英语人>词典>汉英 : 聚集的人群 的英文翻译,例句
聚集的人群 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与聚集的人群相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To crowd around and jostle or annoy, especially in anger or excessive enthusiasm


But whenever you have a mass number of people at a location, significant pathology does present itself.


On Sunday, 20 March, AD 242, Mani first proclaimed his gospel in the royal residence, Gundesapor, on the coronation day of Sapor I, when vast crowds from all parts were gathered together.

对周日, 3月20日,广告242 ,摩尼首先宣布他的福音,在皇家住所, gundesapor ,就加冕一天sapor ,我当广大的人群从所有零件聚集在一起。

Consumers will not unfamiliar vendors, such business model will usually hang around crowded places, such as night markets, scenic spots, railway stations and so on.


Simply said, no one is in the line, but a sizeable crowd is starting to gather. 2Day FM staff are walking around the crowd giving away free drinks and popcorn.

简单地前述,没人是在线,但相当大的人群开始聚集。2Day FM 职员走在人群附近任意给饮料和玉米花。

Mind not the timid---mind not the weeper or prayer


Methods: A anonymous investigation was applied in target object in the balneary where MSM massed, and their blood were gathered to take HIV/SYPHILIS tests.


On a visit to Marka he was only slightly less belligerent.


Deadly stampedes are a relatively common occurrence at temples in India , where large crowds — sometimes hundreds of thousands of people — congregate in small areas lacking facilities to control big gatherings.


I bet the biggest crowd outside the Google office in Beijing this morning a crowd of headhunters,' says an only half-joking Dan Brody, an ex-Google China employee and CEO of Koolanoo Group, which operates several Chinese Web sites.

前谷歌中国员工杨丹宁半开玩笑地说,我猜测今天早上聚集在谷歌北京办公室外的人群中,大多数都是猎头。杨丹宁目前是Koolanoo Group的首席执行长,该公司在中国运营着数家网站。

更多网络解释与聚集的人群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.广场恐怖(agoraphobia)不仅指对公开场所发生的恐怖,而且感到在人群聚集的地方,担心不易很快离去,或无法求援的焦虑. 这种地方包括公共汽车站、火车站、书店和超级市场,以及理发室的坐椅上、剧院和电影院当中的一排的坐位上和任何不能迅速离开的地方.

under a blood-red sky:在血色的苍穹下

I will be with you again 我会与你再见面 | Under a blood red sky 在血色的苍穹下 | A crowd has gathered in black and white 黑与白的人群聚集


种族因素的定义是:种族性"(ethnicity)来源于希腊语"ethnos",意思是民族或人民. 种族因素是与种族或以共同特征和习惯而聚集的大规模人群相关的因素. 应注意,因其文化和遗传学的含义,使种族性(ethnicity)这一定义比人种(racial)有更广泛的意义.

ciliary muscle:睫状肌

体视物聚集的睫状肌(ciliary muscle)处于痉挛状态从而不能放松到原来位置.曾有人对两个生活在亚马逊河四周的不同种族进行了一个近视发生率的调查发现在没有受到正规教育和处于乡村生活方式的人群中近视的发生率很低[40].处于一个大量学习和阅读的环境中近视的发生率就会相对提高.而且来自世界各地的数据都显示近视在学龄前很

The Parthenon:帕特农神庙

人群其实大多都聚集在神奇的帕特农神庙(THE Parthenon)附近(布局图9). 这座可以称之为世界上最伟大的古典建筑之一的神庙就如一个王者,在太阳照耀下闪耀着迫人的光辉. 神庙在维修,游客也不可以越过围绕着它的细线靠近它观赏,

Show Me Love:给我爱

t.A.T.u.此次为拍摄她们的单曲>(Show Me Love)的MV,调动了超过100名身着校服的少女,在伦敦西敏寺桥的南部拍摄. 此举遭到了警方反对,原因是在国会大厦附近聚集过多的人群是不允许的. 为此,


"多伦多"(Toronto)系印第安语译音,意为"人群聚集之地". 多伦多位于安大略湖西北部. 它由5个城市和1个自治镇组成,拥有300多万人口,是加拿大第一大城市,北美第三大城市,同时兼有传统的优雅和现代化的繁华,也是闻名于世的金融和工商业的国际大都市.

whizzing:旋离, 离心分离

whizzing 旋离, 离心分离 | turnout n.聚集的人群, 出席者, 产量 | Rwanda-backed 受卢旺达支持的

arms entwined,the chosen few:接踵摩肩无从选择

A crowd has gathered in black and white 黑与白的人群聚集 | Arms entwined, the chosen few 接踵摩肩无从选择 | The newspapers says, says 报纸说这些都是真的

In all panoplies of time:当盔甲待发

In the form of many people 当人群聚集 | In all panoplies of time 当盔甲待发 | Have I seen the luring vision 我看见不可抗拒的诱惑