英语人>词典>汉英 : 翅瓣 的英文翻译,例句
翅瓣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
alulet  ·  squamae  ·  squame  ·  squamula  ·  alulae  ·  lobulus

更多网络例句与翅瓣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fruit dry, of two mericarps united by their faces, and usually attached to a central axis, from which the mericarps separate at maturity; mericarps are variously flattened dorsally, laterally or terete; each mericarp has 5 primary ribs, one down the back, two on the edges near the commissure, and two between the dorsal and lateral ribs, occasionally with four secondary ribs alternating with the primary, the ribs filiform to broadly winged, thin or corky; vittae usually present in the furrow (intervals between the ribs sometimes called the valleculae) and on the commissure face, rarely also in the pericarp, sometimes obscure.


Outer parts of fruit wings not inflated, inner mesocarp layer not sclerified.

果棱薄翅,并非木栓质。 97 Semenovia 大瓣芹属

Fruit a loculicidally dehiscent capsule, schizocarp of 2-5 indehiscent mericarps, drupe, berry, or samara with a single surrounding wing, rarely an indehiscent capsule or nut with lateral style, pericarp bony, leathery, chartaceous, or fleshy, capsules smooth, angular, deeply lobed, transversely flattened and lobed to base, or connate, rarely prickly, laterally winged.


Racemes terminal or axillary. Flowers zygomorphous. Sepals 5, deciduous after anthesis. Petals 3, pink to purple, ca. 8 mm long, the lateral 2 elliptic, ca. 3/4 connate with the keel, which with cristate appendages at apex. Stamens 8. Ovary obovoid, with narrow wings.


The members of the same genus and family were grouped together. The polyogenetic relationships of 8 families were Pyrgomorphidae →Chrotogonidae→Pamphagidae→Oedipodidae→Acrididae→Arcypteridae→Gomphoceridae→Cantantopidae.Pygomorphidae had closer relationships with Chrotogonidae as well as being the most ancestral group. Arcypteridae and Gomphoceridae were the sister groups and had closer relationships with most evolutionary Catantopidae. Tridactylidae was divided firstly as a suborder,which differs from the recent taxonomy distinctly. Haglidae and Gryllidae were grouped into suborder Ensifera, Tetrigidae and 8 families of Acridoidea were grouped into suborder Caelifera, as same as recent taxonomy.


Styles and stigmas 2. Fruit a capsule, dehiscing septicidally, septifragally, or loculicidally and 4-valved; endocarp woody or leathery, usually loose from leathery exocarp. Seeds 1 to many per carpel; if solitary then seed coat thick, hard, smooth and shiny, black or brown; if numerous then sometimes winged and only a few viable.


Calyx ovoid to campanulate, declined in fruit, glandular outside, glabrous or occasionally villous at throat inside, limb 2-lipped; upper lip 3-toothed, middle tooth circular to obovate, margin winged, decurrent, lateral teeth shorter; lower lip 2 toothed, teeth narrower, apex acuminate to spinescent, sometimes approximate.


Sepals spurless; petals basally almost free; basal leaves of flowering stems ovate-lanceolate, persistent; seeds winged

萼片无距;几乎的基部的花瓣离生;花茎的基生叶卵状披针形,宿存;种子具翅 19 S。 barbeyi 离瓣景天

Capsule ellipsoid, 4-6cm long, with 6 longtitudinal ridges and many fine transverse lines, short-beaked at top , loculicidal into 3valves ,seeds flat, red-brown, with ranslucent membranous wing.

蒴果椭圆形,长4~6cm ,具6条纵棱和多数细横纹,顶端具短喙,室背3纵瓣裂,种子扁平,叠生,红棕色,周围具半透明的膜质翅,花期5~7月,果期9~10月。

更多网络解释与翅瓣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


altrose 阿卓糖 | alula 翅瓣 | alum 矾

bastard wing:翅瓣

bast 韧皮 | bastard wing 翅瓣 | bast fiber 韧皮纤维


Acala /阿卡拉/ | Acalyptratae /无翅瓣类/ | Acandi /阿坎迪/


alulae | (昆虫的)翅瓣, (alule )的复数形式 | alular | 小翼羽的,翅瓣的 | alulet | 翅瓣


alular | 小翼羽的,翅瓣的 | alulet | 翅瓣 | alulotion | 铝洗剂(治脓疱病)

calyptrate:帽状体的 有翅瓣类

calyptra /帽状体/ | calyptrate /帽状体的/有翅瓣类/ | calyptrogen /根冠原/

squame:鳞 鳞屑 翅瓣

squamatization鳞状化 | squame鳞 鳞屑 翅瓣 | squamiformcast鳞形铸型


squamous /覆着鳞片的/鳞状的/ | squamula /翅瓣/翅基片/ | squamule /翅瓣/


squamula /翅瓣/翅基片/ | squamule /翅瓣/ | squander /浪费掉/荡/抖擞/

alulae:(昆虫的)翅瓣, (alule )的复数形式

alula || (鸟类的)小翼羽 | alulae || (昆虫的)翅瓣, (alule )的复数形式 | alular || 小翼羽的,翅瓣