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The microspore was more like a tetrahedron, whilethe polar was more like a triangle. The number of microspore in every anther wasbetween 2600~3600, so the amount of pollen was quite large that it was propitiousto spread and pollination. P/O was 8088 and the breed system was singleheterosexual copulatoryb. The viability of pollen was normally above 50%. The testof pollen culture showed that the viability of pollen was up to the tiptop under thehigher temperature and lower humidity (38℃,40%),while it was weakest under thelower temperature and lower humidity (16℃,40%).The OCI is 4, and the breedsystem was belong to autocopulation. If it was heterosexual copulatory, there must beintermediums for pollination. It was recorded there were more than 40 species ofinsects on the anthotaxy or followers of Malania Oleifera. Under different weather,different living environments and different plants the frequency and rush hour of theinsects to visit the followers were different. Actions of different kinds of insect werealso different. According to the results of the observation, the form of fluid and seedof Malania Oleifera mostly rely on the action of insect pollination, especially thebees.
Chrysanthemum has head-like inflorescence called capitulum, a dense cluster of stalkless flowers. Capitulum contains two different kind of floret called ray floret and disc floret. Most of Chrysanthemum has both of them.
The faintest color of the bud color is yellow green. In addition, the variation-coefficient of some morphological traits is very low such as the cotyledon length, the cotyledon width, the cotyledon color, the silique length and so on. The Cluster analysis was based on the morphological data. When the genetic distance was 7.61, 21 accessions were clustered into 4 groups. The accessions of the group 1 had white petal, mezzo flower stalk and the earlier pick period, which is divided into two subgroup when the genetic distance was 5. 98. And the model was Ba39 and Ba35. The accessions in the group 2 had the very slender flower stalk and the middle pick period, that model was Ba27. The accessions of the group 3 had yellow petal, the thin flower stalk and the later pick period, that model was Ba43. The main characters of the group 4 were that it had the latest pick period and many leaves.
Flowers solitary, less often in small cymes or clusters, axillary or subterminal, often aggregated into terminal racemes or panicles, usually conspicuous, actinomorphic, usually bisexual.
Flowers axillary, solitary or in cymose clusters, sometimes aggregated into terminal spikes.
Female inflorescences of 1-7 or more flowers subtended individually or collectively by a cupule formed from numerous fused bracts, arranged individually or in small groups along an axis or at base of an androgynous inflorescence or on a separate axis. Female flower: perianth 1-7 or more; pistil 1; ovary inferior, 3-6(-9)-loculed; style and carpels as many as locules; placentation axile; ovules 2 per locule. Fruit a nut. Seed usually solitary by abortion (but may be more than 1 in Castanea , Castanopsis , Fagus , and Formanodendron ), without endosperm; embryo large.
雌花序有1-7朵花或更多花,聚生一壳斗内,壳斗为多数苞片愈合而成,雌花花被1-7或更多;雌蕊1;子房下位,3-6室(-9);花柱、子房室和心皮同数中轴胎座每室2胚株果为一坚果种子通常单生(但是可能在Castanea,Castanopsis,Fagus 和Formanodendron里超过1个),没有胚乳;胚大。
Any of various North American herbs of the genus Hydrophyllum, having pinnately lobed leaves and terminal, cymose clusters of white or purplish flowers.
Pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes.
A leaf of the betel vine .pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes.
Pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes.
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Ageratum conyzoides:藿香蓟
藿香蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)是菊科藿香蓟属一年生草本植物,原产自巴西. 它们喜晒太阳,长於荒地、平地和田边比较乾燥贫脊的土壤上. 藿香蓟的花为白色、浅紫色或浅蓝色,由多朵细小的管状花聚生而成. 株高约50厘米,披白色柔毛,揉碎后有异臭. 茎直立.
此外, 由一朵花中的单雌蕊发育成的果实称为单果(simple fruit); 由一朵花中的多数离生雌蕊发育成的果实称为聚合果(aggegatefruit), 如莲、草莓等; 由一个花序发育形成的果实称为聚花果(collective fruit), 如桑(Morus)、凤梨(Ananas) 等.
绣球花(Hydrangea),也称八仙花、聚八仙、紫阳花、粉团 花、草绣球等. 一向以在严冬开花的常绿树而闻名於世. 寒冬时,乍见粉红色的花蕾和白色的花朵,似乎在告诉人们春天的脚步近了. 花语:希望(Hope)受到这满花祝福而生的人,极富忍耐力和包容力.
毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)毛茛属(Ranunculus)显花植物,约250种,草本. 分布於全世界,北温带的树林和田野尤为普遍. 多具有块茎或须根. 花单生或聚生成稀疏的花簇,萼片5枚,绿色;花瓣5枚,黄色或白色,有光泽;雄蕊和雌蕊多数. 波斯
目前仅有几个品种,如"万岁"(Viva)、"黄昏星"(Evening Star)等. 该品系的特点是:在每根开花枝上着生4~12枝25~35厘米长的花梗,并于顶端开花. 它的花虽与大型多花月季相似,但又不像大型多花月季那样聚成小簇,且花朵直径仅有7~8厘米.
花序聚伞状伞形花序、总状花序或圆锥花序,有时单生;花整齐,3基数(部分为多数),两性或单性;花被6,排成2轮,外轮3片,呈花萼状,内轮3片,呈花瓣状;雌蕊3--20离生(或基部联合),排成1轮或螺旋状排列. 分科本目包括花蔺科(Butomaceae)、泽泻科等3科.
学名Carica papaya LINN番木瓜科(Caricaceae)番木瓜属(Carica). 番木瓜属番木瓜科番木瓜属软木质小乔木,高达8米,有乳汁. 茎不分枝,有大的叶痕. 叶大,聚生茎顶,叶柄长,中空;叶互生,掌状深裂. 全年开乳黄色花,单性,雌雄异株. 浆果大,
[科属]:桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)番石榴属(Psidium) [特性与特征]:常绿小乔木或灌木,高5~番石榴的功效12m,没有直立主干,根系发达. 单叶对生,叶背有绒毛并中肋侧脉隆起. 花单生或2~3朵聚生叶腋,花两性,雄蕊多数,雌蕊1枚.
capitulum ulnae:尺骨小头
capitulationist | 投降主义者 -tory | capitulum ulnae | 尺骨小头 | capitulum | 头状花序, 聚生花,小头,骨端
capitulum /聚生花/头状花序/ | caplet /锭/ | caplin /香鱼科之小鱼[食用]/