英语人>词典>汉英 : 耐性 的英文翻译,例句
耐性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
endurance  ·  patience

更多网络例句与耐性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not accomplishing the above tasks may mean that you become the object of intolerant treatment from any group you are prejudiced against.


The endurance to Nicosulfuron of different varieties of com is much diversified. Dent corn shows more endurance , hard corn shows less endurance .


The results showed that the loss of desiccation tolerance of imbibed mung been seeds was a quantitative feature, and that the changes in desiccation tolerance of imbibing orthodox seeds could serve as a model system for the study of seed recalcitrance.


After reviewing the previous dissertation on quantitative characteristic trait of recalcitrant seeds, three aspects of quantitative characteristic trait of seed recalcitrant were defined, which are interspecific aspect, intraspecific aspect and individual developmental aspect. And it was supposed that seed recalcitrance was a compound characteristic, with its core composed of desiccation tolerance, low-temperature tolerance and storage tolerance at least, and its concomitants composed of seed size, 1000-seed weight, moisture content at shedding, non-dormancy, systemic taxonomy, ecological and biochemical aspects. Because these core and concomitants are all gradual, transitional and quantitative, it was inferred that seed recalcitrance was a compound quantitative trait.


Nutrition solution culture, ICP-AES, the differential centrifugation technique and sequential chemical extraction method, suppression subtractive hybridization , RAPD were used in this thesis to study the mechanisms of copper tolerance and accumulation by Commelina communis grown in copper mine deposit which was reported to be a Cu hyperaccumulator, compared with C.


Nutrition solution culture, ICP-AES, the differential centrifugation technique and sequential chemical extraction method, suppression subtractive hybridization , RAPD were used in this thesis to study the mechanisms of copper tolerance and accumulation by Commelina communis grown in copper mine deposit which was reported to be a Cu hyperaccumulator, compared with C. communis grown in normal soil. Several aspects were examined, including: difference of copper tolerance and accumulation between C. communis grown in copper mine deposit and that grown in normal soil; difference of growth and nutrient accumunation between C. communis grown in copper mine deposit and that grown in normal soil under copper treatment; physiological differences between between C. communis grown in copper mine deposit and that grown in normal soil under copper treatment; subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Cu in C. communis; identification of cDNA fragments differentially expressed in C. communis grown in copper mine deposit; genetic diversity and copper tolerance of C. communis, tolerance mechanisms to copper in C. communis are discussed.

中文题名鸭跖草对铜的耐性机理和富集特征研究副题名外文题名 Mechanisms of Cu tolerance and accumulation by Commelina communis 论文作者廖斌导师蓝崇钰束文圣学科专业环境科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中山大学学位授予日期2003 论文页码总数128页关键词重金属污染植物修复超富集植物土壤污染铜污染鸭跖草馆藏号BSLW /2003 /X53 /12 论文以本实验室报道的生长于矿山上的铜超富集植物鸭跖草和生长于正常土壤中的鸭跖草为试验材料,分别运用溶液培养法、ICP-AES元素测定技术、差速离心法和化学试剂逐步提取法、抑制消减杂交技术、RAPD技术研究了矿山和非矿山两种生境鸭跖草对铜的耐性和吸收积累的差异,两种生境鸭跖草在铜胁迫下养分吸收和积累的差异,两种生境鸭跖草在铜胁迫下生理反应的差异,以及铜在鸭跖草细胞内的分布及结合形态研究,矿山鸭跖草差异表达的cDNA克隆,铜对鸭跖草种群遗传分化的影响,从这几个方面探讨了矿山鸭跖草对铜的耐性机理。

Mung been ( Phaseolus radiatus L.) seeds were used as experimental material. Germination behaviour and changes in desiccation tolerance of seeds during imbibition, and effect of different dehydration rate on desiccation tolerance were studied.


The problem of plant's tolerance to salt is mainly the tolerance to NaCl. The research is mainly focused on two aspects: First, the study of salt-tolerance physiology in halophytes; second, the study of the injurious physiology in nonhalophytes. Thereby we can understand how to ameliorate or increase the plants'salt-resistance.


In order to clarify the variation of genotypes and mechanisms of frost tolerance at reproductive stage of barley, two winter barley cultivars with different frost tolerance at reproductive stage were used in this study. Photosynthetic apparatus were measured during recovery stage after low temperature stress.


The effects of metal ions on ethanol tolerance of self-flocculating yeast was studied by using a defined medium in shake flask culture. The observed improvement of zinc ion supplementation on ethanol tolerance promoted the further examination of zinc ion effect on continuous ethanol fermentation. Zinc sulfate was supplemented into the fermentation medium at the concentrations of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1gL^(-1), respectively.


更多网络解释与耐性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Durability factor:耐性因数

"双缸抽水机","Duplex cylinder pump" | "耐性因数","Durability factor" | "延时面积曲线","Duration area curve"

O exhaust one's patience,strength:失去耐性,用尽力气

O He exhaust himself in the attempt. 他因十分努力而筋疲力尽. | O exhaust one's patience,strength 失去耐性,用尽力气 | O exhaust a money supply 把钱用光

resulting from lack of tolerance:因缺乏耐性所致

residual tolerance 残留耐量 | resulting from lack of tolerance 因缺乏耐性所致 | rolling tolerance 轧制公差

I have no patience with him, Fred:我对他一点耐性也没有,法迪

As I live. And he believes it.|千真万确,他也如此相信 | I have no patience with him, Fred.|我对他一点耐性也没有,法迪 | I have. I'm sorry for him.|我有,我为他感到难过

I have patience:那就是--耐性

I have something more important than courage/我拥有比勇气更重要的东西 | I have patience/那就是--耐性 | I will become what I know I am/我将成就心所向往的自己


impatient 不耐烦的 | impatiently 无耐性地 | impavid 无畏的

impatiently impatientlyadv:无耐性地

beatrice n.比阿特丽斯(>中人物) | impatiently impatientlyadv.无耐性地 | awakening adj.唤醒的, 激励的


indefatigability 不疲劳 | indefatigable 有耐性的 | indefatigableinexhaustible 不知疲倦的

lactose intolerance:乳糖不耐性

有这种乳糖不耐性(lactose intolerance)的人在中国汉族人以及东亚和东南亚一些国家大都占人口的90%以上,不过在北欧却很少,只有不足5%. 在英国的不同调查结果不一,但一般都在5%到15%之间.

patiently:有耐性地; 有毅力地 (副)

patient 忍耐的, 有耐性的, 容忍的 (形) | patiently 有耐性地; 有毅力地 (副) | patina 绿锈; 神态; 古色; 大铜盘 (名)