英语人>词典>汉英 : 联合抵制 的英文翻译,例句
联合抵制 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
boycott  ·  boycotted  ·  boycotts

更多网络例句与联合抵制相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When black people start to "mention" the prejudice against them, with sit-on boycott, and ride freedom, American white were incredulous.


After net addiction looms up, some schools have adopted versatile measures: some sent out speacial patrols to deport the students out of internet bars; some signed a petition to boycott net games; some took subsidiary measures such as publishing a concise "holiday brochure "to guide the students to actively enjoy their pastimes .


All of this has prompted Saudi Arabia's grand mufti to call for a boycott of the Turkish series, which he called "evil".


Mr Thaksin was particularly hated by urban Thais because of his open-handed courting of the rural vote, using debt-forgiveness and expensive subsidies for health care and rural development. To many, this was "vote-buying", though it never really went further than canny populism. He had won a thumping election victory in 2001 on the back of such promises. He won again in 2005, and would presumably have won a third time, in the snap election he called in April 2006, had the opposition not boycotted the poll, in effect invalidating the vote.


We boycotted the Panchayat elections of 2038 BS.

我们联合抵制2038 BS年的Panchayat选举。

Yesterday, the Music Copyright Society of China, China's copyright collective management of audio-visual Association and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry Three Music Association announced a boycott of China's largest search engine Baidu music download infringement.

孙琎 昨日,中国音乐著作权协会、中国音像著作权集体管理协会和国际唱片业协会三大音乐协会对外宣布联合抵制中国最大的搜索引擎百度音乐下载侵权。

AN efficient way to protest a compANy' s actions is to join a boycott orgANized by a pressure group.


The split infinitive has been present in English ever since the 14th century, but it was not until the 19th century that grammarians first labeled and condemned the usage. In the 20th century many linguists and writers have rallied to its defense. H.W. Fowler chided that class of people "who would as soon be caught putting their knives in their mouths as splitting an infinitive," but whose aversion springs only "from tame acceptance of the misinterpreted opinion of others."


Mostly the uniform action to limit competition includes the ways of fixed prices, quantity limitation, market division, boycott, exclusive trade agreement, selective sale agreement, franchised agreement, package sales, etc..


During the filming of , I don't think I was being boycotted.


更多网络解释与联合抵制相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


alienation (疏远) | apoplectic (中风患者) | boycott (联合抵制)

Bow-wow theory of language:语言自然模仿说

资产阶级 Bourgeois | 语言自然模仿说 Bow-wow theory of language | 联合抵制,同盟绝交 Boycott

box office smash:卖座率高的演出

box office returns 票房收入 | box office smash 卖座率高的演出 | boycott 联合抵制



society, socialism, dissociate:联合,联系

resist v.抵挡,抵制 resistance, resistant | associate vt.联合,联系 society, socialism, dissociate | relate vt.建立联系;叙述(to)

joint demand:联合需求

joint boycott 联合抵制 | joint demand 联合需求 | joint profit maximisation 联合利润极大化

boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with:联合抵制

border - n. a dividing line between nations 边界 | boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with 联合抵制 | brief - ad. short; not long 简短的

boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with:联合抵制;联合拒绝购买

boy - n. a young male person 男孩,少... | boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with 联合抵制;联合拒绝购买 | brain - n. the control center of thought, emotions and body activity of all creatur...


英国争取妇女投票权的斗争运动中包括许多非暴力策略,例如联合抵制(boycotts)、不合作(noncooperation)、有限地破坏财产、公民不服从行动、群众游行示威、自愿入狱(filling the jails)和扰乱公共庆典.

exclusionary boycotts:排斥联合抵制

excise tax特许权税 | exclusionary boycotts排斥联合抵制 | exclusionary practices排斥的做法