英语人>词典>汉英 : 翱翔鹰 的英文翻译,例句
翱翔鹰 的英文翻译、例句


hover hawk
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We should be eagles flying high in the sky, being argus-eyed with the great talent and bold vision to tower into the skies; we should be the ocean gathering all the flows together, bursting out as the ocean shows its power; we should be the earth opening its broad world, scouting widely around for talents of the world; we should be the air being low-key, serving quietly and sustainably year by year.


Buteo Any of various broad-winged, soaring hawks of the genus Buteo.


Cried my daughter, Darla, pointing to a chicken hawk soaring through the air.


And the bald eagle soaring to Aaron Copland.


I firmly believe without any doubt that the vivacious eaglet will soar in the immense blue sky she dreams of.


Hover is in extensive vast sky, ground to a stop in billowing 流 cloud, long breeze in穆 in穆, the eagle uses the standing alone mind the flotage in firmamental edge, through his entire life.


I am a slow bird. I want to puff my wings and exert all my strength to fly towards my inmost goal, but I fail over and over. I have imagined that I would become an eagle. I want to hover proudly in the sky, support the golden sun with my wings and stir the floating clouds with my body, but I fail again and again. I have imagined that I would fly to the garden of stars. I want to gambol with stars all over the sky and write peaceful poems in the blinking language of stars, but I cannot make it.


That eagle was also the case began to fall like a stone to go, but going to 涧底 wings when it finally started to hold the body, and began gliding slowly, and then gently patted wings, blue sky on the fly, it more freedom of overflight stretch, the more flying action 越漂亮, This is really a genuine soar, blue sky is it a real home ah!


Walkers fall head-over-heels for the Pyrenean vistas where huge vultures soar on the thermals, art fans love the futuristic fantasy of Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum .


Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago, or take a ride on the only steam-engine train still working in the southeast USA. You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the world's largest bald eagle preserve. And for those who like rides, Dollywood has one of the best old wooden roller coasters,thunderhead.


更多网络解释与翱翔鹰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Banyan:榕树 中国香港 一种树

10-3 Nalgae 尼格 朝鲜 有生气,自由翱翔 | 10-4 Banyan 榕树 中国香港 一种树 | 10-5 Washi 天鹰 日本 天鹰星座

golden eagle:金雕

鹰鹫渐渐多了起来:又一只锈鹰栖在电线杆上,两只金雕(Golden Eagle)的幼鸟在山脊上空翱翔,还有一只美国国徽上的白头鹰(Bald Eagle)停在树上,傲视四方.


弥尔顿(Milton)说地狱的鬼火没有光亮,却能照见黑暗:from those fla鹰隼(hawk)翱翔于九天,自然不怕罡风凛冽. 速度与耐寒是它们与生俱来的才能Chain Mail相当于我国的连环锁子甲,用一个个小环(ring)相衔而成. 如果其色古希腊神话中,


角鹰兽 (Hippogryph) 角鹰兽是古老的魔法野兽,它们的身体既象禽又象雄鹿,可以在卡利姆多的天空中自由翱翔并攻击他们遇到的任何破坏大自然平衡的敌人.


新发现的脚印是当时人们推出各种经济实用的新创意向来是美国国防部高级研究计划署(DARPA)的职责,他们提出的一个最新项目称为"秃鹰"(Vulture). 你可以把"秃鹰"看作一颗物美价廉的间谍卫星,抑或是将其视作你所看到的样子:一种至少能在高空持续翱翔5年的飞机.


但在北美,亦指属於新域鷲科(Cathartidae)的各种西半球鷲类,尤指红头美洲鷲(Cathartes aura). 真正的鵟属於鹰科(Accipitridae)鵟亚科(Buteoninae). 宽的翅膀和散开的圆形尾易与其他猛禽区分. 飞行时缓慢有力地拍打著翅膀,优美地翱翔.

Soring like a eager:像鹰一样翱翔

Across America 跨越美国 | Soring like a eager 像鹰一样翱翔 | With big engines 用巨大的发动机