英语人>词典>汉英 : 考级 的英文翻译,例句
考级 的英文翻译、例句


grading test
更多网络例句与考级相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to his position at the Conservatorium he was Chairperson of the Australian Music Examinations Board in New South Wales 1980-95 and also served as Federal Chairperson, Deputy Federal Chairperson and Federal Examiner.


I am going to the piano Grading Test.


Wind performance appraisal test gave students great encourage, tight next, after more than two months of training, they played 《Beautiful Flowers in the Open》、《the Same Song》、《the Team Song of Chinese Young Pioneers》systemic and completely. On June 1,2006, the wind played performance reporting, some students played solo. Unisons such as clarinet unison 《Colorful Cloud Chase Month》、flute unison 《Wool Clip》、French horn unison《hope》,solos such as saxophone solo 《 My Heart Will Go on》、《Countryside paths》 and baritone solo 《MaYiLa》Etc.


At present, the first movement, In the Sun, is used as testing material for The Ten-level Piano Tests administered by China Music Association. The second and the third ones are seldomly used in teaching and leave us much room to study and explore.


In addition to covering all the requirements of the aural test component of the practical examination, including pulse and change recognitions, melodic memory and musical understanding, this course also helps students to develop skills in sight-reading by means of class practice.


In addition to covering all the requirements of the aural test component of the practical examination, including melodic memory, sight-singing, chords and cadence identification as well as musical understanding, this course also helps students to develop skills in sight-reading by means of class practice.


In addition to covering all the requirements of the aural test component of the practical examination, including melodic memory, sight-singing and musical and rhythmic understanding, this course also helps students to develop skills in sight-reading by means of class practice.


Wind performance appraisal test gave students great encourage, tight next, after more than two months of training, they played 《Beautiful Flowers in the Open》、《the Same Song》、《the Team Song of Chinese Young Pioneers》systemic and completely. On June 1,2006, the wind played performance reporting, some students played solo. Unisons such as clarinet unison 《Colorful Cloud Chase Month》、flute unison 《Wool Clip》、French horn unison《hope》,solos such as saxophone solo 《 My Heart Will Go on》、《Countryside paths》 and baritone solo 《MaYiLa》Etc.


更多网络解释与考级相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

El Colibri:蜂鸟

v=BElCtsfpkA8Jolios Salvador Sagreras "蜂鸟"(El Colibri)的众多视频(演奏家和业余爱好者的): 在高速下做到音符的饱满和清晰, 不容易弹的, 是RCM(皇家音乐学院)考级的10级练习曲 ...


RCM考级所设级别从入门级(Introductory)开始,继而一至十(Grade1-Grade 10)级,直到表演证书、教师证书. 当你通过教师级别证书考试的时候,意味着你可以从事相应科目的教学,所以,它不是专为业余学琴者而设立的考试,而是一个音乐考试体系.

reference level:参考级

reference frame 参考坐标系,参考系 | reference level 参考级 | reflectance 反射比


运用你的头部、身体、重心(head body weight)去移动,明白(understand)你的双脚,倾听音乐并享受节奏的情感、以及提供如此快乐的运动. 欢迎各地组织的教师、裁判参加本次培训及考级,加入体育舞蹈大家庭,


前段时间考级(kyu)的时候,考完发现满手是血... 今天比较夸张, 几下摆振后, 左手食指根部靠近虎口位置生生被扯下一块皮... 貌似我拧得不是很用力... 貌似其他英国佬没有这种问题...