure, brain edema, muscular dystrophy , anhidrosis, renal tubular acidosis, cystic fibrosis and other acute

Weater Channel水闸,是以2003年诺贝化学奖发现的水通道《水闸》蛋白,启动脉络丛的渗透调节,以保护徽生物免於从冻结和渗透压冲击→进一步可为白血病,扩散性肿瘤,充血性心丽衰竭,脑水肿,肌肉萎缩症,缺汗症,肾小管发中毒,囊肿性纤维化和其他急性和慢性疾病等(患者》,调节其内部极端存在的流体环境,和维持其血液和细胞内的液体成分。

My older son is 22 and is in an advanced stage of muscular dystrophy.


Could you please help us in providing more information about the result of stem cell on muscular dystrophy.


Three year old Morgan Bucco is one of thousands of children who are born with rare forms of muscular dystrophy; unlike most, he is part of a unique research project. MS is a wide range of disorders; thus, the research has used a wide, international sample.


Myotonic MD's age at onset: 20 to 40 years Myotonic muscular dystrophy is the most common adult form of muscular dystrophy.


Myotonic MD's age at onset: 20 to 40 years Myotonic muscular dystrophy is the most common adult form of muscular dystrophy.


Physical therapy to prevent contractures (a condition when an individual with a muscular dystrophy grows and the muscles don't move with the bones and can easily be slowed down and/or make the individual's body straighter by daily physical therapy), orthoses (orthopedic appliances used for support) and corrective orthopedic surgery may be needed to improve the quality of life in some cases.


Spinal muscular atrophy is the name given to a group of inherited disease characterized by muscle weakness and wasting cause of motor neurones defect.


My younger sister has been diagnosed of Muscular Dystrophy Report: Muscular Biopsy shows feature of Muscular dystrophy.


If approved, it would be the first treatment to halt the breakdown of muscle in MD.


更多网络解释与肌肉萎缩症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症

肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)简称为ALS,是由于运动神经元衰竭而失去功能,造成全身性肌肉萎缩的一种疾病. 脊髓侧柱是皮质路径,当脊髓灰质前角细胞开始退化,肌肉就会呈现无力、痉挛、抽动,体重也会开始减轻,最后造成呼吸调节失控而送命,

chromosome breakage:染色体断裂

"已知checkpoint蛋白缺失的细胞中,在扩增重复位点的染色体断裂(chromosome breakage)急剧增加. 这意味着具有扩增重复序列的细胞尤其容易受到攻击,如果它们的监督机制失效可能就会死亡. 这一点很重要,因为细胞死亡是大多数CAG扩增疾病(如Huntington症和肌肉萎缩症)的一个标志. "

Muscular Dystrophy:肌肉萎缩症

澳洲新南威尔斯大学(the University of New South Wales)的研究人员,在老鼠的研究模式中成功的将干细胞(stem cells)再生为肌肉细胞,对於患有肌肉相关疾病,例如:肌肉萎缩症(muscular dystrophy)的病人,带来治疗上的新希望,

Muscular Dystrophy:肌肉萎缩

与laminin有缺陷的相关疾病包含肌肉萎缩(muscular dystrophy)和早衰症(progeria). Fibronectin是伤口愈合时第一种形成的醣蛋白,它会与细胞膜上的一种蛋白质受体integrin结合,此外它也会把细胞外的胶原蛋白、纤维素(fibrin)、肝素(heparin)等结合在一起 (可视为卡榫,

myotonic dystrophy:强直型肌肉萎缩症

其中,位於染色体19q13.3区域内DMPK基因3'端不转译区的此一序列之扩增会造成强直型肌肉萎缩症(myotonic dystrophy). 在此研究中,我们尝试以线虫(C. elegans)作为疾病模式动物来研究强直肌肉萎缩症之可能致病机制. 首先,



Brendan Fraser:布兰登.弗莱瑟

>根据真人真事改编,弗莱瑟扮演两个患有肌肉萎缩症的孩子的父亲,为了治愈孩子的疾病,他倾其所有创建了医(yao)公司,并请来福特扮演的 ...和演员布兰登-弗莱瑟(Brendan Fraser)一起出席了红毯仪式.


肌肉张力减低(hypotonia) . 骨骼发育畸形. 肌肉发育畸形. 出现挛缩畸形(爪形足、爪形手或其他的畸形等). 脊柱侧弯(scoliosis) . calve肌肉的肿大(假性肥大 pseudohypertrophy) 测试 对於家族病史的了解与调查有助於区别不同型式的肌肉萎缩症.

nonsense mutation:无意义突变

裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症 (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) 为一致命之肌肉退化性疾病,病因是肌缩蛋白 (dystrophin) 基因之无意义突变 (nonsense mutation) 或框构转移突变 (frame-shifting mutation),导致肌肉纤维内部缺乏肌缩蛋白.

progressive muscular dystrophy:[进行性肌营养不良症]

进行性肌营养不良症(Progressive muscular dystrophy)为一组原发于肌肉组织的遗传性变性疾病. 临床主要表现为由肢体近端开始的、两侧对称性的、进行性加重的肌肉萎缩和肌无力. 临床表现:1、假性肥大型 是儿童中最为常见的一类肌病,属性链销隐性遗传,