英语人>词典>汉英 : 老祖母 的英文翻译,例句
老祖母 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I was beginning to think you were so besotted with love, you'd forgotten about your old grandmother.


Children love to listen to stories about their elders, when they were children; to stretch their imagination to the conception of a traditionary great-uncle or grandame, whom they never saw.


The old grandmother-who had latterly become quite childish-used to sit and listen to all this talk with a superior air.


Tom reached school ahead of time . it was noticed that this strange thing had been occurring every day latterly


Once they brought their old grandmother. Another time they brought their father, the great Sea King.


I was in this environment, was an old grandmother, a big traction every day of the.


Or they inherit a stock from Grandma and tuck it away the same way they did her china.


Then she applied to her old grandmother, who knew all about the upper world, which she very rightly called the lands above the sea.


Then she sent her eldest grandson in a cloud to the top of Mount Shasta, to tell the Spirit Chief where he could find his long-lost daughter.


Pauline candidly admits that some of the ancestors he cannibalized to procreate these monsters were stolen.

Pauline 坦承,有些老祖母级的机器是偷来的,可以用来拆配成新的怪兽。

更多网络解释与老祖母相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


grandmother /祖母/祖先/慈祥的老太婆/溺爱/婆/ | grandmotherly /老祖母的/慈祥的/唠叨的/ | grandnephew /侄孙/侄外孙/


grandmotherfather'ssidegrandamgranddamgrannie 祖母 | grandmotherly 老祖母的 | grandmotherlynaggingpeckishpersnickety 唠叨的


1956年,他执导了第一部短片,1960年,以剧情长片处女作>(Lola)一鸣惊人. 这部影片是他向导演Max Ophuls致敬的作品,Max Ophuls曾拍摄了名作>. 他的夫人是有法国"新浪潮老祖母"之称的阿涅斯.瓦尔达.


然而最了解他并给予他相当多支持的居然是来自祖母佐(Zoe). 在1930年他还是个高中生时,他就已经开始学习滑翔机飞行,1931年时他更成为因斯布鲁克(Innsbruck)附近一座老机场的常客. 他通过A级及B级滑翔机执照的考试,

Symbolism in Porter's Short Story The Jilting of Granny Weatherall:波特短篇小说《被背弃的老祖母》中的象征意义

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Come on. Blue hair, my swampers and raincoat:拜托 蓝发 长得像我一样 还穿着雨衣

It's older than Grandma. Old as this house, probably.|它可能比我祖母还老 说不... | Come on. Blue hair, my swampers and raincoat?|拜托 蓝发 长得像我一样 还穿着雨衣? | Dang! Check out Slugzilla.|当! 看看...