英语人>词典>汉英 : 群间方差 的英文翻译,例句
群间方差 的英文翻译、例句


between group variance
更多网络例句与群间方差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:① there was significant difference in all personality traits except stableness and shrewdness among the three groups,(p 05). compared to the standardization samples, military pentathlon athletes were more outgoing, more dominant, more happy go lucky, bolder, tenser, but less suspicious, less apprehensive, and less self sufficient.② there was significant difference in the personality traits of outgoingness, happy go lucky and self sufficiency among the three grades of athletes (p 05). but the international master athletes scores of the personality traits varied little.

结果: ① 3组被试16个因子得分除稳定性和世故性外均存在显著性差异(p 05),方差主要来源于组间;军事五项运动员乐群性、恃强性、敢为性、紧张性和兴奋性较高,怀疑性、忧虑性和独立性较低(p 05);②国际级健将,国家级健将和一般运动员仅在乐群性、兴奋性和独立性上存在显著差异(p 05),国际级运动员各因子得分变化较少,国家级和等级运动员的变化较大。

Firstly, normal mice was given orally by SM(qd×2d), and the dysbacteriosis were caused in them ,and then they were given orally by STM,these mice were formed experimental salmonellosis models ,finally these salmonellosis models were treated by bifidobacterium ,and count respectively the cfu/g of STM number in the mice excrement during different time of therapy,detect the index numbers of liver and spleen respectively, detect content of TNF-a in blood and in spleen respectively.


The nut shape of walnut among 160 walnut germplasm resources was mainly round and ovate, shell texture was mainly smooth and very smooth, Nut diaphragm was leather, Shell crest was degradation and underdevelopment, Shell suture line was low and flat, Kernel colour was light amber, Kernel sapor was fragrant and sweet, Ease of removal of kernel halves was easy.


Methods A randomized cluster sampling was performed to obtain a representative sample of population in Xinjiang Hefeng pastoral area.Blood wag taken from 632 individuals aged 30 and older for measurements of total cholesterol,triglyceride,hish density lipoprotein cholesterolby automatic biochemieal analyzer.The serum levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterolwas calculated according to the formula.

采用整群随机抽样的方法选取新疆和丰县牧区年龄≥30岁的牧民632人为调查对象,其中哈萨克族325人,蒙古族307人;抽取空腹12 h静脉m 3ml,采用日立7600全自动生化分析仪测定血浆总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的浓度,并根据公式计算出LDL-C的浓度,对资料进行汇总,并采用t检验、方差分析或协方差分析的方法观察两民族间血浆LDL-C水平的差异,并进一步采用多元逐步同归分析的统计方法研究其影响因素。

The method uses maximum between-class variance technique,by the optimization of the niching particle swarm optimization object function,the optimal thresholds can be gotten,and the image by use of the thresholds can be segmented.


更多网络解释与群间方差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

betti number:贝蒂数

betti group 贝蒂群 | betti number 贝蒂数 | between group variance 群间方差

between group variance:群间方差

betti number 贝蒂数 | between group variance 群间方差 | biadditive 双加法的


between group variance 群间方差 | biadditive 双加法的 | biangular 双角的


interclass variance 组内方差 | interclass 组内的 | intercluster bus 集群器间互连总线