英语人>词典>汉英 : 老兵 的英文翻译,例句
老兵 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
veteran  ·  veterans  ·  vexillary  ·  warhorse  ·  vexillaries  ·  warhorses

old moustache · war horse · The Veteran
更多网络例句与老兵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I just want to tell you, our war history is super duper glorious. Hand-to-hand battles where your bayonet is blood red, we've fought big and small some thousand times. And now, now we are the crack troop of the full mechanized and armoured forces in China. So nobody cries anymore. Don't let the vetarans laugh at you. Vets love to see the roodies cry actually. I remember I used to cry myself apiece when I joined, and my old company commander laughs at me till now…Oh no, my old commpany commander has left already. When he left I cried again…


At the end of the month, I announced that the Veterans Administration would provide compensation to Vietnam veterans for a series of severe illnesses, including cancers, liver disorders, and Hodgkins disease, that were associated with exposure to Agent Orange, a cause long championed by Vietnam veterans, Senators John Kerry and John McCain, and by the late Admiral Bud Zumwalt.


Laodu teachs me to entertain guests not only have a meal these industry established practice, he still told story of a lot of industry to me, he is an oral expression the person that than him literal expression still is close friends, he also is clever and zenithal and tell the person that show extremely, he is very very much to my help, big, he also is us veteran group one of initiator, he or we are veteran the honorary edition of group of forum hunt heads and recruit edition advocate, he is worn with drive of his words and deeds all the time the travel before I am ceaseless.


The blood IgG and IgA level of new soldiers is significantly lower than that of control,But the IgM level is higher than that of control.Conclusion It suggest that old soldiers' paratroop stress is normal,the high stress can be lessen by training.


Membrane permeability, malondialdehyde contents and activities of antioxidant enzymes in Kochia prostrata seedlings were studied under different concentrations of salt stress. The result showed that the membrane permeability and MDA contents increased with the increasing of salt concentrations.

通过不同浓度的盐胁迫对木地肤Kochia prostrata幼苗细胞膜透性、丙二醛和3种保护酶活性的测定,获得以下结果:随着盐浓度的增加和胁迫时间的延长,幼苗叶片的细胞膜透性呈递增趋势,且浓度≥150mmol/L时,细胞膜透性与对照有极显著差异(P.01)。

In1954 it was renamed from Armistice Day and given the added significance of honoring veterans .


Along with the three mayors, the ceremony was attended by the governors of Belgorod, Kursk and Oryol Regions, the heads of the local legislative assemblies, veterans, including Heroes of the Soviet Union and Chevaliers of the Order of Glory, who took part in the Battle of Kursk and the liberation of Belgorod, the heads of veterans' organisations, members of the Victory Russian Organisational Committee, students from the Nakhimov and Suvorov military academies and members of a children's military-patriotic club.


Williams, a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, is using some of his experiences as an Army soldier to help fellow veterans.


Having 2 veteran pitbuls and 2 veteran APCs/Wolverines at the right time at the right place can turn the tide of battle in your favor in an early game situation.


This chapter thereby compare both or multiple versions of writing in order to find an ideal answer to the out-of-place cultural conditions and ethnic reconciliation.


更多网络解释与老兵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Veteran Armorer:老兵锻甲师

33Twilight Drover暮色牧灵RAV | 34Veteran Armorer老兵锻甲师RAV | 35Votary of the Conclave盟会信奉者RAV


express delivery post(特快专递) special delivery mail | ex-serviceman(退伍老兵) veteran | extra time (加班时间) overtime

American Legion:美国老兵会

American Dream:美国梦 | American Legion:美国老兵会 | antitrust legislation:反托拉斯立法

I was a veteran of D-day and Market Garden:我是D日和市场花园作战的老兵

The guys I knew were either gone, or very different from what I remembere... | I was a veteran of D-day and Market Garden...|我是D日和市场花园作战的老兵 | ...had been with the company since its formati...

Veteran NKVD soldier" badge, established 1940:内务部队老兵纪念章(设立于1940年)

07 - model 1932 map pouch 1932型地图包 | 08 - "Veteran NKVD soldier" badge, established 1940 内务部队老兵纪念章(设立于1940年) | 09 - Order of the Red Star 红星勋章

atomic vet:原子老兵;原子退伍兵

lipofilling;脂肪注入法;注脂术;; | atomic vet;原子老兵;原子退伍兵;; | mesures radiologiques;放射性测试;;




housebreak 圈养 | veterans 退伍军人,老兵 | bee-stung lips 厚嘴唇

veterans day:美国老兵纪念日

在美国老兵纪念日 (veterans' day)的长周末之际,决定了去美国首府,Washington DC 走走. 首先说说修课. 这个学期,修了五门科. 两门化学类的,一门化工类的,一门经济,还有一门半计算机半电脑的分析数学. 网上根朋友说了一下自己修的课程,

He is a veteran of the Spanish Civil War:他是一名参加过西班牙内战的老兵

1. veteran n. 经验丰富的人;老兵;退伍战士 | He is a veteran of the Spanish Civil War. 他是一名参加过西班牙内战的老兵. | 2. resort v. 诉诸;求助于;依靠