英语人>词典>汉英 : 联邦储备银行 的英文翻译,例句
联邦储备银行 的英文翻译、例句


Federal Reserve Bank · reserve bank · federal reserve bank
更多网络例句与联邦储备银行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wall Street has New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, investment banks, trust companies, the Federal Reserve Bank, the utility and insurance companies headquarters.


Some that say Federal Reserve Bank Note and even some that say National Bank Note .


Belatedly, Federal Reserve officials attempted to sop up the excess reserves and finally succeeded in braking the boom.


Interestingly, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank isn't federal, there are no reserves, and it's not a bank.


Initially, it is expected that most of the Federal Reserve Bank direct loans to banks business is to own these banks ...


This money must be in the bank's vaults or at the closest Federal Reserve Bank.


The Federal Reserve System includes 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks and 25 Federal Reserve Bank branches.


There are 12 Federal Reserve Districts in US with one Federal Reserve Bank per district.


The Federal Reserve System is composed of a central governmental agency in Washington, D.C.


Now, the federal government doesn't have complete control over that, but if our plan is effective, working with the Federal Reserve Bank, working with the FDIC, I think what we can do is stem the rate of foreclosure and we can start stabilizing housing values over time.


更多网络解释与联邦储备银行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"美联储"是"美国联邦储备委员会"(FED)的简称. 美联储为美国最高货币政策主管机关,负责保管商业银行准备金、对商业银行贷款及发行联邦储备券. 由于美元在国际货币市场的强势地位,无论哪国央行想要成功干预汇市,

Federal Reserve Bank:联邦储备银行

自1990年,联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank)已经授权银行控股公司的分支机构从事证券业务,这些分支机构被称为"第20条子公司". >更进了一步,因为它允许银行控股公司变成在银行业和投资银行业以及保险业中均有分支机构的金融控股公司(FHC).

Federal Reserve Bank:美国联邦储备银行

在美国,联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank)负责监督银行系统,而美国商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission,简称CFTC)则管理所有期货和外汇活动.

Federal Reserve Bank:(美国)联邦储备银行,美国中央银行,简称

feasibility study 可行性研究 | Federal Reserve Bank (美国)联邦储备银行,美国中央银行,简称 FED | feedback 反馈

US Federal Reserve Bank:美国联邦储备银行

由于AIG无法筹集更多的流动资金,它不得不转向美国联邦储备银行(US Federal Reserve Bank)寻求援助. 由上述例子可见,十亿美元信贷组合衍生出来的三十亿美元CDS合约,其风险没有可能大于十亿美元. 因此,CDS第一个改革的可能方向是多边净额计算(Netting).

federal reserve bank system:联邦储备银行系统

Ferromagnetic Random Access Memory 铁磁随机存储器 | Federal Reserve Bank System 联邦储备银行系统 | Functional Redundancy Checking 功能冗余检查

Federal Reserve Bank stock:联邦储备银行股票

Miscellaneous liabilities杂项负债 | Federal Reserve Bank stock联邦储备银行股票 | Other其他

FRBS Federal Reserve Bank System:联邦储备银行系统(美国)

FRAP Frame Relay Access Probe 帧中继接入探测器 | FRBS Federal Reserve Bank System 联邦储备银行系统(美国) | FRBS Frame Relay Bearer Service 帧中继运载服务

Federal Reserve Board","FRB:联邦储备委员会

,"Federal Reserve Bank",,"联邦储备银行","N" | ,"Federal Reserve Board","FRB","联邦储备委员会","N" | ,"field sales",,"现场销售"

the Federal Reserve:美国联邦储备银行

对於美国的金融机构,美国联邦储备银行(the Federal Reserve)应坚持董事会讨论并记录他们认为是最重大的交易、职位、投资和业务上之风险. 董事们应当公开其公司风险监测和管理的办法. 依他们喜好,他们可以更详尽叙明这些风险和如何避险. 但是,