英语人>词典>汉英 : 肇事 的英文翻译,例句
肇事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

cause trouble · create a disturbance
更多网络例句与肇事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accordingly it is more appropriate to be convicted as the crime of abscondence after traffic accident, rather than the traffic accident crime.


Subjective aspect, argumentum the traffic cause trouble abearance is human two kind negligence circumstance scilicet the negligence of the fault the gist and overconfident negligence, versus judge the human foresight in abearance ability, criminal negligence the inside how the human diligentia in abearance onus problem adduced own notion, combining versus the abroad of mutually in reliance on the axiom proceeded the rating.


Currently, only parts of domestic highways are selected to be paved with porous asphalt, with an aim to improving the sections in which water tends to gather because of linearity. Observation and comparison reveal that this practice is effective to improving the water clogged on roads and lowering the rate of traffic accidents. However, complete pavement is not done owning to many factors. The main reason is that the result is not outstanding on the north trial section.


Based on analysis theory of communicative study and case of study on "Boma disturbance",this article tends to analyze how mass media bring into rational value judgments,correct direction on public opinion and reasonale evaluation of media operation,and aims to explore the reciprocal regularity among media ecology and public opinion and democratic politics.We holds that it is an important way and efficient safeguard for the realization of political civilization to construct positive media ecology.


They are the guiltiness of causing traffic trouble, the causation between escape and death, the cognition of causing traffic trouble.


In the lawsuit of personal harm compensation dissension caused by road traffic accident, the insurance corporation usually listed as the common defendant with driver and owner of the peacebreaking vehicle.

摘 要:在道理交通事故人身损害赔偿纠纷诉讼中,参诉的保险公司往往与肇事司机、肇事车主一起被列为共同被告;法院常常判决保险公司直接向受害人给付交强险保险金。

There are new details about the man behind the wheel of a tour bus that crashed in California, killing eight people. Police say Quintin Watts has a lengthy criminal record, a history of substance abuse and a string of motor vehicle offense s.


With the society progress,vehicles are used more and more prevalent,because of it,traffic accidents increase quickly,criminal law regards man who makes severe traffic accidents as crimes.and then punish the man by crimial law.but, actually,identify criminal suspect lying on evidences that someone has destroyed individul properties and made accidents which are significant for criminating and measuring crimes.whilst,when progressing in investigating judicial practices of criminal suspects,there are lots of same criminal conditions.for this , should be identifed clearly.


Escapes and causes everybody's death " in the traffic accident, mean the actor runs away after the traffic accident for escaping the law to investigate , situation causing the victim to die because of succouring."


Objective: To find out the correlation between traffic accident and the ages, sexes, period of time and blood alcohol content of the litigants.


更多网络解释与肇事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident:他驾车时心不在焉,几乎肇事

absence of mind "心不在焉" | His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident. 他驾车时心不在焉,几乎肇事. | in one's absence "某人不在时;某人外出时;背地里"

hit-run driver:肇事逃跑司机

98. 辗过 run over | 99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver | 100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement

hit-run driver:肇事逃逸司机

窄道 narrow road | 肇事逃逸司机 hit-run driver | 之字公路 switch back road

hit-and-run accident:肇事逃逸

textbook 教科书似的,标准的 | hit-and-run accident 肇事逃逸 | i lost it 我慌了,我失控了

hit-and-run accident:驾车肇事逃逸

车祸逃逸 hit-and-run | 驾车肇事逃逸 hit-and-run accident | 自用住宅 homestead; residence for own use

hit-and-run driver/accident:肇事后逃逸的司机/事故

302.照明 illumination | 303.肇事后逃逸的司机/事故 hit-and-run driver/accident | 304.遮阳帘 sunshade, curtain

Sammy Boy was the victim of a hit-and-run accident:萨米男孩,不幸被一辆肇事逃逸车撞死

And finally tonight, the death of a local hero.|今晚最后一则新闻是... | Sammy Boy was the victim of a hit-and-run accident.|萨米男孩,不幸被一辆肇事逃逸车撞死 | Viewers might remember Sammy Boy|观众们也许...

Offending Ship:肇事船舶

offender 违犯者 | Offending Ship 肇事船舶 | offensive cargo 违禁货物

Reportable Accident:需报告的肇事

Repeated Load 重复荷重 | Reportable Accident 需报告的肇事 | Reproduction of accident's scene 肇事现场还原

accident spot map:肇事地点图

"肇事位置档案","Accident location file" | "肇事地点图","Accident spot map" | "偶差","Accidental error"