英语人>词典>汉英 : 群情 的英文翻译,例句
群情 的英文翻译、例句


public sentiment · feelings of the masses
更多网络例句与群情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The whole campus was aflutter with the news.


Not until they had set foot in Paris did they realize into what a caldron of fury they had plunged.


Seething victims and pundits have variously denounced Mr Madoff as a "terrorist", a "financial serial killer" and, most cuttingly, a "turd".


It is hearten of feelings of the masses, high-spirited up a year.


"In the first place the men of the disbanded royal bodyguard and the Regiment of Hohenlohe, suddenly turned loose on to the street of a capital seething with unrest, unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abrupt dismissal, were a potentially dangerous element."


Atop the rostrum he would impugn his enemies, excite crowds to action and deflect his detractors' barbs.


Li's comment might irk some Chinese who have become riled by the case, but his view is shared among mainstream Chinese experts.


The sight of the angry townspeople, however, had frightened Old Lady Peng's maid who had heard Fortunate Flower shriek on the night she was killed.


Now ,Beijing are looking for a nationalistic sentiment and the recognition of its power on the international scene .


It is a linking verb which should be followed by adj., usually by "high"...e.g.: popular feeling ran high 群情激昂...Hog prices are running high


更多网络解释与群情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bohemian Rhapsody:波希米亞狂想曲

比如,他们那首最流行的"我们是冠军"(We Are the Champions)因为常在大型体育竞赛的场合用到,以讹传讹被以为是群情激昂的励志歌曲,实则是首写同性恋的歌;"波希米亚狂想曲"(Bohemian Rhapsody)很多人觉得是主唱弗莱迪.莫克利(Freddie Mercury)得了艾滋病后写的厌世感想,


""可我不会伪装大法(Disguise)啊!""这些杀千刀的NPC!它们为了利用'天赐神兵'提高军团生物的产量,竟然要拿女玩家做祭祀品来祭祀战神阿瑞斯. 这下触犯了众怒,广场上的玩家们现在都群情激愤,正在向主持祭祀的克鲁罗德公爵及其麾下第一悍将约克(Yog)大人讨说法.

eleventh house:第十一宫(宫位)在个人出生图上表示社团、朋友;在世运占星学上代表民意、群情

Electional Astrology 选择占星学以占星的原理选择行事合适的 时间、地点 | elements 元素占星学上指火、土、风、水四元素 | eleventh house 第十一宫(宫位)在个人出生图上表示社团、朋友;在世运占星学上代表民意、群情


169 Boil 沸腾 5 | 174 Fervor 群情激昂 5 | 180 Flashfires 火烧旷野 5


这个消息一经传开,群情大振,因为电击疗法或者脑白质切断术(Lobotomy)都没有那么快的疗效,而且副作用也大得多. 一个组胺拮抗剂是怎么治好精神分裂症的呢?科学家研究了半天,发现氯丙嗪还是多巴胺(Dopamine)的拮抗剂. 这个多巴胺可是大名鼎鼎,

16.They are up in arms about it:16.他们对这件事群情 激昂

[24:04.36]14.You can't walk all over me. 15.Don't insult me. ;14.别以为... | [24:09.67]16.They are up in arms about it. ;16.他们对这件事群情 激昂. | [24:12.68]17.I'd like to dispute my bill this month. ...

Four months later, the ghettos are in flame:四个月后,犹太区开始(群情)燃烧

The champion of the world. 世界... | Four months later, the ghettos are in flame, 四个月后,犹太区开始(群情)燃烧 | Rubin's in South America, fightin' for his name 在美国南部的鲁宾(注:差点被投进牢房的人)...

Exploding feeling nears:<感情在那时到达最高点>

It kicks your ass kick your face<金属让你们群情激愤> | Exploding feeling nears<感情在那时到达最高点> | Now is the time to let it rip<现在随它去吧>


Napoleon Bonaparte:拿破仑 波拿巴 | Rallying:团结,努力振奋群情 | Nucleus:核心,中心