英语人>词典>汉英 : 考古学上的 的英文翻译,例句
考古学上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The other is to examine in detail the archaeological record just above the charcoal layer.


Today it is one of the most remarkable archaeological sites to be found in Egypt.


This is the beginning of the twentieth century China, a major archaeological discovery, which shocked the world.


The evidence for this cult is mostly archaeological, consisting of the remains of mithraic temples, dedicatory inscriptions, and iconographic representations of the god and other aspects of the cult in stone sculpture, sculpted stone relief, wall painting, and mosaic. There is very little literary evidence pertaining to the cult.


The archaeological find was between 146 and 152 million years old and of "huge scientific value" according to paleontologist Octavio Mateus.


ABSTRACT: By using image processing software, based on the coordinates of clear points in images and the theoretical coordinates of the points in the reference coordinate system, the coordinate relation multinomial of pre-and post-correction control points can be established by means of the digital image correction technique and the coefficient in the multinomial can be sought on the basis of the coordinates of a certain number of control points.

前言 考古绘图一直是考古学研究中不可或缺的重要技术,能够反映考古遗迹的分布状况或者典型器物的多重特征。但是随着考古学研究的深入和对相关技术手段需求的增加,考古绘图技术却始终停留在通过直尺等量取数据、再使用直尺和铅笔绘图的水平上,成图精度很低,周期较长,图形品种单一,远远不能满足现代考古学研究的需要。

With the researches of archaeology and ancient DNA, the authors think the main food resource of Jiangjialiang residents was vegetal, and the results of research show that there were differences in the manner, type and quantity of assimilating food, or hint they had a difference in dietetical habit because some residents got more carnous food than others.


Kr鰌elin and his colleague Rudolph Kuper have unearthedhundreds of geologic samples and more than 500 archaeologicalartifacts—everything from animal bones to cave art—at over 100sites.


Today the word "henge" has a specific archaeological meaning: a circular enclosure surrounding settings of stones and timber uprights, or pits.


For example, works on archaeological discoveries at Tunhuang are grouped with those under Sinkiang rather than under Kansu.


更多网络解释与考古学上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


然而,最近5年来的遗传学和考古学发现改变了这幅图景,催生出一系列新视角,洞悉家猫的世系(ancestry)以及家猫与人类关系的演化. silvestris)这个单一种的后代,但他们无法证实这一点. 此外,这个种的分布范围并不局限于地球上的某个小区域.


seminar 研讨会 | archaeological 考古学的,考古学上的 | archaeological fieldwork 考古学的实地调查

archiepiscopal adj. archbishop:(之职位) 的

47archaeologicala. 考古学的,考古学上的 | 48archiepiscopal adj. archbishop (之职位) 的 | 49architecturala. 建筑上的

Dead Sea Scrolls:死海古卷

西元1947年在昆兰山洞发现的"死海古卷"(Dead Sea Scrolls),被圣经考古之父阿尔拜德教授(W. F. Albright)称之为近世纪圣经考古学上最大的发现. 发现後的60年间,新的古物不断"出洞". 目前已有1,100件手稿,其中有完整的,更有超过100,

archaeological fieldwork:考古学的实地调查

archaeological 考古学的,考古学上的 | archaeological fieldwork 考古学的实地调查 | field trip 实地考察

Household furniture:居家家具

拜西埃(Charles Percier)和封丹(Pierre Francois Fontaine)一样,也借助于考古学上的精密方法,英国的出版物在鼓吹埃及式品味方面也起着指导性的作用,诸如谢尔顿的>(Cabinet Encyclopedia 1804-1806年)、霍普的>(Household Furniture)这些书籍.


我可以通过隔离(isolating)的办法来揭示出它们的具体所在,我把这种级别上的所在称为......考古学的所在. "(Foucaull,1973b:xi)和结构主义不同(尽管福柯的早期分析同结构主义有某些相似之处)(参见 Dreyfus and Rabinow,1982),

Neolithic Period:新石器时代

新石器时代(Neolithic Period)在考古学上是石器时代的最后一个阶段. 以使用磨制石器为标志的人类物质文化发展阶段. 这个时代在地质年代上已进入全新世,继旧石器时代之后,或经过中石器时代的过渡而发展起来,属于石器时代的后期.


他指出"研究"(research)与"普及"(popularization)之间有明显的区别. 他说,在美国目前有很多人对中国政治学、经济学、社会学感兴趣,但是"很少有美国人在中国历史学、语言学或考古学上有真正的学术研究. "这一批评显然得罪了美国劳费博士,


其次是 "历史性",如 "知识考古学" 所声称的,"追踪"(tracing)、"语境化"(contextualization)、"历史性"(historicity)则成为重构历史的重要手段,而对于历史和记忆的发掘都与我们当下的生存意识具有诠释学上的 "视境融合".