英语人>词典>汉英 : 联邦主义者 的英文翻译,例句
联邦主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与联邦主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lesson 13 What Was the Anti-Federalist Position in the Debate about Ratification?


Finally, you should be able to evaluate, take, and defend a position on the validity and relevance of Anti-Federalist arguments.


In the minds of many, such a tripartite pact is also code for marginalising the British Conservatives, now that the Tories have formed a new antifederalist group, the "European Conservatives and Reformists", with a band of mostly east European allies.


Like an increasing number of Quebeckers, Mr Dumont refuses to define himself as either a federalist or a separatist.


Of or relating to federalism or its advocates .


It is equally wrong to pretend that Europe was ready for a federalist big bang last autumn.


A prudent Euro-federalist would resist comparisons with Belgium's rotten institutions, described by one Belgian senator as a "particracy" in which power is derived only tenuously from votes cast by the people.


In the minds of many, such a tripartite pact is also code for marginalising the British Conservatives, now that the Tories have formed a new antifederalist group, the "European Conservatives and Reformists", with a band of mostly east European allies.


The Federals helped abolish slavery during the Civil War.


Federalists are convinced this will speed up European integration.


更多网络解释与联邦主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antifederalist:反联邦主义者, 反联邦党员

clutch release yoke lever 离合器分离叉杆 | antifederalist 反联邦主义者, 反联邦党员 | date indicator core 日历座, 日历指示器座


antifederalism 反联邦制度 | antifederalist 反联邦主义者 | antifeedant 拒食素


222.liberalist自由主义者 | federalist 联邦制拥护者,联邦主义者 | antifederalist 反联邦主义者,反联邦党员

world federalist:世界联邦主义者

world federalism 世界联邦主义 | world federalist 世界联邦主义者 | world health organization 世界卫生组织


federate 同盟的 | federation 联邦 | federationist 联邦主义者

World Federalist Movement:世界联邦主义者运动

"世界联邦主义者运动(World Federalist Movement)国际政策研究所(Institute for Global Policy)所长威廉?佩斯(William Pace)对>周刊表示道. 美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)专研联合国事务的教授爱德华?

World Federalist Youth:世界联邦主义者青年

Communaute economique des etats de l'afrique de l'oust;西非国家经济共同体... | World Federalist Youth;世界联邦主义者青年;; | Groupe d'action financial sur le blanchiment de capitaux;洗钱问题金融行动工作...

WFM; World Federalist Movement:世界联邦主义者运动

*WFFS; World Fleet Forcasting Service; 世界船队预报服务社 | *WFM; World Federalist Movement; 世界联邦主义者运动 | *WFMH; World Federation for Mental Health; 世界心理卫生联合会(心卫联)

World Federalists, USA:世界联邦主义者协会美国分会

World Federalist Movement;世界联邦主义者运动;WFM; | World Federalists, USA;世界联邦主义者协会美国分会;; | World Federation for Cancer Care Association;世界癌症治疗协会联合会;WFCC;

World Association of World Federalists:世界联邦主义者世界协会(世联协);;世联协

World Association of Women Journalists and Writers;世界女新闻工作者... | World Association of World Federalists;世界联邦主义者世界协会(世联协);;世联协 | World Association of World Federation;世界联邦主义...